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Over-modding? Mod Problems!


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Allright, I have recently been trying to make my game as good as it was when it was uncut(atleast until team gizka finishes) and Now it's locking up and the colers are all weird, pleez tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Mods I have installed:


Sith Assasains have lightsabers

Restored decompiled scripts

Ultimate Saber Mod

The Master Vosh mod.


What am I doing wrong? (Edit) Is it possible to over-mod the game?

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Unless the mods conflict with eacho other, it's not possible to overmod the game.


I think it is possible to "overmod" without mod conflicts, depending on what type of hardware you have. If you use too many high-res or non-compressed textures or very high-polygon models for example you may run out of VRAM which would slow down the game very noticably unless you have a graphics card with lots of memory. :)


http://pcgamemods.com/mod/14269.html puts in dialauge options not seen in the released game.


That is not a mod, it's a modder's resource. She has used DeNCS to decompile most of the module-specific scripts in the game and made them available so other modders don't have to do the same to use those scripts. The scripts themselves do nothing at all if you just put them in the override folder, the game does not use NSS files for anything.

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