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Post all your suggestions to Gaber.


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i'd like to know if the scenario/map editor is starcraft like or ra2 like, in starcraft you got put everything, in ra2 u move a few sliders and press the make button and it makes a random map, i reeeeeeeeally hope its starcraft like!!!

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

For those of you who didn't know, there will be a chat event with Gaber, there you can post all questions like:


-Why are buildings so strong?

-Why is aircraft so weak?


And anything alse you can figure out. Maybe he'll tell us why these things happen.


Chat Event - 10.09.01

LucasArts.com will be hosting its second Chat Event with Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Director, Garry Gaber. The chat will take place on Tuesday, October 9th from 6-7 pm. Mark you calendar, pass the word and get your questions ready!


1) Will there be a better balance between Fortresses in units?


2) Will they be tweeking the animations...especially the Jedi who, while converting slash all about...


3) The release date


4) What (if any) are the improvements made to the scenario editor?


5) Will they have trackable Multiplayer stats?


6) How many missions are planed for the game?


7) How many different terrains are there? (i.e.- Desert, City, Space)


8) Are their cheat codes for this game?


9) Will taunts be customizable as in the demo game?

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Guest Cheddario

I hope all the great scen design bugs (such as walking on water, I hope I can make mechs float around in space :D) from AOK will still be here :) No matter how choppy our lousy or bad or too small or too big you think the animations are, this game's graphics will be easily moddable. There is already a modding program for AOK, I've made a cheese terrain mod for it, andmany other great mods have been made for it. Considering AOK and Battlegrounds use the same engine, it should be really easy :)

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Originally posted by Cheddario

I hope all the great scen design bugs (such as walking on water, I hope I can make mechs float around in space :D) from AOK will still be here :) No matter how choppy our lousy or bad or too small or too big you think the animations are, this game's graphics will be easily moddable. There is already a modding program for AOK, I've made a cheese terrain mod for it, andmany other great mods have been made for it. Considering AOK and Battlegrounds use the same engine, it should be really easy :)


They use the same engine but the GB staff has tweeked it considerably...

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Guest Magnus_Locke

I want to know if there are plans to tweak the aircraft and make them strafe instead of fire stationary. That really bugged me.

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The Fambaa Shield Generators probably work the same as the rebel/imperial shield generators, in that they most likely have the same range. The thing about the Fambaa Generators though is that they are mobile. Tooyappa!:jawa

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Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

Im asking; Why do air craft fire stationary when attacking a target. why not have them do a pass by?


Physically it is less stressful on the game engine. Imagine an army of 30 Tie Bombers strifing a command center. That would be a large burden on the game engine and the modems of the players.


I agree with the Bombers looking gay, though. I've never seen a fuzzy green ball in the star wars movies :D

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I like the look of the green balls but I just dont like the animation, like the bombers dont have to stop but they dont have to do amazing manuvers either if they just flew over and dropped there payload it would look alot nicer.

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