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Napster Usernames?


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I forgot... it's either brief, drbriefs, or docbriefs. Haven't used Napster for quite some time.


Aside from being on a lowly 56K (I don't use it while at work), which means you'd only be downloading from me at 33.6K at best (upstream limitations for analog modems), most of the songs that I have can probably be found just about anywhere, with the exception of some Japanese & video game songs.




"Hey fella....

 I bet you still live in your parents' cellar...

 Downloading pictures of Sarah Michelle Gellar,

 And posting, 'me too' like some brain-dead AOLer.

 I should do the world a favor and cap you like Old Yeller!

 You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller."

  --Weird Al Yankovic, It's All About the Pentiums

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