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have never asked for help about a game before but....


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i think i know the ledge your on about and that is the only minikit on that level i havent got lol if u figure it out let me know i also suspect that on the opposite ledge is where you will find the power birck for that level i have tried jumpin off the flowers and canisters, i also suspect ( but i could be completely wrong) that part of the answer to the problem is by the ledge there are the rocks and by them are three piles of can things now if u us the force on the cans it puts them into three piles of cans on the three rocks i am not sure but i think that u just need to find something to put on top of them as a sort of ledge but that is just a theory and i can't find anything to use lol

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Wow... Never thought my little bro would end up getting the minikit for me.


I came accross him playing and I saw him just get the minikit on the ledge, I asked him "how the heck did you get on the ledge??" and he says that you use the force on those cans and you jump onto the middle one and just jump on them just as you get on them....


Never saw that coming, if someone else has a different solution they're still welcome to post it though.

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