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Sunry trial.


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if i remebre corectly you get dark side points for letign him be exicuted but then agine if you deny that he didnt kill her then youd still have to get dark side points for lieng but then agine he might of murder ehr but by saveign him your at elast saveign soem budy but who knows now iv confused my self

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Oke that's really bad Englisch. Personally I dindn't understand half of it.


Then your answer, if you tell he's guilty you will get DS point if you let him get executed, if he doesn't get executed you won't get DS point. If you do represent him when you know he is guilty you will get DS points.

It is possible I made a mistake so no promises.

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Spoiler tags would be good here. We are getting a lot of people who are new to the game, and we don't want to ruin the surprise for them. Here is how you do it: [The word "Spoiler"]the part you want to hide[/the word "Spoiler"].


To answer your question, I do not believe

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I have never managed to get him off, myself.


All you have to do to get him off is talk to all the witnesses, find out as much as you can, and tell the judges stuff that will actually help him. Don't tell them stuff like "He was wounded so there's no way he could've killed her." That kind of stuff will help influence with some judges but lower influence with others.


Then your answer, if you tell he's guilty you will get DS point if you let him get executed, if he doesn't get executed you won't get DS point. If you do represent him when you know he is guilty you will get DS points.


I thought you only got DS points if you talk to Sunry, you get him to admit his guilt, but you help him get off anyway. O well...maybe I was wrong.

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