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Darth Nihilus: Sith Lord or not?

The Architect

Darth Nihilus: Sith Lord or not?  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. Darth Nihilus: Sith Lord or not?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I'm not sure to be honest
    • Who cares?
    • A Sith Lord in name only, not in mind or spirit

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I was under the impression that to be a sith didn't necessarily mean to have darth in your sith name. The word Darth is similar to some other deriviation to an ancient greek word meaning immortality, or something like that. Ironic how most either died of violent means or repented. There were some who got away.


So far as I can see, the ways of the sith have evolved with time so probably 'hold some water' (metaphorically speaking)-in that there are truths to their teachings even if they counter or contradict other truths (perhaps both sith and jedi use half truths or fallacies of otherwise non-functional philosophy?); though most if not all sith were selfish and subjective. Uninterested in preserving, achieving, or nourishing the well being of the common good.


Somebody tried to argue with me that Plagueis was a compassionate and selfless sith. It could also be argued he saved the ones he loved from dying out of his own selfish greed.


Simply a code of license/justification for destruction and self riteousness it would appear to some.


Nihilus used the teachings, then went on to further his own interests; which is what most sith do anyway, regardless of time or establishment as history has shown. In that light he's a sith.


Yet, it could be so that he saw himself as all powerful and superior to even sith. He broke the established teachings of the time and betrayed his old master. Went upon his own path of total darkness. Though he was largely a puppet of the nothingness, the void, the hunger that plagued him. But if the teachings are that of usurping/betrayal- how can we say nihilus wasn't a sith since he would have been following that teaching to the letter?


If the teachings are of destruction or end in eventual destruction how can there be any establishment of sith to begin with?


Darth bane sought to betray the many other unworthy. Who can say he is a sith if he violated the past ways of the sith to create his own?



Though, the jedi could be considered family breakers too; who'se to say what the will of the force really is? The force sensitive newborn child they take from a family... meant by the force to serve as a jedi or meant by the jedi saying it's the will of the force? They would deprive the child a life of love and nurture. Any disagreeing parent who goes to extremes is subdued, punished, even killed of need be.


With all due respect--evil is evil is evil...what does it really matter whaether he was sith or not?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nope. Not a Sith. Has the trappings of a Sith from a distance (insatiable hunger for power and preying on Jedi), but not the passions - the craving to achieve greater power, to claw one's way to another victory and break their restrictions. He's more like a terntarnek, a Force Vampire, or a Korriban Force Zombie.


Plus, when a Sith chooses his apprentice, he is choosing his sucessor, his child, his eventual killer. Nihilus cultivates no such power and ambition in Visas Marr, keeping her a broken slave.

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  • 1 month later...

Darth Maul was not a sith lord but that still entitles him to the title Darth, despite the misleading definition of the title. A sith lord is the evil equivelant of a jedi master.


Darth is a title to any sith deserving of the name.


As for Darth Nihilus? He "looks inward only seeking to increase his own power" how is that not a sith lord? He is just a sithlord that cares not for the 'ways' of the sith and only wants to further his power.


In a way that makes him more a sith

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well, "THERE IS ONLY PASSION" and yes, anything else is optional, even the whole "rule of the two" thing. So basically you are sith if you care to embrace your passion, to gain power and to wield it ... oh yeah you have to wield the force also. You just can't be a non-FS Jedi/Sith.

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The rule of two does not apply at all in the KotOR age, since it was not established until Darth Bane introduced the rule about a thousand years before the movies era. KotOR is set about 4000 years before the moves, and so 3000 years before the rule of two goes into effect. You can therefore have as many or as few sith lords in any KotOR game or comic books as you like.


We know there are non-Jedi/Sith force users in Star Wars - in TSL Chodo Habat is one, for example - the d20 Star Wars RPG calls them "force adeps". They just aren't anywhere nearly as powerful as a jedi or sith (or dark jedi or grey jedi)

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Well, them Witches are quite powerful, and there are othert orders also. Remember, the force is only one of the many ways to get things done. While a Force Adept may not be as good when it comes to force power generally, he got more time and effort into other skills and knowledge, things that most jedi would not even think of doing..

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  • 4 weeks later...

unless they are tech-hating religious nutcase who lives inside the tummy of a crab as I have said...


BTW, fate does not always have to be related to the force. I mean, for RotJ it is possable that DSII is destroyed w/o the help of any force ability(since I am not going into the stupid argument of Leia charming Ewoks unknowingly with the force).


Yes Jedi/Sith are powerful, but many factors are in play. Sure, you can say that its the will of the force...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Sith in appearance and nature maybe - but Nihilus was not really a physical emnity anymore, more of a 'spectre of the force' that fed off the force to keep itself sustained; Nihilus is best described as 'nothingness' in my opinion.


Yes, but that doesn't mean that he's not sith. He uses the force, is dark sided, and learned ancient secrets in the Trayus Academy. In my book that makes him as Sith as Darth Revan, Traya or Sion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As stated in the first line of the first post in this thread he cares nothing for the teachings of the Sith...But I think he is still a Sith, because to a degree he uses Sith teachings. He is willing to suck the life out of absolutely anything Sith, Jedi, or otherwise to further himself. I think that makes him pretty Sith. Not to mention he was an apprentice to a Sith lord, and was training Visas who is a Sith. So I can conclude for my purposes he is a Sith.

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I'm not sure I can make up my mind conclusively on this...


There are a number of different ways to look at it IMO.


For example, what if one threw out the fact that Nihilus *was* a man, and considered him a different species entirely after he allowed the DS to consume/inherit his Force-hollowed physical shell? Would the fact that he be of a "Force severing/eating" species render him not a Sith if he still applied Sith ideals to his use of the Force?


As for "caring nothing" for the Sith teachings, what of Jolee Bindo's relationship with the Jedi? He is not a member of the Order, and he doesn't claim to be a Jedi, yet to most he surely represents what a Jedi is, even in a way moreso than many "true" Jedi. You don't have to adhere to the written guidelines of the Jedi Order to live like a Jedi. Given that the "Sith Order" Revan established is splintered between KotOR and TSL, who is to say what even defines "Sith" at this point? Kreia/Traya herself is in no position to speak of it with her own aberrant teachings, as Sion points out. If Nihilus is driven by the Dark Side to advance the Sith goal of wiping out "weak" LS Force users, that might be enough to make him Sith. Likewise, wiping out Sith not powerful enough to stop him might make him more Sith than anyone else in a manner of speaking.


Are the Sith even an Order that adheres to a code, like the Jedi, or is it actually a philosophy regarding ridding the galaxy of the weakness that shackles those who do not give into the Sith mindset? That question plagued the Sith as late as Darth Bane's destruction of Kaan's "Sith Order." By the more modern view that the Sith must rid the galaxy of the Jedi's weak LS teachings, Nihilus arguably acts like a Sith Lord than Revan ever did.


Finally, similar to my first point, what of the Exile? Does channeling the Force, by necessity, through others make one a Force user? While Force users, or "Force adepts" don't have to be Sith or Jedi, a Sith or Jedi is, seemingly, by requirement, a Force user. Is the Exile really a Jedi (or Sith if DS) in TSL, or does he only mimic one? Given that the Exile and Nihilus seem to share this necessity of channeling through others (and perhaps in Nihilus's case "eating" the Force through, or by severing, others' connection to it) in common, what can be said about their inclusion in the definitions of Jedi and Sith? Are they truly Jedi and Sith or merely curiosities that adhere to Jedi or Sith philosophies?


Or perhaps it just comes down to:

a) wears black

b) uses a red lightsaber

c) uses Dark Side Force Powers

d) commands other Dark Side Force users

e) kills Jedi

= Sith Lord. ;)

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Out of all the KotOR II characters, I would liked to have seen him extremely darker and ruthless. His design was very well done, and it would have been cool to see him as the end boss. Too bad they didn't maket on his potential. Grrr...


When comparing him to other Sith Lords, Nihilus is in a category of his own. He is not Sith in nature, so he has to be something else.

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Too bad they didn't maket on his potential. Grrr...


What do you mean they did not market on his potential? Leading up to the release of kotor II his image (particularly the mask) was synonomous with the game. He is center fold on the cover, and I remeber seeing (and buying) magazines with his face on the cover. They used the image to draw people in, but did not use him the game enough. They used him a lot for marketing though.

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He's more the perfect exemplification of the dark side.


Sith have sophisticated ideals and traditions...ruling teh galaxy, killing the Jedi... Nihilus simply wants more power, total destruction and will do anything to achieve it.


But, seeing as he has a Sith holocron and is along others like Bane, then one might actually consider him a Dark Lord.

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