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[Fic]The Exile's Path

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Star Wars



The Exiles Path






It is a dark time for the Republic. A race of humanoids


known as Mandalorions have started a crusade to


conquer the galaxy. The Jedi Council have been


quietly watching the attacks and deliberating on what


course of action they should take. Two Jedi Knights


have gathered a group of Jedi and went off to face the


Mandalorian threat. The Jedi and the Mandalorians have been


battling back and forth with each side taking its share of victories.


With his fleet heading toward Onderon and Dxun, Revan


plans on finishing off the Mandalorians. A promising young


Jedi Knight would soon realize that he was not meant to fight


in the wars but continued to follow the orders of Revan…..

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Chapter 1

The Crowning of a Knight


Xalar awoke from his sleep and looked around the room. The cold gray metal walls helped him realize that he was on board the republic capital ship Vindicator. As Xalar arose from his bed he heard a call over the com link again. “All Commanding officers are to report to Revan’s ship. I repeat all commanding officers are to report to Revan’s ship.”


Xalar put his belt on and attached his lightsaber to it. He walked out of his room and down the hall where he was met by a republic lieutenant by the name of Forn Dodonna. Forn “Commander did you receive the message.” Yes, I was just on my way to a shuttle now.” “Would you mind if I accompanied you?” Xalar smiles “I could use the company.”


Forn turns to him “You aren’t planning on flying the shuttle yourself are you?” “What is that suppose to mean?” He laughed. “I was just asking because last time you almost took out the deck hands.” “First of all they got in my way and secondly I have a pilot.” “I hope he is a good pilot.” Xalar looks at her with a serious look. “One of the best on the ship. His name is Odis.” Forn shoots back “The fighter pilot!” “One in the same” Xalar replies.


Xalar and Forn entered the hanger bay where Odis was making final preparations for the short trip. Xalar walks up to him. “Is everything in order Odis?” Odis turns to face the Jedi Commander “Yes sir. The ship is ready to go.” “Good lets head out then. I don’t wanna keep Revan waiting.” Odis boards the shuttle with Xalar right behind him. Xalar turns back to Forn. “Would you like to join me?” She smiles “I would love to.” Forn follows behind Xalar. All three crew members strap into their seats as the engines roar to life. The shuttle lifts off and exits the capital ship heading for Revan’s flag ship the Leviathan.


As soon as the shuttle landed on the Leviathan, Xalar exited with Forn Dodonna right behind him. They walked down the halls and entered the conference room. As they walked in Xalar felt a calm over the entire room. This was the first time that he had felt this from any one. Revan stood at the head of the table with Malak behind him and Captain Saul Karath on the other side. He looked around the room sitting at the table were Republic Officers General Derred, Admiral Veltra, and a young lieutenant Carth Onasi, along with Echanti General Yusani and Jedi Master Arren Kae. Standing at the rear of the room was another was fellow Jedi Talvon Esan, Cariga Sin, Nisotsa, Xaset Terep, Xamar, Akek, Eras Jest, and Neblish. Xalar walked over and stood next to Cariaga Sin. He looked at Revan and nodded.


Revan nodded back and began “Today the Republic will turn the tide of this battle. Today we will strike back and take back the worlds that the Mandalorians have seized. We are going to strike in stages. Stage 1, Xalar you will take a group to the Onderonian moon of Dxun. This is where we will send three quarters of our ground forces. Stage 2, I will lead a group to Onderon and take out the Mandalorians. Phase 3, Admiral Sommo you will take a group of fighters and ground troops to Jagga’s Cluster. It will be the greatest assault that we have put together. Let’s prepare for the assault.”


Revan walked out of the room followed by Malak and Karath. The rest of the room emptied as Xalar and Dodonna waited. After the room emptied the two walked out. As they headed down the hallway toward the docking bay Xalar felt concern coming from Dodonna. Xalar looks at her “What is it?” She stopped and took a deep sigh.


She raises her head a bit “Why does Revan have to send you to Dxun? Why can’t he send Yusani, Nisotsa, or Xaset Terep?” Xalar strokes her cheek “Because unlike them I am more in tune with the force. This is my chance to prove my worth as a Jedi.” Forn sighs “But what if you don’t return?” Xalar takes her by the hand. “Don’t worry Forn. I will return for you.” She forced a smile. But her smile would soon fade as a call came over his com link. “Xalar report to the bridge.” Xalar looks at her “Meet me at the shuttle.” “Don’t be long. We might just leave without you.” “I’ll try not to be.” He replied


Xalar turned and walked toward the Bridge. Forn Dodonna watched as he walked away. She then turned and headed back toward the shuttle. Xalar walked onto the bridge where Revan was waiting with Malak, Arren Kae, Alek, Cariga Sin, and Cale Berkona gathered in a large circle. Revan motioned him forward. Xalar cautiously moved forward. He tried to read Revan’s thoughts but was unable to.


Revan waved him forward. “We are all Jedi. The Force speaks through us. Through our actions, the Force proclaims itself and what is real. Today we are here to acknowledge what the Force has proclaimed.” Revan then turn his focus towards the Xalar. “Step forward, Padawan. Xalar, by the right of the Jedi Masters here, by the will of the Force, I dub thee, Jedi Knight of the Jedi Republic.” Arren Kae steps up “Take up your lightsaber, Xalar, Jedi Knight. And may the Force be with you.


The Jedi Knights ignited their lightsabers and raised them in the air. Xalar grabbed his lightsaber from his belt and ignited his blade and raised it in the air. Revan lowers his lightsaber. “Now go General Xalar and take Dxun from the Mandalorians.” The newly crowned Jedi Knight extinguished his blade and placed it back on his belt as he walked off the bridge. The rest of the Jedi left the bridge with the exception of Malak and Arren Kae. Kae turns to Revan “What is it Revan?” “He will play a significant role in this war but clouded is his future.”

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Nice start, but I don't think writing it as a script is a good idea, but it is your Fic, you're choice. And the title should be The Exile's Path, not the Exiles Path. Looking foward to more.


Fixed, it now reads The Exile's Path not The Exiles Path. Thanks for catching that.

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Nice start, but I don't think writing it as a script is a good idea, but it is your Fic, you're choice. And the title should be The Exile's Path, not the Exiles Path. Looking foward to more.


I agree with Pottsie in this instance it is good, but I do not think it is a good idea of writting a script... but your choice however as it is your fic

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Chapter 2

The Second Battle of Dxun

Part 1


Xalar stood in front of the republic army on board his Capital Ship, Vindicator. They stared out of the Transparisteel Viewport. The Vindicator approached the forest moon of Dxun. Xalar called over the comlink to all ships telling them to prepare for the assault. “Get to the shuttles” He said over the comlink as he turned back to the viewport. Xalar heads for his shuttle. Forn Dodonna stops him before he reaches the door. “Wait, be careful out there.” She said. “The Mandalorians have held this moon since the start of the war.” “Don’t worry; this will be a quick battle. The Mandalorians won’t know what hit them.” He replied hoping to ease her worries. With a smile he starts to walk off.


Forn quickly grabs his arm stopping him. He turns around and Forn quickly gives him a kiss. A stunned Xalar looked at her. “I’m sorry; I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now.” She explained. Xalar grabbed her by the waist and brought her in close to him. He leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss. He let go of her and started to walk away. She yells out to him “I love you.” He turns around with a smile “I know.”


Hundreds of shuttles started raining down from the skies. The Mandalorians fired their Air Defense Turrets. The Republic ships fired back as they approached the ground. The AD towers took a few out as they made an attempt to land. A few other ships to heavy damage and crash landed. Droid Carriers landed first unleashing its cargo. The Republic War Droids went out and started firing at the Mandalorians. More Droid Carriers landed followed by the Republic Army. The Republic Army started up the paths toward the Mandalorian strong hold.


The War Droids marched up the paths ahead of the Army clearing out the Mandalorians in front of them. Three Kilometers up the path there was a huge explosion. Suddenly Basilisk War Droids appeared. They scattered the Republic forces. The Mandalorian soldiers charged at the opposing army. The Mandalorians forced the Republic soldiers into retreat. A call came in to Xalar from the ground. “General we are being beaten back by Basilisks. What do you want us to do?” “Charge up that path. We must stop the Mandalorians at any cost.” Xalar replied. “Yes General.”


Xalar shuttle broke into the atmosphere of Dxun. Ahead of his shuttle were more droid carriers and more ground troops. Xalar sat patiently in the co-pilots seat as the shuttle approached the ground. There was a flash from a shuttle exploding in front of him. He turned his head to shield his eyes from the blast. “General are shields are failing. At this rate we won’t make it to the ground.” Cried the pilot of the shuttle. “I don’t care what you have to do we must make it to the ground. I will not be killed by the Mandalorians.” Xalar snapped back.


Xalar’s shuttle quickly approached the ground when it took a shot to the left wing. “Sir we’re hit. I can’t hold it.” “Do what you have to, to get up safely to the ground.” “I’ll try General but the controls are failing.” “You just try and bring her down. I am heading out.” “But general, you will be killed if you jump out.” That’s a risk I am willing to take.” Xalar made is way to the loading ramp and lowered it down. He stepped out to the edge and turned toward the troops on board. “See ya on the ground.” He leaped out of the shuttle and with the force as his guide hit the ground and rolled to his feet.


As he ignited his lightsaber he heard an explosion behind him. He looked up just in time to see his shuttle crash into the ground just west of him. Through the force he felt the deaths of everyone on board. Anger quickly ran through him. He charged up the path with is lightsaber deflecting shot after shot. He stopped short of a hill. He reached out and felt hundreds of Mandalorians waiting. He halted his troops before they got to his position. “Send the War Droids ahead.” Xalar called back to them. “But sir we could take them with out the droids.” Said one of the lieutenants. “Send the droids and don’t question my orders.” Xalar yelled at him.


The droids marched ahead of the ground troops. Xalar send in a small group to follow the droids up the hill. Three meters up the hill the Mandalorians opened fire on the droids wiping out most of them before they could return fire. The Mandalorians turned their attention to the Republic forces. Xalar watched as his troops were gunned down. Xalar headed back down the hill. He commanded more droids to head up the hill. More shuttles landed on the moon with more droids and more soldiers. A large freighter lands in a large clearing south of the hill. Xalar makes his way down toward the freighter.


Xalar entered the freighter and was greeted by a twi’lek commander. “General, welcome to your mobile command station.” “Where’s Revan?” Xalar asked. “He is on his way to Althir. He is taking the rest of the fleet there to battle the Mandalorians.” “Did he leave us any reinforcements?” Xalar asked. “We have three Capitol ships from your fleet. Master Kae has one Capital ship over Onderon.” “How is the battle on Onderon going?” “They just landed on the outskirts of Iziz about half hour ago. So far no word as to their progress so far.” “Keep me informed if anything changes.” Xalar said before he headed back to the battle.


Xalar started back up toward the soldiers. Basilisk War Droids came up from over the horizon. They started ripping through the battle droids and heading toward the camp. Xalar ordered all shuttles to fire on the Basilisks. The Basilisks flew over attacking the republic camp. Xalar grabbed his lightsaber and leaped into the air. He landed on top of one of the Basilisks. He stabbed his blade into the war droid. Before it started in its nose dive, He leaped off onto another. Xalar deflected blaster fire from an on coming Basilisk, and then stabbed his lightsaber into the one he was riding. As he leapt to another Basilisk his right foot was hit with shot from a Mandalorian shock trooper. He tumbled to the ground and lay motionless as the battle goes on around him.

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Good story, you've got going on here, but if i may ... Would you be able to seperate each dialouge, for every new person when they talk? ... It just gets kinda confusing, that's all. Because i wonder, why would they be answering their own questions? Why wuold they be talking to themselves? And then i realise :D


So, if you could do that, that would be even better :D.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

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Chapter 3


The Battle of Dxun


Part 2


Xalar stepped out of the command base and looked around at his troops. They were tired and hungry. The battle had been going on longer then Revan had expected. It’s been two months since they hit Dxun and began the battle. Xalar lost many soldiers during the last two months and it doesn’t look like it is going to stop anytime soon. He looked over at one of his lieutenants and seen the fatigue on his face. In the distance he could here the blaster fire from the battle droids. The thought to himself if it wasn’t for the droids they would have been beaten a long time ago. The battle droids have kept them in this fight but they are slowly dwindling down. What was thousands of droids are now down to hundreds. A commander came out from the shuttle. “Xalar, we have an incoming message from Revan.”


Xalar turned and walked back into the shuttle. He walks over to the view screen. Xalar nods to the commander and Revan’s image appears on the screen. “Go ahead Revan.”


“Xalar I am on route to Jagga’s Cluster. The republic forces are taking a serious beating. I am taking half the fleet. I will leave the remaining fleet in orbit of Dxun.”


“I understand.”


“I sense the Mandalorians are weakening. Do what you have too to free Dxun. I won’t let the Mandalorians take the Republic.”


“It will be done.”


Xalar switched the monitor off. He turns to his commander. “Get a squad ready. We are taking that hill.”


“Yes general” the Commander said as he turned and headed for the exit.


Xalar stared out the transparasteel window. He reached out through the force. He listened as the commander gave the order to prepare for an attack. He felt the fatigue of the troops. He tried to reach out deeper into the force to feel the Mandalorian presence. He felt a faint hint of the Mandalorians outside of the camp.


He couldn’t feel no more then a few kilometers away.

“Hmmm” he said out loud. A young sergeant over heard him.


“What is it general?” he said. Xalar turned to him.


“Nothing, are we ready for the attack?”


The sergeant looked at his monitor for a moment that back up at the Jedi.


“Yes sir, Commander Sin is preparing the army now.”


“Excellent, I am going out. Don’t let the Mandalorians take this post.” Xalar said as he turned and went to the exit.


Three squads charged up the hill toward the Mandalorian outpost. Xalar watched as the fought and blasted their way up the hill. Three more squads ran up the hill. This time they were led by Jedi Knight Nisotsa. Her yellow lightsaber blazing through the air deflecting and dodging the Mandalorian shots. Xalar watched as another squad prepared to take the hill. He slowly turned to them.


“Wait, I have an idea.” He said. “We are going to take that hill to the west and come around behind the Mandalorians.”


Two squads followed Xalar up the path. Xalar grabbed his lightsaber in one hand and a blaster in the other. He stopped for a moment and reached out with the force. He signaled for the two squads to go ahead of him. Xalar turned just in time to see an explosion coming from the front of the two squads.


“A mind field” Xalar thought to himself. Xalar walked up to where the rest of the two squads were at.


“General they booby trapped the path with mines. We won’t make it through and if we do it will cost us a lot of men.”


“It doesn’t matter we must break through this line.”


“As you wish general. Men charge that hill.”


The remaining members of the squad charged up the hill. Many of them were killed in the blast from the mines. Xalar charged in after them. They made their way through the mine field but lost half of the squads. Suddenly a group of Mandalorians came charging out of the bushes. Xalar filled with rage as he saw the Mandalorians take out more of his troops. He ignited his bronze lightsaber and leapt into the air. He came down and sliced through two of the Mandalorian shock troopers. He deflected a shot back at another catching him in the neck. Xalar ignited the other half of his saber and unleashed a fury of parries. His double bladed saber cut down two more shock troopers. The remaining few started to run but Xalar full of rage threw is lightsaber and it cut down three more Mandalorians. Using the force he brought the saber back to him. He reached out toward the last two shock troopers and in a blink of an eye they fell to the ground void of life.


Xalar fell to the ground exhausted. He looked at the carnage he caused two of the republic soldiers helped him back to his feet. Xalar looked at his soldiers.


“You all fought well. Let’s not let their deaths be in vain. Head back to the camp. We will regroup and we will free Dxun.”


An exhausted Xalar walked back to the camp behind his troops. Two of them walked behind him to make sure he didn’t collapse. They made it back to the camp with no resistance from the Mandalorians. As night fell upon the jungle moon Xalar told his men to get some rest. He set up sentries around the perimeter to safe guard the camp. Xalar went to his bunk and sat on the floor and began to meditate. As soon as he closed his eyes he saw the death of his troops and the death he caused with his lightsaber. Unable to get the images out of his head, Xalar left the camp and headed up the path where he had gave into his anger.


He pushed on past the spot where they encountered the Mandalorians. He felt a sense of hurry coming from north of him. He followed it see the Mandalorian compound. He ducked behind a tree and watched the Mandalorians pack up equipment and other materials into shuttles. Off in the distance a Mandalorian wearing gold armor and a red cape walked out of one of the buildings. The moon light hit the armor just right to show the taller stature of the man.


Xalar returned to the camp. He stopped and talked with one of the sentries. “Get all available men, equipment, and weapons together. The Mandalorians are in retreat. I spied them leaving their base. We attack a day break.”


The sentry ran off to gather more troops. Xalar returned to his bunk and sat on the bed. He soon fell into deep meditation. He had flashes of a battle yet to come. Republic, Jedi, and Mandalorian alike were screaming out. Ships fell to the planet below. Xalar awoke and was drenched in sweat. He walked over to a refresher station and wiped the sweat off his brow. What was that? He thought to himself.


At daybreak Xalar walked out of the command shuttle to a battalion of republic soldiers ready to fight. “The Mandalorians started pulling off of this moon last night. Their numbers here have dropped. We have the numbers in our favor. Alright let’s take this moon from the Mandalorians.” A huge cheer came was heard as they raised the blasters into the air. Xalar led the charge up the hill toward the Mandalorian camp. As the reached the compound Mandalorian shock troopers began firing. Xalar sent the battle droids ahead first. He followed behind them along with Cariaga Sin, Xaset Terep, and Nisotsa. Their lightsabers came to life. The four Jedi split up and attacked the compound.


The battle lasted for a few hours. The Mandalorians put up a fight but were overwhelmed by the continuous assault from the republic. Some Mandalorians refused to surrender and continued fighting. Xalar used the force to push the shock troopers to the ground, disarming them. Xalar looked over at Nisotsa. “Round up the prisoners and put them in the hanger.”


Xalar went into the communications building. He got on the com link and called to Revan. “Revan, Dxun is free of Mandalorian control.”


“Great work Xalar. Prepare the troops to depart. I have a plan to destroy the Mandalorians once and for all.



End Chapter 3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 4


Arriving on Malachor V


Xalar stood at the front of the bridge on the Vindicator and watched the republic fleet get set up for the Mandalorians.


“General, the fleet is reporting in. All ships are ready with squadrons of fighters ready to depart the hanger bays.” came the report from Lieutenant Xaart.


Xalar turned and gave a nod to the communications officer. He turned back to the transparasteel viewport and watched as squadron upon squadron of fighters launched out the hangers of the other ships.


“Incoming call general. It’s Revan sir. He wishes to speak with you at once.”


Xalar walks over to a control unit. “Go ahead Revan.”


“Xalar, Send all of your ground troops to the surface and move the fleet closer to the planet. The Mandalorians will have no choice but to fight on the planet’s surface.”


“Yes Revan. Do you want me to lead the charge on the surface?”


“No, you will remain on board your ship Master Kae and will lead the charge. The rest will be handing the naval fleet along with you. Malak and I are temporarily detained by a Mandalorian scout ship. We should be there shortly. Don’t end the war without me. ”


“As you wish, Revan!”


Xalar turned back toward the fighting around his ship. What the hell is he planning? Something doesn’t feel right about this. “Master Kae this is Xalar. Revan is sending you and the Jedi ground troops to the planet below. Prepare the republic soldiers for a ground assault.”


Master Kae came back over the com. “He isn’t sending you to lead the assault?”


“I am to head up the naval fleet up here.”


“Revan hasn’t led us wrong yet, but this doesn’t seem right. He knows you can handle the ground forces better then anyone else.” Kae shot back.


“Master I know this but I am just following his orders.”


“I understand Xalar. Well good luck and may the force be with you.”


A shiver ran down Xalar’s spine as Master Kae said that. He turned to face Xaart and with a tremor in his voice told the lieutenant to position the ship closer to the planet.


“All hands, prepare for ground assault. I repeat, prepare for ground assault.” Xalar turned back to face his bridge crew. “This will be the end of the Mandalorians. The republic will finally have peace again.” A huge cheer came from every ship.


Xalar watched as the shuttles headed down to the planets surface. More republic ships dropped out of hyperspace and started launching shuttles to the surface of Malachor. I feel Revan isn’t telling me everything. I know Malak would know but he wouldn’t tell me either. Why send Master Kae to the surface to lead the army? It should be me. I have never questioned his orders like she has. I have been loyal and gained many victories over the Mandalorians. Dxun was proof of that. Xalar continued to stare out the transparisteel viewport as more and more Republic ships arrive.


“General there is a Zabrak is here to speak with you.” Came Xaart’s voice in breaking through Xalar’s thoughts!


Xalar turned around and greeted the Zabrak. “Welcome aboard, I am General Xalar.”


“Thank you General. I am Bao-Dur. I am a technician from Iridonia. My world was one of the first attacked by the Mandalorians. Now I want my revenge and I will have it.”


“Those are strong words Bao-Dur. You are walking a fine line on the path to the darkside.”


“Forgive me General. I apologize for my outburst.”


“There is no need to apologize.” The conversation was cut short when Xaart called out.


“Sir Mandalorians coming in.”


“All units engage the Mandalorians.” Let the final battle take place. Let this horrible war finally come to an end.



























End Chapter 3

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