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[FIC]Star Wars: Order of The Sith Lords

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  • 11 months later...

Well after all this time I finally got the second chapter finished and posted. For those who were waiting for it...sorry it has taken so long. Hope you all enjoy.


I will be writing chapter 3 soon. I know that the new Darth Bane book will be out soon, so I might wait until after I have read the new book before writing my new chapter.


Also if you see any mistakes be sure to let me know.

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Dude great story it really grabbed my attention. U were also really smart to take on the Darth Bane topic. Most people don't do that.

Thanks. I agree with you, Darth Bane is a vital part in the EU and not too many people seem to be all that interested. It was surprising to see Path of Destruction come out and even more hearing about the new one on the way.

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I forgoI forgot all about this story.

I had to read the Prologue and Chapter 1 again, haha.


Great work with both chapters.

I loved the Path of Destruction book, and although there is a sequel on its way, I still think that this would make a good sequeal also.


I hope you add another chapter up soon :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Holy cow!!! I'm a bit new to these forums, opened this thread because there was a new post today. I didn't look at the date of the OP till the subject of reading DB:Path of Destruction came up. I can't believe you wrote this prior to reading that book! When I was done with PoD THIS is what I was expecting to read for the sequel!

GREAT JOB:thumbs:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sad to say, I can no longer continue writing this FIC of mine. I just have not had the time lately. So to those who have read, commented, and asked for more sorry! But I WILL NOT have this thread locked just in case I change my mind. ;)


On a good note I will continue to utilize my writing abilities and will be writing some short FICs.


EDIT: I will be adding chapter 3 very soon!

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