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no its not a holo pet.. i cant remember where i got it but i found a chuba egg then i hatched it and recieved a small chuba and it has xp and lvls like me but i dont know how to use it in combat i can take it out but it just goes after me it doesnt atack

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From Barndamascus on the forums:


Quest Giver: Byxle Pedette, 3366 -4640 Mos Eisley, Tatooine

Quest CL: 7

Quest Recieved: Tasty Dried Critters.

Quest Rewards: 1470 Experience, 250 Credits, Chuba Egg, Jar of Foraged Fungas.

Part 1: Speak with Byxle to obtian the quest. He will send you 250 meter's to make a delivery to Drixa Druel (/way 3262 -4859) at 'Tasty Dried Critters'. Apperantly the order was messed up, and while Byxle fixes it, you are to make your next delivery.

Part 2. Next delivery is to Nogri, 290 Meter's away at 3450 -5076, behind the cloning facility. After some interesting dialogue its off to delivery 3.

Part 3. Last delivery is to Jano, 400 Meters away at 3185 -4781. Jano is standing in an area full of CL 6 agro NPC's, so be carfull if your a low CL. When you make the delivery, 4 non-agro Chuba's will spawn You dont need to kill then, just talk to Jano again and you will get sent 230 meters back to Byxle.

Part 4. Talk to Byxle for quest complete! Byxle sends you to speak to his buddy, Begol. Update: Begol is currently not spawning, so you can't find out if there is any exciting quests after this one. Fortunately it doesn't interupt this quest, continue to part 5 for your chuba!

Part 5. Open your Inventory and you will see a white sphere object called 'a Chubba Egg' that looks like a Krayt Dragon Pearl. Radial it, and select 'Hatch'

Part 6. A baby Chubba is born! A CL 1 Chubba is added to your data pad, and can be found under the 'Data' tab.

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