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Accessing the OJP Source (Pre-SVN Posts)


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simply searching for "SaberSys" (without the qoutes) should get you everything you need. Maybe you're not searching in the correct area,which I either set to the entire solution or the root directory of all the source code files.

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Meh. I can't get the direct access working (like everyone else :)). I get as far as trying to log in, but it rejects my password. It might have something to do with the SSL certificate (if I don't include the .cvsSSLkeys file, I get the same error) but I took care to download the most recent version from Freepository's site. Any ideas?

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Here's the connection log from my last attempt:

In C:\Documents and Settings\Chris\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\OJP: "C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-q" "checkout" "-P" "."

Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password
cvs [checkout aborted]: authorization failed: server freepository.com rejected access to /fp1/222yx9P6fFHQYOpenJediProject for user sushi

Error, CVS operation failed

In : "C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-q" "login"

Logging in to :sserver:sushi@freepository.com:3025:/fp1/222yx9P6fFHQYOpenJediProject
cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server freepository.com rejected access to /fp1/222yx9P6fFHQYOpenJediProject for user sushi

Error, CVS operation failed

In : "C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-q" "login"

Logging in to :sserver:sushi@freepository.com:3025:/fp1/222yx9P6fFHQYOpenJediProject
CVS Password: cvs [login aborted]: received interrupt signal

CVS operation aborted by user request

Error, one of the CVS operations failed


Using connection string:



I'll refrain from posting the SSL key here. :)


If nobody has any ideas, I'll contact the admin when I have time.

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Good news... I finally got it working.


It turns out I WAS using the wrong connection string. I'd selected the first one listed for "WinCVS and TortoiseSVN," not the second one designated for Freepositories created before 2006. My bad... :)

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So am I. Next question: why didn't my checkout grab everything? When I go into my freshly checked out folder, there is no "Enhanced" directory. There's "Basic" and "Betaserver" and "Vehicles" but no "Enhanced." The odd thing is, when I checked out (and updated after just to be sure) it listed files in that directory. Where did they go?

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Can't get direct access with TortoiseCVS. I followed all the steps but when I do check-out it always ask me my password (the one I use for login to freepository) :

In D:\JA Coding\OJP CVS: "C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-q" "checkout" "."

cvs.exe checkout: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password

cvs.exe [checkout aborted]: authorization failed: server freepository.com rejected access to /fp1/222yx9P6fFHQYOpenJediProject for user alexx860

Error, CVS operation failed

In : "C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-q" "login"

Logging in to :sserver:alexx860@freepository.com:3025:/fp1/222yx9P6fFHQYOpenJediProject
cvs.exe [login aborted]: authorization failed: server freepository.com rejected access to /fp1/222yx9P6fFHQYOpenJediProject for user alexx860

Error, CVS operation failed

In : "C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-q" "login"

Logging in to :sserver:alexx860@freepository.com:3025:/fp1/222yx9P6fFHQYOpenJediProject

Error, CVS operation failed

Error, one of the CVS operations failed

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That's almost exactly the problem I was having...for me, it turned out I wasn't using the right CVSRoot string. I needed to use the LAST one listed on the freepository page.


Also, if you've changed your Freepository password since getting the CVSRoot string, you need to enter your OLD password when you try to check out. Tricky. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a coding question for anyone who can help. Just for fun, I located the code for the double DP damage when hitting a runing person. If I wanted to make a patch for 0.0.9d to add that in, how would go about doing that. This fix wont be necessary for very long obviously, but if I knew such a thing, I think it would help me greatly in learning how to code. Can anybody give me a detailed description of how to do it (without too much computer jargon, because Im kind of stupid when it comes to that stuff! LOL)? I may also try changing the lunge damage as well since it appears to be apart of the same code block.

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Lol you want to make it damage X 2000 against runners, don't you? I know it!


No I was actually hoping for X 4000. LOL! No but seriously, version 0.0.9d doesnt have any running penalties. I was hoping to add the X 2 DP penalties for running back in and lower the lunge DP damage possibly even back to normal hit damage. Heck, because we found out that running is still a bit too powerful for this mod, I might even make the running damage X 2.5 until we can come up with something else. That should make it penalized just enough so only the best runners can do well.


Just recompile the game .dll and then package it up in a .pk3.


Well, I'm not entirely sure how to do that, but I could probably figure it out (I think the directions are with the code development pack anyways). Do you have the most recent code that includes the mishap meter at the repository, btw? If not, Do I have to recompile and put in the whole thing or can I just pick out running code somehow? If the code I have is old and I put the whole w_saber cv file in, wont that disable some of the new code or something? Like I said, I am stupid at this. Help me oh great Jedi Guardian of the Newbie Questions (bows down)

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