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[rp-fic]Star Wars:The LF Sith War


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This is an rp turned into a fic. See how you sound in this Rp now a fic:



The Lucasforums Sith War


War. A time of peril has come to Lucasforums. The Sith have started a all out war. Darth Grivis has found two secret weapons and then joins Darth InSidious and Dark_Lady to make them invincible. But Anakin Skywalker who calls himself “Emperor Skywalker” has brought in sith with his Death Star. At the same time Lord Sion has reappeared to fight in the LF war. And yet another has chosen his side, one who is called Emperor Devon. And Meanwhile many other sith approach to fight…


Who will win? The question is all over Lucasforums, Members shall see as the LF Sith War Continues. The prize of winning? The winner becomes the SITH OF LUCASFORUMS.

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Part 1: The Sith Reveal Themselves


Darth Grivis stepped to a door and it opened immediately. He stepped in and grabbed one of his secret weapons. Then he walked up and gave it to the man who was his other weapon. The man nodded and walked away. Grivis grinned he had a plan.



Anakin sensed the "Sith" Darth Grivis concocting a plan so that he could defeat him, so he made a plan of his own, he called forth all of his Dark Force Adepts.... and demanded the Death of all Sith that would not follow him...


“You want us to kill other sith?” a dark Jedi asked.


“Yes,” Anakin said.


“It will be done, my lord.




Darth Quanon, another sith lord, ended his meditation, from out of the Force overwhelming visions and echoes raged had through his mind. Something was stirring, sith preparing themselves for war of all the sith. Quanon stood up, walked towards the window, looked at the empty stakes in front of his Fortress.


“Get my weapons and prepare my ship. I've got some meetings to attend to,” he ordered his servants. They nodded and left the room to follow the masters orders.


An hour later a small ship fired his engines and disappeared in the clouds.




The Rebuilder sensed a disturbance in the Force.


"Ah, the time has come" said a female voice behind him.


It was the voice of Darth Traya- who had died a long time ago-, which was preserved in the Holocron the Rebuilder had discovered in one of his trips to other planets, and had taken her as his Master.


"What do you wish me to do, Mistress?" asked the Rebuilder


"Go to Anakin Skywalker, he will need you at his side to defeat his enemies, the other sith, use all that I have teached you in the past" said the ghastly voice.


"I will honor your teachings, great mistress" said the Grey master, and he left for the Death Star.



Grivis walked up the boarding ramp and left his throne tower. The ship flew to the next tower where he would make contact with his apprentice.




N'Dul another sith lord sat in his meditation sphere.

Find the balance. The pivot stays unaffected, no matter the weights on either side, he thought, as he attempted to see the galaxy...There… He felt the currents of the galaxy as a whole, and after only a few moments of meditation. His old power was not failing him...Great forces were stirring. But now was not the time to attack. With a thought, he sent the sphere to Khar Bresh'dazg. It's high time my warriors awoke...


Sa'adow Fan had filled him in on the last 5,000 or so years of Galactic history, and had also given him knowledge of this...'Galactic Basic' now spoken. An unfamiliar tongue, strange to the taste, but useful. Bane's Sith Order was an interesting idea...but it was clear that Sidious had been a fool, whose plans had been all too complicated, and whose strength in the Force pitiful. He smiled. How Tulak would have enjoyed ripping fools such as he and this...Skywalker to pieces.




Grivis sat down in a dark chamber. He flipped a switch and Zeorg appeared kneeling.


"Ah Zeorg, you know I released the weapon?"


"Yes master he has arrived,"


"Good, you know what to do,"


"Yes sir,"


With that Grivis flipped the switch off.

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Part 2: The Others


Darth Randus felt that he was being summoned by his master through the force.


He entered his master's chamber and knelt before him. He was very eager to continue his training. "You summoned me, master?"



Anakin felt the Rebuilder board the Death Star........ he stayed on his throne, and ordered a few of his red guards to find out why he was there.....


"Sir, there is another Sith on the vessel..." A Stormtrooper said.


"Hmmm...... Interesting that is.... if you can, capture him." Anakin said.


"We will do as you wish milord." The trooper said.




"Foolish guards" said the Grey Master, as he melted into the shadows; using a technique Darth Traya had teached him.

then he went into the turbo lift that leaded into the command room, and took his lightsaber staff out of his grey robes.

"They think me a Sith" said the reb as he read one of the guards mind "lets pay their little Lord a visit, to make things clear" and with that said, he arrived in the command center and stepped out of the turbolift, lightsaber in hand.



"Hmmm...... What do you want, Gray One? I know you've been learning under the failure of a Sith Lord, Darth Traya." Anakin said. "Darth Traya has taught my deceased Master's master...... well her Holocron has... how it came into your possession is beyond me. But to business.... what is it you wish?"


Anakin brought his Lightsaber up to his hand.




"I came to serve you, If you will have me" said the reb, kneeling.

"My Master predicted that you will need me in this fight, I will serve you, and aid you in any way I can, if you wish it, my Lord" said the reb, with a little grin at that last word.

"I know many forgotten teachings, and if I may be so bold, Darth Traya was not a failure, her teachings are very important, and valuable."



"Pathetic.... Traya, a good teacher, don't make me laugh..... it was her teachings that allowed Sidious to kill Plagueis." Anakin said laughing. "Very well, I could use the help.... my apprentice will meet with you shortly. There you will learn the Dark side and

leave the Gray side alone."




"Sorry, not gonna happen" said the reb, igniting his saber.

"I came to aid you, not to be turn. So keep your apprentice away, or you will need to be searching for another one" finished saying the Grey master, and turned to the turbo lift, shutting his saber and when the doors were about to close, he said "If you want my help, you will have to accept my terms, so go to Mustafar if you are willing to recruit me."

When he reached his ship, a trooper stopped him "Sir, the Emperor wishes to talk to you, he has reconsidered your offer, and his highness is coming down to meet with you."

"Very well, I will wait for him" said the reb



Anakin started his decent down from his throne room. He finally reached the docking stations.....


"Gray one....... I will allow you to aid me....... without you being turned......... but you will learn nothing from me..." Anakin said lightsaber still in hand. "You are to go scout out the other Sith...." Anakin said. "I wish to know about them, I want you to spy on them.... especially Grivis."



"I don't need your teachings, dark one" said the reb with a little anger in his voice.

"Darth Traya provides me with more important teachings that you will ever will, and I will only serve you because she asks this of me, and I obey the Mistress"

"So, what will you have me do, Lord Vader?" asked the reb to his new Master, in an uncomfortable tone.

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Part 3: War


"Mmmm....., as you wish" said the reb, and went into his ship, the "Avenger" and got out into space, and then into hyperspace, to his next target.

"He is powerful indeed" said a female voice, coming from behind the reb's back, then he turned and opened his Masters Holocron, and Darth Traya's image emerged from it,

"But he is still so naive and foolish, he needs more training, and some guidance, keep an eye on him, he might be the one."

"Do you mean...?' asked the grey force user.

"Yes, he might be the Sith'ari, but only time will tell, but for now, tell me what he asked of you"



"Trooper, I want you to watch that one...... his loyalties are....... fickle to say at best." Anakin said.


"Yes, milord..." The stormtrooper replied.



"Now, off to Coruscant...... the remains of the Republic are dead, I am taking complete control of the Galaxy...." Anakin said.



Darth Quanon’s fighter jumped out of hyper-space. Quanon checked his navi-computer. If he was correct he should be within an hour flying of what was an invisible border to Gurzan N'Dul Empire.

Not sure if the Lord resided at his palace, Quanon planned a flight to one of the nearest outposts of Gurzan N'Dul army.

From there he would be able to send a transmission to the Dark Lord.


A small hour past and Darth Quanon was welcomed by a patrol of Gurzan N'Dul Fighters.


“Identify yourself or we will open fire." : barked the leader .


“This is Darth Quanon; I ask permission to land on the nearest system. I am in search of your Lord. These are my ship ID-numbers ... “: replied Quanon.


“Follow us closely, don't stray from our course or you will be shot.” said the squad leader.


In the distance a small Corvette type of ship appeared, the fighter patrol formed a closed net around Quanon. There was no escape possible now!


They landed inside the main dock. A group of guards and the captain of the ship where awaiting the arrival of Darth Quanon.


In the distance, the dark lord of the Sith, Darth Sion noticed a man in the distance, with a man who he called "the grey one". Sion could sense the power within this man and Sion knew that the man could prove to be a respectable ally. The man seemed to hate a man known as Grivis. Whoever Grivis was, Sion knew that he had power and if Sion helped the man kill this Grivis, then Sion might get some of his power. Sion walked up to the man and ignited his Lightsaber, startling the man.


N'Dul did not look up.

"There is a great disturbance in the Force. The Grey one has allied himself with young Sky-walker. And...Another has awoken. I must attend to other matters. You will take the" he paused, the unfamiliar sounds jarring in his mouth, "YT-1300 to Khar Bresh'dazg to awaken my armies, and issues them with their orders. Then, go to Tython, and learn what you can of the Jedi...While you are there, you may wish to visit the Jedi Forge."


A light blinked.

"Lord Quanon is early. Perhaps he is eager to meet his new...troops.” said N'Dul, smiling a little.

"May the Force serve you well, my apprentice."


"Darth Yeshnaal, I sense a massive army being used against me...... I want you to destroy it, before it is activated, or turn them to my cause...." Anakin said, to a hologram, which faded very soon afterwards.... "Trooper, I want you to accompany my apprentice."


"Yes, milord, it shall be done." The trooper replied, and then ran off to find a shuttle to the apprentice's ship.

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I am going too. It will be edited i promise.that:) after part 4 is done on im going to go back and edit. You see alot happened while im grounded.


PS: Yall have alot of lines under your posts *shame shame* just kidding.

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You stole my idea--I once created a fic about my RP, too...But however, copying is bad, as Anakin said. But if you can enrich the RP part, it will be fine...If you don't know, you can look up my RP fic, which prologue written by Pottsie, and continued by me...Thanks to him for starting it.


@Pottsie below:


Sorry, Pottsie...I'll amend it right away.





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And all the members who were in the RP, like me. Hey CSI, don't you mean, your RP, Knightfall, that I wrote the Prologue for, before I let you write it? Anyway, the first RP turned into a Fic was Two Years, Two Masters by Tysyacha with the Fic by ForceFightWMe12. Anyway, it is a good start Grivis, I mean Saruman (Why did you change your name?) but as everyone says, copying is bad and should only be used if you have bad Writer's Block, which I currently have with the Lord of Pain. Anyway, I'm looking foward to more.

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Pottsie, I amended my post, and I'll tell you why he changed his name into Saruman...


1. IMO, he watched too many LotR and he's a Saruman Fan.


2. He was exiled in the Sith RP, and hence Darth Saruman instead of Darth Grivis.

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