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[Fic]Dvukh ("Two" or, in this case, "Second" or "Lieutenant"

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That was a very emotional chapter, and I liked it very much. Once again it is good to see a antagonist with some good in him and the depth and shifting emotions of all the characters are portrayed extremely well. Ever chapter i read I think that you couldn't possibly top yourself, but lo and behold, you do it every time. Bravo!

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"And all these mixed emotions we keep locked away..." --Savage Garden


Luke and Ben were getting worried. Tysyacha had not been spotted in any

of the Atrium Gardens by the female security droid, and neither had the two

Jedi sensed her through the Force. Both began to suspect something was

awry. "Go check the Temple security tapes, would you?" Luke suggested to

his son, but then he caught a moving shadow out of the corner of his eye.


"Tysyacha! There you are. I was beginning to get worried." Luke Skywalker

rushed toward her and gave her a rather impulsive embrace for a Jedi Master.


"And for good reason!" cried the girl, her eyes sticky with tears. "Jacen

Solo captured me. He said he was going to use my body as the perfect

disguise for finding out where both of his parents were. Han and Leia.

I managed to escape while he was meditating in his sarcophagus."


"Wait a minute. Hold it," stammered Luke. "Start at the beginning."


With trembling voice, Tysyacha told the story of how she'd been abducted,

shackled to a Dark-Side-powered chair, and used as a pawn in Jacen's scheme.

"His soul was going to inhabit my body, and my soul would inhabit his. Luckily,

the more Jacen weakened inside his casket, the greater chance I had to get

away." Her hands were shaking as well as her vocal chords, Luke noticed.


"Where is he?" The Grand Master's voice was unusually cold for a Jedi's.

Harsh. "His body, I mean? If he's dead, or at least dying, where is it?"


"In his safe house. I can't remember where it is," said Tysyacha, "since

I was unconscious when he kidnapped me. Also, when I was trying to

run away, I didn't think to keep track of from where I'd come." This

made sense; panicked people didn't often do that when they fled.


"Very well. I suggest we search for it together, since my sister Leia and

her husband Han will have to be informed." How can Jacen be dead?!


"Do you know where they are?" asked Tysyacha, hands anxiously folded.

Her mouth lay partially open, and Luke could feel her rather peaked breath.


"Not right now. They're in exile, as their son Jacen would call them fugitives.

I've been wondering if you'd be able to help us reach out to my sister through

the Force. Leia can use it, for she's a Jedi. However, Han can't. He's just one

of the best ex-smugglers the galaxy has ever seen." Despite his inner pain,

Luke smiled wryly. If anyone could outwit any security forces, it was Han.


"I'll help you if I can," said Tysyacha, "but I don't know how much I can do."


"That's all right. All I ask is that you try." Luke closed his eyes and meditated.

He pictured his sister in his mind, now nearing sixty years old, and sent a

deep but gentle touch through the Force. "I know you don't know her

personally," said the Grand Master of the New Jedi Order, "but try and

call to Leia as a servant would. An apprentice, and definitely a new friend."


Tysyacha sent her own Force touch out to Leia Organa Solo, wherever she

wandered in the galaxy. Even though it seemed rather feeble to the girl, Luke

abruptly turned his head. His apprentice was growing very strong indeed!


"My! One more sensation like that, and Leia would be knocked head over heels!

You're definitely stronger in the Force than you were before." Luke smiled.

"Through all your trials and travails, you must have learned much, Padawan.

At this rate, we should receive a response touch before too long, Tysyacha."


Luke's apprentice smiled, and the two waited with fingers crossed. They

soon felt a touch through the Force, but it was hesitant. Not quite trusting.


Luke was puzzled. "Leia? It's me." He sent another reassuring Force stroke.

"Nobody can pretend to be Luke Skywalker and have his unique signature.

Still, I understand your hesitation, what with Jacen chasing you." He patiently

bowed his head and meditated on pleasant things, happy memories that the

two had shared. "I love you. Where are you? Jacen's--dead. I'm sorry."


Suddenly, Luke stumbled backwards into a wall and crumpled to the floor.

What?! A hot and angry Force response. It cannot be! I distinctly

sensed his--You're going to have to prove it to me. I can still feel him...


Luke's head reeled from the pounding it had taken. Leia? Calm down, Leia!

I can prove it to you. I'll have my apprentice help search for his body.


He's not dead, Luke. As long as Han and I are both breathing, he can't be.


Tysyacha looked nervous. She didn't like the wavering look in Luke's eyes...

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(Note: I didn't think I'd get this stuck this late in the fic, but I am. Q's 4 U-all...)


1. How should Luke find out that Jacen's plan really did succeed?

2. How can I integrate Han and Leia into the story again, and maybe a battle?

3. Kyp Durron's going to cause some trouble for "Tysyacha", but how can I

do that and have him not seem too out of character for a Jedi Master?

4. Ben. He's in the story--should he have a bigger part or just a cameo?

5. What do you think of having Jacen turned over to civilian Coruscant guards?

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1. How should Luke find out that Jacen's plan really did succeed?


Unsure, but see the answer to question 2.


2. How can I integrate Han and Leia into the story again, and maybe a battle?


I think when Luke finds out Jacen's plan, Han and Leia should return.


3. Kyp Durron's going to cause some trouble for "Tysyacha", but how can I

do that and have him not seem too out of character for a Jedi Master?


Perhaps by doing something dirty, but not to evil.


4. Ben. He's in the story--should he have a bigger part or just a cameo?


A bigger part. Other Jedi like Kyle Katarn could have the cameos.


5. What do you think of having Jacen turned over to civilian Coruscant guards?


A bit dumb, since Jacen is a powerful Jedi. As long as there are many guards, Jacen won't escape.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I originally intended Dvukh to parallel the events of Tempest

and Exile, but I see that this experiment has failed in a couple of

big ways. I don't know how to go back and rewrite the story, but here

are the shocking revelations that make my tale so horribly un-canon:


1. Lumiya doesn't die. According to an Aaron Allston interview, Lumiya

is still a central figure in Exile. I made a guess and had her die. Whoa.

Guess my instincts were super-bad-wrong on that one, Star Wars fans!


2. The soul swap? I actually got that wacky idea out of a video game

(which, by the way, I've never played but I have nightmares about

sometimes.) It's "Myst IV: Revelation," where the game's main villain

kidnaps the main child heroine and possesses her body as part of a

revenge plot to try and kill his mother and father for banishing him.


3. I'm also discouraged that this could never be canon, even if I did get

permission to write Star Wars stuff. I guess I just burnt out on this fic.


Sorry, guys.




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