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New paths for Galaxies?

Daft Adidas

What path would u take?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. What path would u take?

    • Shop owner
    • Explorer
    • Engineer
    • Pod Racer
    • Jedi Master

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Hi, i was thinking that if they ever make a new Galaxies ( i mean new!) which they probably won't but make some new paths. I know some of u DONT like me but i was new and didn't know the rules, i apologise for that. I am a nice person and please don't hesitate to post. I don't want to hog all the ideas so i'll just start us of with 2.


You could be a shop owner in Mos Eisly or stall owner and try to get bussinuess come in. I don't THINK that they have this in Galaxies but Imperial Officer correct me if imw wrong. I really hope u write back.

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hmmm you can be/do all of those in galaxies. me and my guild raced on the old mos espa track last night. there is an officer profession, and you can roleplay as an imperial officer, as their are ranks in the game. podracing has kinda been banned during the galactic civil war. you can wear stormtrooper armor, you can buy imperial officer style clothing from the imperial faction recruiter.

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another thing i would like to see is dockable space stations....they should make the existing ones like the avatar platform, where you have option to dock and pick up some stims. even have the factional platforms dockable but only by those of that faction. would make for some nice places to meet people at.


would also like to be able to play sabaac, pazaak, or dejarik...


one game we already do have is the chance cube roll....but i don't ever see anyone doin that.


more things i would like to see......more variety of droids, higher payout and difficulty of mission and explorer terminals, newer random quests (like when vader lands at theed/bestine/coronet and you can take a mission, or the one where bossk enters mos eisley and you can get that quest but it's very rare), and melee dueling arenas.

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