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[FIC]The unexpected Dark lord

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Chapter 4. And I will only post new chapters on weekends from now on. And come on Jae, you're editing posts but not replying, what's that all about? And any credit I give will be posted when I finish the fic.



Chapter 4-Pain for all


Brianna cried out in pain as she fell to the mysterious Sith's blade. His cloak completely covering his face. Who was he? Bastila and Revan were the only ones left standing in his way. The rest were dead. He attacked...


Revan woke up. He was all sweaty from his nightmare. He looked to his right. Lying next to him is Bastila, the one he loves. His soon-to-be wife. Revan got up. It was only 5o'clock in the morning. He walked to the kitchen of the Jedi temple where he started making a cup of Trandoshan coffee when Master Vandar walked in.

"Something bothering you, perhaps?" He asked.

"Actually Master Vandar, yes, their is." Revan replied.

"Tell me about what's bothering you."

"I, I just feel like their was something more for the capture of Rick. Something we didn't notice. Something deadly."

"What else could their possibly be? Rick is here now, no longer with Sith."

"You're probably right, it's probably nothing. I should get back to bed." Revan finished his coffee and walked back to his room.


"Come on Revan, we haven't got all day!" Yelled Bastila in frustration.

"I'm coming." Replied Revan.

"I am only allowed to see my mother for 2 hours a day and you're messing around wasting it."

"We still have an hour and forty-five minutes. How much longer do you need?"

Bastila didn't reply, she just kept walking to the reception.

"I am here to visit my mother." Told Bastila to the lady at the reception.

"Name?" She asked.

"Helena Shan."

"Okay, here we go..." She paused for a moment. "I'm so sorry, but it seems she passed away 2 days ago."

"She's...gone?" Bastila asked. She broke out in tears. Revan wrapped his arms around Bastila trying to comfort her.

"I can't believe she's gone."

"Come on Bastila, lets go back to the temple."


Back at the Jedi temple, Rick and the others were having a bit of trouble with a Sith Marauder. He wore a black cloak, his eyes glowing red showing that he was using his rage to attack. A technique all Sith Marauders have mastered. He was defeating the Jedi with ease. Revan and Bastila came back just in time. They joined the fray.

"How can you guys be having trouble with one Sith?" Revan asked himself. But he soon found out. He was more powerful than any adversary he ever fought. More so than Malak or any True Sith. The marauder lunged at Rick who blocked and counterd with an attack of his own. But he was over-powered. Rick flew to the wall. Jolee, who had all but mastered the Force, attempted to blow him back with a Force wave. But it had no effect. He was completely resistant to the Force. He went to decapitate Jolee, but Master Vandar blocked the attack. But he was left vulnerabale. The Sith stabbed Master Vandar straight through the heart. He fell on the floor, lifeless.

"Master Vandar!" Bastila yelled out. She had lost two people who were close to her in one day. "You'll pay for that!"

"Bastila no!" Revan screamed out. The Sith went to slice off bastila's legs, but she jumped over his blade. Rick regained hias consciousness. He attacked aswell. But he and Bastila only got knocked back.

"Now you know the power of the Dark Side!" He said. "But I cannot kill you, masters orders. But I will give you a present." He dived at Revan, cutting off his left arm. He ran for the door and left.

Revan fell on his knees in pain. So did Bastila who felt the pain through their bond.

Canderous, Zaalbar, Mission, Atton, Mira and HK walked through the door. Canderous started speaking.

"Hey guys, we're back from Onder... what the hell happened here?"

"We were attacked."Said Brianna. Revan got up.

"Revan." Bastila said in a worried tone. "Don't over do it, it will make the pain worse."

"Don't worry, i'm gonna go lie down."

"Threat:If anyone touches the Master consider yourselves charcoal meatbags."

Everyone just ignored him. Bastila and Rick went with Revan.

"We're gone for a day and already bad stuff happens." Said Atton. "Who want's to play pazaak?" They walked off to the lounge room.


"Rick." Revan started. "Who was that Sith?"

"I have no idea." He replied. Bastila gently kissed Revan on the forehead.

"Feeling better?" She asked

"Yep." Revan sat up. He used the Force to control the amount of pain he feels. "I feel like I know that Sith from somewhere." Revan thought for a moment before continuing. "That's it! He served under me in the Mandalorian wars. Matgr was his name."

"He served under you?" Asked Rick.

"Yeah, he was in the attack on Dxun. But I thought he died."

"Well he seems very much alive." Said Bastila.

"Roaaaaarrrrrrr!" They heard Zaalbar roar from the lounge room. They ran in that direction. Mission was lying on the floor.

"What happened?" Asked Revan.

Mira spoke up. "Atton lost his credits at pazaak, so he threw away his blaster and it fired prematurely and hit Mission." Revan bent over Missions body. He put two of his fingers on her neck.

"She's alive." He said, "She still has a pulse."

"Quick, we have to get her to a hospital!" Said Rick They ran to where the swoop bikes were held.

"Put her in one of those ambulance swoop bikes. I'll drive." Said Revan. They shot off heading towards the hospital.


Revan carried Mission to the front desk.

"We need help. She got hit by a blaster that went off prematurely." Said Revan

"Follow me." said the receptionist. As they walked down the corridor, they passed Helana's old room. Bastila stopped. She stared at the now empty bed. Suddenly, in front of Bastila, Helena had appeared. The Force was giving them one last chance to say goodbye.

"Mum, I..." She couldn't finish the sentence.

"Don't worry about me, I have done all I could to help you, now you take charge of your own life."

"So is this, goodbye?" Asked Bastila, with a tear running down the side of her face.

"Yes, it is."

"Goodbye mother."

"Goodbye." Helena disappeared. Bastila was back in the hospital. She ran to catch up with the others.

Mission was laying in the bed with some sort of medical computer attached to her.

"Nurse, will she be alright?" Revan asked.

"She'll be fine." She replied, "She just needs some rest."

"Revan repeated that to Zaalbar who gave a nod of approval. The group went back to the temple.


Another chapter under the belt. Hope you enjoyed it. :)

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Uh, if your talking about when Revan asked Bastila to marry him, she said yes. First line of chapter 4

'The one he loves, his soon-to-be wife.'


Ahh .. would ya look at that! *Heh, awkward* lol, i like .. .completely missed that whole chapter! :o How, i do not know ... anyways, i just read it, and i stick by what i said just before. Great work :D


*Runs and hides*

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Finally, another chapter. Enjoy! :)



Chapter 5-Mysteries


"Mission, are you okay?" Asked Revan.

"Yeah." Mission replied, "Just a little dizzy." She got out of her bed and walked to the main room of the temple. Atton was sitting there watching a holo-disk. He stood up.

"Mission," He started, "I'm sorry I shot you, I didn't mean to."

"Hey, don't worry about it, everybody makes mistakes." She replied. Revan walked into the room with Bastila. They were arguing about Revan's arm. Bastila was saying he should get a robotic arm to replace his chopped-off arm, Revan saying he doesn't need a replacement arm. Revan started speaking.

"We have an order of supplies on Kashyyyk that needs to be picked up, we need three people to go and pick it up, any volunteers?" He asked. Mission and Atton immediately shot their hands up.

"Good that's two, but we need three." Revan repeated. Rick's hand went up aswell.

"Good." Said Revan. "You leave in three hours." Revan and Bastila walked off, you could hear them talking about their wedding, it is one week away.


Rick, Atton and Mission boarde the ship they have been supplied with. It was fairly big, about three quarters the size of the Ebon Hawk. On the side of the ship, it's name is written in cursive. "Escalade".

"Atton." Said Rick, "I'll pilot."

"Your choice, just don't screw up." Replied Atton.

Rick got the Escalade off the ground and into hyperspace. He punched in Kashyyyks' co-ordinates and put the ship on auto-pilot.

"Two hours until we get there, best get comfy." Said Rick. The three spent most of their time playing pazaak, with Rick winning. The rest of the time was spent chatting and drinking alcohol. The time flew past, and soon, they were at Kashyyyk. Rick brought the ship into the docking space. Freyyr came out to greet them. "RRRRRRRR." He said. His translator transleted that into galactic basic. "Welcome followers of Revan. Him and any of his friends are always welcome here."


"The supplies you ordered are in my village, would you like me to get them for you?"

Rick nodded, and the followed Freyyr to their village. Everybody was greeting them and sayng thank you for getting rid if Czerka. They soon made it to the village. Freyyr walked into his hut and soon came out with three barrels of supplies. Rick, Atton and Mission took one barrel each, and walked back to the Escalade. "Goodbye!" They yelled.


The translator spoke. "Goodbye."

They loaded the cargo onto the ship, and prepared to take off. Rick took the ship into hyperspace, but he was going somewhere else besides Coruscant.

"Rick?" Atton asked, "Where are you going?"

"You'll see." He replied.

"No, we are heading back to Coruscant this instant!" Rick froze Atton and Mission with stasis.

"There is something I must do." Rick walked into the cargo hold where he put on a brown robe.


Revan and Bastila were in the garden meditating when they recieved a message from Rick.

"Revan, come to Korriban quick, I have found something!" The transmission ended.

"What was that all about?" Asked Bastila.

"I don't know, but it sounded important. Come on, lets go."

Revan and Bastila went to their ship two person ship.

"Canderous, tell Jolee we're going to Coruscant." Sadi Revan.

"Sure." Replied Canderous, "Good luck with whatever you're doing.


On Korriban, in the Valley of the Dark Lords, a mysterious Sith in a brown robe completely covering his face, was talking to Matgr, the Sith marauder who attacked the temple.

"They are coming." Said the mysterious Sith. "I want them destroyed. I am going to Mustafar where we are all gathering, I want you there when Revan has been destroye."

"As you wish, my lord." Said Matgr. The other Sith walked to the place where his ship was being held. He flew to Mustafar, leaving Matgr nothing to do but wait. But he didn't have to wait long. Revan and Bastila landed with their ship, they hopped out.

"What do you think Rick found?" Bastila asked Revan.

"I don't know. Bastila look out!" Revan pushed Bastila aside, making a bolt of Force lighting narrowly miss her.

Matgr walked out of the shadows.

"You." Said Revan.

"Yes, me. How is your arm? Oh wait, I chopped it off." He ignited his double-bladed lightsaber. Revan and Bastila did the same.

"This shall be the place of your death Revan!" He yelled. He ran at Revan swing his lightsaber. Revan parried, and continued with a flurry of his own. Matgr pushed Revan away with the Force, he went to follow him but he was stopped by Bastila. She swung at Matgrs' head, but he ducked and kicked Bastila in the shin. Revan tried to hit him from behind, but Matgr dodged, getting just a cut on his shoulder. Matgr closed his eyes and opend them. His eyes turned red. He was using rage. He jumped over Revan's attack and stabbed him in the side of the leg, he then tried to stab Bastila, but she blocked his attack. Bastila tried to put Matgr in a Force whirlwind, but it had no effect. He froze Bastila in place with a stasis. He turned around in time to see Revan running towards him. He used the Force to summon a Force wave, knocking Revan into the wall. Bastila may have been frozen, but she could clearly see what was happening. Revan was on the ground leaning against the wall. It was at that moment, the she saw something she had never seen before. Fear. Their was fear in Revan's eyes.

"You are scared Revan, fear. Fear is a powerful ally, it makes you strike to kill. But that is a lesson that you shall never learn, for today, you will die." Matgr raised his blade, ready to deliver the final blow. As his blade went down, Revan rolled out of the way. He stood up and, using the Force, made some loose rocks hanging above Matgr, fall on top of him. At that moment, Bastila un-froze.

"Come on Bastila, we have to go, those rocks won't hold him." They ran to their ship. Revan punched in the co-ordinates for Coruscant.

"Where is Rick?" Revan asked himself. They left Korriban and headed to Coruscant. Behind them, the rocks covering Matgr, started moving. They finally flew in different directions. Matgr was standing there. "I'll get you for this Revan!" He shouted. He walked to his ship.


The mysterious Sith had just landed on Mustafar. He was standing on a platform so all the Sith could see him. He is their leader. He took off his hood. It was... Rick.


Their goes another chapter. :D

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