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[FIC] The Prodigal Jedi

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Thank you very much for your comments! I feel that the admissions that Athos has made so far about his identity were necessary. He went through great pains to hide his abilities until he had no choice but to use them. I will work on the puctuation thing...it's a known weakness :) The grammar and spell check catches a lot of them, but not all :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 8: A Proposal


It turned out that my worries about Aller were unfounded. The old man was true to his word. Sia and I spent two days in his shop helping the few customers that came in and keeping the place clean. On the morning of the third day, he came in and announced that the ship was ready to go. We traveled to the docking bay together, and I was immediately impressed when I saw the ship.


The CorSec paint job was gone, and replaced by basic gray paint. The Corellian markings on the ship were also gone, replaced by Hutt markings. No one would give us any trouble with those on the ship unless they dug a bit to find out who we were.


“I have to say Aller, I am impressed.”


“Thank you Athos. The ID signature on the ship has been changed to match that of a pirate ship that was destroyed a couple of years ago above Nar Shaddaa. That signature now bears the name Leone, and here are the proper papers should anyone question you.”


Sia took the data chips from him. “Thank you my friend, I don’t know how we’ll repay you for this.”


“Your thanks are all I need Sia. Your father saved my backside more times than I can count. I consider this only a portion of what I owe him.”


Sia wrapped the old man in a hug, and stepped back.


“We have to get moving Aller.”


“I understand, but please, be careful Sia, and Athos, you take good care of this girl.”


“I will, you have my word on it.”


“Let’s get moving,” Sia prodded “thank you again Aller.”


The old man nodded and Sia and I stepped back aboard the ship. Sia closed the hatch and began warming the ship up. I sat at the co-pilot’s station and closed my eyes. The Force washed over me, and I let its currents put my body and mind at ease. I didn’t come out of my meditation until I felt the kick of the ship’s engines firing as Sia lifted us out of our docking slip and into the air.


As Sia guided us into space I began to enter the hyperspace coordinates for the jump to Alderaan. As we cleared the space lanes Sia turned to me.


“Are you this is what you want to do?”


“What do you mean Si?”


“Returning to the Core worlds, standing against the Empire.”


“Sia, you have to know that the Emperor cannot be allowed to continue his reign.”


“Yes, it’s just sometimes I don’t see how you, I, or even we, can make a difference.”


“That’s just it Si. If everyone thinks like that, and nobody tries, then the Emperor and Vader have already won. The Republic stood for democracy, and freedom in its best days, and the Jedi were protectors of those ideals. Even if I wanted to run and hide I couldn’t.”


Sia sighed; she knew the answer to her question before she even asked it.


“I knew that’s what you would say, to Alderaan then?”


I nodded, “To Alderaan.”


Sia nodded absentmindedly as she turned back to the hyperspace chart to finish plotting our route to Alderaan. I knew that returning to the Core Worlds held a certain danger for me. Jedi were being hunted all over the Galaxy and if the wrong person recognized me it could be disastrous. My thoughts on the matter were interrupted as the Leone’s hyperdrive kicked in and the ship jolted into hyperspace. After the autopilot took over Sia turned to me and gave me the shock of my live.


“Athos, I...I think...” she hesitated as she looked at me.


“What is it Si? Spit it out.”


“I think I want to get married.”


Whoa! Sia had never struck me as the marrying type. Not that I was completely against the idea. I just hadn’t thought about it until the words came out of her mouth. I certainly wanted Sia with me for the rest of my life, but Jedi were not supposed to form attachments. That was what the Masters had taught for centuries, on the other hand there was no Jedi Council to tell me otherwise. All of those things were going through my head, and Sia was looking at me expectantly.


“Are you sure Si?”


“Yes, I wasn’t the first time it crossed my mind, but now that we’re going back to the Core I want to do this.”


“I will ask Senator Organa to perform the ceremony when we reach Alderaan.”


The smile that crossed Sia’s face was the biggest one I’d seen in a long time. She came over and threw her arms around me in a hug. Then she pulled away and kissed me gently.


“I’m going to get some sleep.”


That sounded like a good idea to me too.

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Ok time to bring out the guns though they aren't the big ones. I save those for special occassions. Without further ado I give a critique.


Your intro to the chapter was quite good. I would have elaborated more as to how Athos viewed Aller. Maybe noticing a quirk or he can see how much he cares for Sia by the way he pokes fun at her. It would develop the character itself deeper and, since it is in the first person, it would give a better indication as to Athos' personality. When things are told in the first person, it is told from the point of view and would often have certain phrases or thoughts that personalize the account even more so.


With the ship I would have described it a little more. Mayabe a comparison of some sort or a phrase that goes, "Instead of a CorSec so and so ship, it was now a bona fide smuggler's vessel or something like that. Again I am thinking in terms of how Athos would be seeing things as they are happening.


With Aller, maybe it would have been better if you showed more affection between him and Sia, the kind of uncle-niece relationship. You did make reference that her father saved his backside many times over. It would make perfect sense for him to give her say a pet name or call her Si like Athos. Nothing wrong with that.


The conversation about getting married I thought you brought in as a rather nice shocker for the readers. To lead up into it and make it better is to have Sia be quiet for some time until Athos notices it and asks her if everything is ok. Maybe you could have Athos sense that there is a disturbance in Sia's Force signature, that there was a nudge that was different from the others he had sensed or something. It would bring in his Jedi abilities more and make it flow better. Athos' response I think was nicely done with the surprise and the shocker. The resolution was good and if you added in something like thoughts in italics about Athos wondering if it was the right thing or not liek the internal conflict of laying down pros and cons would make it fit more into Athos character and the fact that marriage is a big step to go through.


Overall it was a nice chapter and worked to developing relationships between the characters. It also served as a nice interlude between major action sequences. Not everythign is heavy action; you need the domestic stuff as it serves to give the reader a rest but also keep them hooked by not making them too bored. Keep up the good work.

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 9:Alderaan


Alderaan…one of the most beautiful planets I’d ever seen in my entire life. Alderanians were a peaceful people that were more interested in art and culture than galactic politics, and viewing their planet from space could almost put a person into a type of tranquil state that made you want to go along with what its people felt. I’d only been to the planet once in my life and it was during my Jedi training. I had briefly studied under one of the masters at the Jedi Praxeum in the capital city before returning to Corellia to begin the final phase of my training.


Now, Sia brought the Leone out of hyperspace and I gazed out the viewport at the beautiful celestial body. Then I gazed at the Star Destroyers orbiting the planet, and almost shuddered. I knew then that it wouldn’t be long before we were challenged by the Imperial forces and I was right. The picket ships came out of what seemed like nowhere as Sia began her approach to the planet.


“Unidentified vessel, state your destination and purpose.”


Sia turned to me, “Well, what do I tell them.”


“I’ll handle it, key the transmitter.”


Sia nodded, “You’re on.”


“This is the vessel Leone out of Nar Shaddaa. We are traveling merchants bound for Aldera.”


“Very well you may proceed; we have no quarrel with the Hutts.”


I silently thanked Aller for registering the Leone on Nar Shaddaa as Sia fired the ship’s engines and closed our distance to Alderaan. As we entered the atmosphere I tried to figure out how we were going to make contact with Senator Organa. I was a bit leery of landing at Aldera’s spaceport, but I didn’t really believe that we would be able to land directly at the royal palace either.


“Where to?” Sia asked me


“The spaceport, I don’t think we should contact the palace directly. We’ll walk there if it’s close enough, otherwise we’ll use the public transportation system.”


She nodded and guided the ship gracefully toward Aldera’s spaceport. The dock master granted our clearance without incident and Sia took the ship into our assigned bay. She touched the ship down effortlessly and lowered the loading ramp.


As we descended I got the second shock of this trip. Waiting for us was a small contingent of armed troops. A young officer stepped forward and addressed us.


“You are Athos Thorin?” he asked looking directly at me.

“I am.”


“I am Captain Raymus Antilles. You and your companion will come with us. Your ship will be transferred to the Royal Palace shortly. Sergeant, search them please. ”


“Now just wait a sec- Sia began


“That will be fine Captain,” I said cutting her off before her mouth could get us in trouble.


One of the men with Antilles stepped forward and patted Sia down first, confiscating her blaster. He searched me next and located my lightsaber pulling it from my belt and handing both weapons to the captain.


“Sir,” the sergeant said “Is that thing what I think it is?” he asked motioning to my lightsaber.


“Not now Sergeant,” he motioned to us, “Your weapons will be returned in time, please follow me.”


I began to follow the captain, Sia fell into step behind me and the captain’s men formed a small phalanx around the two of us.


“I hate it when you do that.” Sia said


“Do what?”


“Stop me before I can object to things like this.”


“Si, have I ever told you that you are less than diplomatic at times?”


Sia mumbled something that I couldn’t make out under her breath, but didn’t offer any further protest to what I had done.


Captain Antilles and his men led us to what must have been a planetary shuttle. Once we were aboard, the captain himself took the helm and lifted us off. There was silence as Antilles guided us through the streets of Alderaan’s gorgeous capital city. It was just as I remembered it when I had been at the enclave though I only saw it a few times. Its graceful spires reached spaceward, and the city’s architecture was almost as inspiring as the people that lived in it. What I remembered most about Alderaan is that I had felt very much at peace on this planet. It was one of the few places in the galaxy where I had such a feeling, and because of that I had always kept the memory of my time on Alderaan in my heart.


I was brought out of my reverie as Captain Antilles approached the Royal Palace of Alderaan. It had to be the most beautiful building I had ever seen including the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. The captain navigated around the side of the striking structure and guided the shuttle into a hangar bay, and set it down gently on its landing struts. He lowered the ramp, and exited the pilot’s chair.


“Follow me please.”


I rose from my seat and motioned for Sia to follow me. I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, but my best guess was that Master Kenobi had made contact with the senator and this was our welcoming committee. On the other hand, they could be getting ready to throw us in jail too. I contemplated that prospect, and even began to drum up an escape plan as we followed the captain through the palace corridors. He stopped us outside a door and I almost ran into the back of him.


“I have brought you here because Senator Organa asked me to do so. He is waiting for you, but do not think that you will not be watched. If you so much as look sideways at him you will not leave this palace.”


That was an interesting warning. Here I had taken Antilles for a pleasant, if not short spoken, officer of the Alderaan civil fleet, and he delivers the type of threat one would come to expect from a hardened security officer. Just the same I nodded to him.


“You have nothing to fear from us Captain, I assure you.”


He offered no response except to motion to two of his men to take up positions on either side of the door. Then, he turned his back to us and continued down the corridor with the remaining men. I watched him go for a moment before turning to Sia.


“Okay, let’s go.”


Sia nodded and followed me through the door that opened at our approach. Behind the door was a finely decorated office with paintings, and sculptures lining the walls and behind an ornate desk sat a dark haired, bearded, middle aged, man who rose from his chair as we entered.


“Greetings, and welcome to Alderaan. I am Bail Organa, First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan, and her Galactic Senator as well. You are Athos Thorin?”


I bowed slightly “I am Your Highness, and this is my companion Sia Vasch.”


“That wasn’t exactly a warm welcome we got when we landed,” Sia said gruffly.


I shook my head slightly, but Organa was not phased by her comment.


“I apologize for Captain Antilles. Raymus is the captain of my courier ship, my brother-in-law, and my friend. He was concerned for my safety, and thought perhaps your visit could be a trap. He was unaware of the message I received from Master Kenobi who spoke very highly of you I might add. You are a student of his?”


“Yes Your Highness I am a recent student you might say.”


“Then you are not a full Jedi Knight?”


“It’s kind of a long story.”


“Please sit down, and tell me about it.”


Sia and I took the two seats across from the senator’s desk. I related to Organa everything that had happened to Sia and me since Corellia including how we had found Master Kenobi on Tatooine. I concluded with our arrival on Alderaan.


“So you see Your Highness, I am a Jedi, which reminds me. The good captain has my lightsaber in his possession.”


“I will see that he returns that to you Athos. I’m afraid I must leave you now as I have some matters of state to attend to. You will be given the best quarters that the palace has to offer visitors. I would like to speak with you more later regarding a great many things, and I know my wife would like to meet you as well. Please join the Queen and I for dinner this evening. I will send someone for you later.”


I rose and bowed to him “We would like that very much.”


“I look forward to it.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 10: Dining with Royalty



Sia and I were shown to the palace guest quarters which were beyond anything that I had ever seen in my lifetime. The “quarters” were actually a suite with three rooms. The bedroom had a bed three times bigger than anything I had ever slept in, an outer room with a refresher unit, and space for clothing, and finally an entry room which was furnished with two couches, and two chairs as well as a desk with a computer terminal on it. Everything was as ornately decorated as the senator’s office with paintings lining the walls of the entry room. Sia didn’t hold back her impression of the place


“By the galaxy Athos…have you ever been in a place this gorgeous?”


“Can’t say that I have Si, the senator wasn’t kidding when he said we would get the best guest quarters he had to offer.”


“I’ll say,” she replied as she looked around.


“Do your require anything else Master Jedi?” the guard who had shown us to the quarters asked


“Actually, we could stand some fresh clothes before we dine with the Queen.”


“I will send an attendant down.”


“Thank you.”


The guard did an about face and left the room leaving Sia and I alone. Sia continued to gaze around until her gaze came to the desk.


“Athos, our weapons.”


Sure enough, my lightsaber, and her blaster were sitting on the desk. It looked like someone had gone to great lengths to clean Sia’s blaster as well. She picked it up and examined it, checking the power cell and the blaster bolt clip.


“I’m impressed…” she stated “Whoever cleaned my blaster knew what they were doing. Fresh power cell and a new magazine.”


“And you were ready to fight when we landed.”


“They didn’t exactly roll out the red carpet at first.”


“If I were in the senator’s position, neither would I. I have to imagine he has as much if not more at risk than you and I.”


“Okay, you can stop being right.”


I smiled back at her “Only if you stop being stubborn.”

“Right, I’ll do that when the Hutts go straight.”


I laughed at her as I retrieved my lightsaber and clipped it back on to my belt. As I did that there was a chime from the door.


“Enter,” I called out.


The door parted to reveal a young woman who was quite beautiful, but I kept that particular observation to myself. She was dressed very plainly and stepped inside allowing the door to close before she spoke.


“Master Jedi, Miss Vasch, my name is Elise. I was sent to help you with some fresh clothes.”


“Thank you Elise,” I responded “Please call me Athos.”


“And you can call me Sia.”


The girl nodded “Very well, what can I do for you?”


“Can you duplicate the robes I am wearing?” I asked her.


“Yes, that will be no trouble at all, and for you Sia?”


“I..I don’t really know. I’ve never eaten with royalty before.”


Elise smiled “Why don’t you come with me, I will help you find something suitable.”


“Do you mind” Sia asked me


“Of course not, go ahead.”


Sia gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left with Elise. I sat down on the floor in the entry room, and let my mind fade into the Force. Almost immediately I felt at ease, and at peace.


I didn’t come out of my meditation until Sia returned from her clothing adventure. I stood up as the door opened, and she walked in with Elise in tow. The younger girl was carrying a garment bag that I assumed had Sia’s outfit for dinner in it. Sia had also changed clothes and was wearing a very basic brown tunic, light brown pants, and her black boots.


“Welcome back,” I remarked “How was your trip?”


“Great,” Sia replied “Elise is quite a fashion expert.”


“You give me too much credit” Elise said with a smile.


“Si, you never struck me as the fashion type,” I said


“I’ve never had to eat with royalty either,” she replied.




Sia turned and took the garment bag from Elise.


“Thanks again Elise, I appreciate it.”


“You’re welcome;” she replied “Let me know if you need anything else.”


Elise turned and left us alone in the room. As the door closed behind her the computer terminal on the desk began to chime. I walked over to it and examined it before locating an acknowledge button.




“Jedi Thorin, this is Jorya Lee. I am Queen Breha Organa’s personal assistant, and I wanted to inform you that dinner will be served in the main dining room in approximately one hour. An attendant will come to your quarters and guide you to the dining room.”


“Thank you Ms. Lee, I understand.”


“Very well, out.”


The line went silent and I turned to Sia.


“There you have it, one hour.”


“I’d better hurry up then, I have to get ready,” she replied with a sly smile, “Oh, and your stuff is in the bag too, I’ll get it for you.”


Sia stepped into the next room, and came back out holding two hangars. One hangar had a dark green tunic, and black pants on it and the other hangar was holding a dark green robe. I examined the garments and looked at Sia.


“What is this?”


“Elise and I did some research, and found out that Corellian Jedi used to wear clothes like these so we decided to replicate them for you.”


I was immediately touched by the thought that Sia had put into this. Corellian Jedi in the Republic had been known to wear clothes like the ones Sia had procured for me. I had never become a full Jedi, and so never donned the outfit myself. Now, I supposed that there was nothing stopping me from wearing it, other than the fact if might make me easier to identify. I decided that wearing it for this dinner wouldn’t hurt anything, and accepted the hangars from Sia.


“Thank you Si, this means a lot to me.”


“You’re welcome,” she replied “I’m going to get dressed now.”


While Sia was changing I did the same, putting on the clothes she had given me. The only mirror in the place was in the next room and Sia had pulled the door closed. I had never seen Sia make a fuss over her appearance in this way. I suppose that meeting royalty could do that to anyone. Even I was a little curious as to how I looked in my new garb. I would have to wait though, it was another twenty minutes until the door finally opened. I wasn’t quite prepared for what I saw though. Sia looked absolutely radiant! She and Elise had chosen a flowing light blue gown that was sleeveless and tied behind Sia’s neck. Sia spun in a circle and I saw that the gown was also backless and fit Sia perfectly, everywhere.


“Si, you look gorgeous.”


“Thanks,” she smiled “I’ve never owned anything this nice, let alone worn anything like it.”


I couldn’t think of anything to say, she was beautiful. I just kind of stood there, stared at her, and wondered how I was fortunate enough to have her with me. As I tried to find some words the door chimed.


“Come in,” I responded.


The door opened and Captain Antilles himself stepped into our quarters.


“Sia, Athos, I wanted to apologize for the way I treated you earlier. Bail has since informed me of the error of my ways, and if you don’t mind I will escort you to the dining room personally.”


“You have nothing to apologize for Captain,” I told him “You were doing your job, and nobody can blame you for that, but we will accept your offer to escort us since we don’t know where we’re going.”


He smiled “The palace is quite large. Just follow me, and you can call me Raymus.”


“Raymus it is.”


I extended my arm to Sia who took it and we followed Raymus down a maze of corridors until we came to two large doors with a guard on either side. Raymus stopped in front of them as we approached, and spoke to the nearest guard.


“Please announce Captain Antilles, Jedi Knight Thorin, and Miss Sia Vasch.”


The guard saluted “Yes Sir.”


They opened the doors and the guard Raymus spoke to stepped in.


“Captain Antilles, Jedi Knight Thorin, and Sia Vasch,” he announced in a commanding voice.


Raymus led us forward into the room which turned out to be a small private dining room. I had expected a larger dining hall, but I it occurred to me that such a room would most likely be used for larger receptions and state dinners. As we entered the room I noticed that Senator Organa was already waiting for us.


“Athos, Sia welcome, and Sia you look beautiful.”


“Thank you Your Highness,” she replied.


“You’re quite welcome, and you may sit next to Captain Antilles across from me. Athos, please sit next to me.”


I nodded and helped Sia to her seat next to Raymus. I had just made my way to my own seat when to door to the hall opened again and the guard entered.


“Her Royal Highness, Breha Organa, Queen of Alderaan, and the Princess Leia.”


The four of us rose as Berha Organa entered the room. The queen was neither tall nor imposing, but had the look of a very kind hearted woman and ruler. Cradled in her arms was a sleeping infant girl who could only have been the princess. Her husband helped her to her seat careful not to disturb the child as he did so.


“You may all be seated,” she directed.


We sat down and immediately servants entered bearing the first course of the meal which was a green salad with several vegetables that I guess were Alderaanian in origin, and it was covered in a dressing I did not recognize either, but which turned out to be quite tasty. As we ate Queen Organa spoke to me.


“So, Athos, Bail tells me you are a Jedi Knight.”


“Yes, Your Highness, I am a student of Master Kenobi.”


“I have met Master Kenobi a number of times, he is a very kind man, and from what I hear quite a general as well.”


“I never served under him Your Highness. I am a recent student of his.”


“So I understand. I also understand you are on the run from the Empire.”


I almost choked on my salad when she said that. I had no idea that the senator would have told his wife that information though I suppose I should have expected it.


“Yes, that is true. Imperial troops attempted to kill me on Corellia, and Sia and I killed several of them while escaping the planet.”


“I see, it is good that you are here. I do not approve of anything the Emperor has done thought I don’t dare say it publicly. I have heard what the Empire has done to crush uprisings on other planets and I have no wish to bring that kind of reprisal on my people.”


“I can certainly understand that Your Majesty. No one deserves to suffer the way the Empire makes people suffer, and I want to help end that suffering any way I can.”


“I fear that what you seek will take a long time, but I believe that any end must involve the Jedi.”


“It is sad that there are so few of us left to help.”


“Yes, and I could only stand by while the Empire destroyed the Jedi enclave outside the city.”


That news saddened me. While I had suspected that to be the case when I did not sense any Jedi on the planet I had hoped that they were merely masking their presence. The queen looked at my face as I contemplated her words and she must have read me like a book.


“Oh Athos, I did not realize that you didn’t know. I am terribly sorry.”


“It is not your fault Your Highness. You did not destroy the enclave, the Empire did. Tell me, how is the baby?”


“She is wonderful, thank you for asking. She is a very good child.”


I smiled, but inwardly I could already feel the Force flowing through the queen’s daughter. I knew that she would do great things for the galaxy some day.


The rest of the meal passed with only casual small talk between us. No one really wanted to talk about politics over what turned out to be a fabulous dinner that was the best food that either Sia or I had had in quite some time. Eventually the queen excused herself when the princess woke up and was crying to be fed. That left Sia, Raymus, the senator, and myself alone in the dining room.


“Athos, Sia, there is a matter that I wanted to address with you, but I did not want to bring it up while Breha was present.”


I studied his face as he continued.


“Tomorrow, Senator Garm Bel Iblis, and Senator Mon Mothma will be arriving from Coruscant. We are meeting to discuss the future of the resistance movement and I would like you to be present for the meeting.”


“Gladly Your Highness, both Sia and I are eager to help in any way we can.”


“Excellent, we will meet in my office, do you think you can find your way there.”


“I don’t think we’ll have any trouble Your Highness.”


“Very good, if you’ll excuse me, I want to say goodnight to Leia.”


The three of us watched the senator leave and then excused ourselves. I personally couldn’t wait for the morning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 11: Part of the Rebellion



When morning came, Sia and I woke to the Alderaanian sun streaming through the curtains of the window in our quarters. As we prepared for the day I found that I rather liked the emerald green Jedi robes that Sia and Elise had provided me, and decided that I would continue to wear them. So, I donned them cloak and all as Sia dressed herself in the simple brown tunic, black pants, and boots that she found comfortable.


“Are you ready for this Si,” I asked her.


“Ready for what?”


“The resistance movement, you don’t have to do this you know.”


“Athos, I thought we’d already had this discussion. I am here because I want to be, and because I’m in love with you. That’s it, end of story, and I noticed that you didn’t mention a word to Senator Organa about performing our ceremony.”


Sia really was serious about this wedding thing, and she was right. I hadn’t mentioned it to the senator, but I had planned on speaking with him in private, and I simply hadn’t had the opportunity yet.


“I’ll talk to him Si, I just wanted to do it in private, and I haven’t had the chance yet.”


“I just wanted to make sure you’re not backing out on me,” she replied playfully.


“I’m not going anywhere, I want to be with you Si, and I will talk to Senator Organa the first opportunity I get.”


“You better, or you’ll have to deal with one unhappy woman.”


“Well, Jedi or not, I certainly don’t want that,” I replied with a smile.


Sia actually slugged me on the shoulder, Sia’s a strong woman, but it still didn’t hurt. I feigned injury anyway.




“Oh quit,” she replied with a grin “You’re fine.”


“Maybe,” I said “and maybe I just want you to kiss it better.”


Sia laughed “I can arrange that.”


Our lips met and we shared a lingering kiss, I would definitely have to speak with the senator the next time I got a chance.



A couple hours later we met Senator Organa in a medium sized conference room in the palace. There were several security people present and a few of them were sweeping the room with detection devices to ensure that there would be no unwanted ears listening to this meeting.


“Athos, Sia, good morning,” the senator greeted us cheerfully.


“Good morning Your Highness,” I replied.


“Please be seated, the other senators should be arriving shortly.”


Sia and I seated ourselves at the conference table so that we were facing the senator who was seated at the head of the table. As we waited for the security people to finish their sweep I glanced around the conference room and noticed that it was as beautifully adorned as every other room I had seen in the palace. The view out the windows overlooking a lake was spectacular.


“I have to say Your Highness, Aldera and the palace might possibly be the most beautiful places I have ever been to,” I remarked.


“Why thank you Athos, I am quite fond of Aldera myself though Alderaan is a breathtaking world, and I don’t know of many others that can rival her sights.”


“Dantooine is quite nice actually; I spent some time there when I was younger.”


“I can’t say I’ve ever been to the Outer Rim worlds. I’m sure there are some sights to behold everywhere in the galaxy.”


As I started to reply the door to the conference room opened and a young red-haired woman entered dressed in a white robe from head to toe, and followed by two armed men who posted themselves on the inside of the door. Sia and I rose as the senator did to greet her.


“Mon Mothma, I am glad that you arrived safely,” he said


“I glad to see you well Bail,” the woman replied “and who is this joining you?”


“May I present Jedi Knight Athos Thorin, and his companion Sia Vasch. Athos, Sia, Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila.”


“A pleasure Senator,” I replied.


“A Jedi Knight? You are brave indeed to be so near Coruscant. Palpatine has a very large bounty on the Jedi. It is truly a sad business.”


“I am aware that coming back here was a risk, but I could not stand by after the Empire tried to have me killed, and I certainly could not let Master Kenobi down.”


“You have spoken with General Kenobi? You must have impressed him for him to send you to us. I am glad that you have come.”


As she finished speaking the door opened again, and a tall dark haired man strode in dressed in very non-descript clothing. He walked up to Senator Organa and shook his hand.


“Hello Bail, Mothma, and who might you be?” he asked turning his gaze to Sia and myself.


As I prepared to respond I instantly recognized the man and kicked myself mentally for not recognizing his name when Senator Organa mentioned. Garm Bel iblis was the Galactic Senator from Corellia.


“I am Athos Thorin, Senator, Jedi Knight, and this is my companion Sia Vasch.”


“I recognized you as a Jedi, and you wear garments very familiar to me, you are Corellian.”


“Yes, I am Senator, as is Sia. We fled Corellia when the Empire landed on the planet.”


“Yes, I know about the occupation, I am sorry you were forced to flee.”


“It’s not your fault Senator, had I not left the Empire would have killed me after they destroyed the Academy.”


“I don’t understand, were you not a student there?”


“From a certain point of view senator, but I sense that Senator Organa would like to begin. I can tell you of my rather winding path to becoming a Jedi later if you would like.”


“I would indeed, but by all means Bail, begin.”


“Why don’t we all sit down,” Organa replied.


The five of us seated ourselves around the conference table, and Senator Organa began the meeting.


“We all know why we are here. What we don’t know is how we are to proceed from here. I believe that I should remain as close as possible to Palpatine, perhaps from my position I can gain information that will benefit our cause.”


“Agreed,” Mon Mothma replied “I am interested in hearing what our Jedi friend has to say about our next course of action.”


“As am I,” added Bel iblis.


Senator Organa motioned to me, “Please offer whatever thoughts you have Athos.”


I sat back in my chair for a moment; I wasn’t really prepared to be part of the conversation. I had thought the senator only wished Sia and I to observe.


“The Emperor has not only numbers, but momentum on his side, but any government that rules such as his does will not long be tolerated by its people. I also think that any type of solid rebellion will take time in coming.”


“Indeed,” Mon Mothma replied “and we are already putting the wheels in motion, but you are all too right when you say that it will take time.”


“How many ships do we have Garm?” Organa asked


“Not enough, nor do we have enough people who are willing to openly oppose Palpatine. He has instilled fear in the entire galaxy it seems.”


Organa nodded “There is also still the matter of the prisoners on Coruscant.”


“We’ve discussed this Bail,” Bel iblis replied “We don’t have the resources to free them.”


“We cannot simply allow the emperor to hold them. He will execute them.”


As I listened to the conversation I began to think that perhaps this was an area that Sia and I could be of some help. To tell the truth, what I was thinking sounded more like suicide. On the other hand, it I stood by and let them not act, it was nothing short of condoning murder.


“How many prisoners Your Highness?” I asked interrupting them.


“There are 6 of them, one of whom is a general that Palpatine imprisoned because he questioned an order to execute a group of civilians. Did you have something to contribute Athos?”


“Perhaps, I would like to volunteer to lead a mission to free these men.”


“I cannot ask you to do that Athos, it would be incredibly dangerous.”


“I understand the risks Your Highness, but it seems to me that if we can prevent innocent blood from being spilled then we should do so.”


“There is already much innocent blood on the Emperor’s hands master Jedi,” Mon Mothma stated matter of factly.


I nodded in response “That is true, but if this general of yours would be willing to side with us, then would it not be worth freeing him?”


“If we could free General Kerrigan, I know that he would be willing to help us,” Senator Bel iblis acknowledged “I think we should entertain this idea Bail.”


“What did you have in mind Athos?” Organa questioned


“A small covert team, perhaps 5 men, myself, and Sia as our pilot. The only problem I foresee is that my ship is not large enough to perform this task. We would need some other vessel that could carry 13 people, and a plausible excuse to land at the prison.”


The senator leaned back in his chair for a moment, and glanced at each of his compatriots.


“I have a contact in Imperial Intelligence, I can get you the layout of the prison,” Bel iblis said


“And I believe we can find a ship here on Alderaan, and I also know someone who will be eager to help you Athos,” Organa finished.


“It is decided then,” said Mon Mothma “we will free our friends on Coruscant from the Emperor’s grasp.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 12 A Request


As the meeting broke up Senator Organa pulled me aside.


“Athos, a moment if I may.”


“Of course Your Highness, go ahead without me Si, I’ll find you when we’re done.”


Sia nodded and I turned to face the senator.


“Do you really think it wise to take this risk yourself,” he asked.


“Your Highness, I’ve been either a Jedi Knight or a CorSec officer my entire life. By my nature alone, I cannot leave those men to die at the hands of Palpatine or his agents.”


“Very well, but I do believe you will be a much better asset to our cause alive rather than dead.”


“The Force guides my destiny Your Highness, but I assure you, I will do everything I can to not die.”


He looked at me blankly for a moment before a smile crossed his face.


“Very good, now we must find you a ship, and there is also someone I would like you to meet.”




“Yes, Colonel Carlist Rieekan has taken charge of the few troops at our disposal, and has begun conducting covert operations against the Empire. I am sure he would jump at the chance to help you. He may also be able to help us locate a ship suitable to this task.”


“I look forward to the meeting then.”


“I will summon him, and let you know when he arrives.”


I nodded, and hesitated before I spoke next. While I did want to get married to Sia I was still apprehensive about how Organa would react to my request. Most people knew the reputation of the Jedi, and that they formed no attachments like the one I had to Sia, but if everything I heard was true it was an attachment that has caused Anakin Skywalker to fall as well. I sighed mentally, it was now or never.


“Your Highness, I have a favor to ask of you.”


“What is it Athos?”


“It is something of a personal nature….”


I hesitated gauging his reaction to my statement, but I saw nothing that might indicate any adverse reaction.


“Well, spit it out Athos, what is it?”


“Sia and I would like to get married.”


“Married?! That’s wonderful Athos, but if you’ll forgive me I didn’t think Jedi did such things.”


I nodded. “It has been forbidden in the Order for centuries, but I am in love with Sia and I cannot hide that. In addition, I am on one of the few Jedi Knights left in the galaxy and I believe that the Order’s teachings are misguided on this issue. Were there a Jedi Council, they would most likely exile me for such a belief, but seeing as there is not, I can find no reason not to act on my feelings for Sia.”


The Senator studied me as he considered my words, and then finally responded


“Your logic is solid Athos,” he said and then he smiled “I would be happy to perform the ceremony for you.”


I bowed “Thank you Your Highness, Sia will be ecstatic to know you agreed.”


“Thank you Athos for asking me to perform this joyous function for you. We will talk again about it soon, but I need to go try and summon Colonel Rieekan before he leaves the planet again.”


“Of course, thank you again Senator.”


He flashed a smile at me “You’re welcome, and I look forward to performing the ceremony.”


I bowed slightly and followed him out of the conference room to find Sia. I found her, of all places, at the shooting range designed for the palace’s security guards. As she saw me approach she stopped firing.


“Of all the things to see on Alderaan you’re on the blaster range,” I remarked.


She shrugged “I figured I needed the practice, so what did the Senator want?”


“He wanted to make sure I knew exactly what I was getting myself into.”


“And? Do you?”


“Yes Si, I know what I’m doing. I can’t leave those men to rot on Coruscant any more than you can.”


She sighed “You’re right. We have to at least try to get them out.”


“Besides, if this General Kerrigan can help the resistance then it’s worth any danger we might run into. I also asked the Senator about the wedding.”




“He expressed some concern at first about a Jedi marrying, but we talked about it and he has agreed to perform the ceremony for us.”


“He did?! That’s great!”


Sia threw her arms around my neck in a hug and I was happy to be able to bring her some joy after everything that we’d been through since Corellia. My only fear now was that both of us came back from this rescue mission alive. Attempting to break six men out of jail in the heart of the Empire was not exactly what most would call an intelligent act, but as I told Sia I felt that if there was even a small chance that the resistance stood something to gain it was worth it to make the attempt. Sia released her grip on my neck and looked at me.


“So, now what?”


“Well, Senator Organa is contacting an officer he believes will be able to help us with the rescue mission, and he is working to locate a ship as well.”


She nodded “It’s going to have to be something fast to get us off of Coruscant alive.”


“I agree, but we also have to carry thirteen people.”


She nodded “Right, well, we’ll deal with that later, right now I want to work on the wedding! Oh my gods, I need a dress and we need rings, and…”


Sia went on to list several other things that needed to be done for the ceremony, and while I was listening I was also thinking about something else. The conversation I had with Master Leone before we left Tatooine.


“Our former brother, Master Tirith still lives Athos, but he is broken on the will of Darth Vader and serves the Emperor.”


“Master Tirith has fallen?”


“I am afraid so. That is all I have been able to determine through the Force, but I believe your destiny may lead you to him.”


It seemed to me that if I was being drawn into a confrontation with Master Tirith then I may find that confrontation waiting for me on Coruscant. If he truly was a dark Jedi then this rescue mission could get us all more than we bargained for.

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  • 1 month later...

*It has been awhile since I've updated this fic, and I apologize to anyone who has been reading it. I've had several life events come up including a new job, and the news that my second child is on the way :) This chapter isn't much and frankly it's a little dry, but it will help bridge the rest of the story to the next action sequence :) JA*


Chapter 13: The Plan


It was the next day before Senator Organa was able to get Colonel Rieekan together with Sia and I, but the Colonel had already made a great deal of progress on the rescue plan. We met him and the senator in a secure strategy room that had been used by Alderaan’s generals during the Clone War.


Colonel Rieekan was a dark haired man who had the air of a seasoned combat veteran about him. His features were worn, and as I observed him he looked tired at times. At the same time his eyes were also alert, and observing everything that went on around him. Senator Organa introduced him as Sia and I entered the room.


“Athos, Sia, Colonel Carlist Rieekan. Colonel Rieekan, Jedi Knight Athos Thorin, and Sia Vasch.”


I bowed toward the Colonel “Good to finally have met you Colonel. Senator Organa has nothing but good things to say about you.”


“Thank you,” he replied “I’ve heard quite a bit about you as well. You’re a student of General Kenobi?”


I nodded “Yes, Master Kenobi was my most recent teacher.”


“There are a lot of soldiers that could learn things from the Jedi Generals I served with in the war. General Kenobi was no exception.”


“I’m sure he would be flattered.”


“Now, the senator tells me we have a rescue mission to assemble. I have received the plans for the prison from our contact in Imperial Intelligence, and Senator Bel Iblis has located a Corellian freighter that we can use as our transportation. All that remains is the final assault plan.”


I had to admit, the Colonel came well prepared, and he certainly didn’t mince words either.


“How many men do you have Colonel?” I asked.


“I have a ten man team that has volunteered for the mission. They are some of my best men.”


“Could we have a look at the prison plans?” I asked.


The colonel nodded and inserted a data disk into the computer. In seconds the holographic display showed the layout of Imperial Prison 315. The prison was very straight forward with just one landing bay for us to use to make our infiltration. I noted that there were three cell blocks, and the control center was on the second floor of the facility.


“Do we know where our targets are being held?” I asked


“Unfortunately our Intelligence contact hasn’t been able to provide us with that information yet,” Senator Organa responded.


“What is your opinion on how we should make our entry Colonel?” Sia asked speaking for the first time.


Rieekan pointed to the landing bay. “There is one bay which we will access by pretending to be a bounty hunter ship turning over a bounty. Once we’re inside we will have to neutralize whatever security is in the hangar before we proceed into the prison. We should go straight for the target, extract the prisoners, and be on our way out before they even know we’re there. If the control center becomes aware of our presence and calls for reinforcements we will be trapped.”


I nodded “I agree, and I think that Sia and I can help fool their security in the bay.”


“How?” he asked


“Sia can pretend to be the bounty hunter, and lure the guards into the ship where we can detain them. I can use the Force to disable their cameras momentarily. It will appear like a minor power fluctuation to them.”


Rieekan nodded “Okay, so we have the initial actions laid out…all we need is the location of our target, and we’ll be ready to go.”


“Hopefully that will come soon,” Organa said. “Until then I think you should all relax, and prepare for what you are about to do.”


The meeting broke up after that, and Sia and I retired to our quarters. We’d only been there a few moments when the chime rang.


“Come in,” Sia said


The door opened, and it was Elise, the wardrobe attendant who had helped us find clothes for the dinner two days prior.


“Thanks for coming Elise,” Sia said with a smile before turning to me. “Elise is going to help me pick out a wedding dress,” she told me still beaming.


I couldn’t help but smile back at her. “Well, have a good time then,” I said.


“Oh we will,” Elise replied “I love weddings!”


The two ladies practically bounded out, leaving me alone in the room.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 14: Infiltration


Sia did not return from her outing with Elise until later that evening. I could tell from the twinkle in her eyes as she came through the door to our quarters that she had found the dress she liked.


“So, how did it go?” I asked even though I already knew the answer


Sia beamed at me as she responded “Great! Elise helped me find exactly what I wanted!”


She came over to where I was sitting, and pressed her lips to mine in a loving kiss. I swear every time she kissed me I didn’t want her to stop!


“Well, that’s good, what does it look like?”


Sia frowned “You aren’t supposed to know that!”


“Why not?” I replied truly ignorant of what the reason was.


“You can’t see the dress until the wedding!”


“I don’t want to see it,” I countered “I just want you to tell me what it looks like.”


“ No!” she exclaimed “That’s just as good as seeing it.”


I sighed, “Women!”


“Hey!” Sia said acting hurt


I was about to kiss her again when the room’s communicator chimed. I walked over to the desk and acknowledged the call.


“Yes?” I said to the air


“Athos, this is Colonel Rieekan. We’ve just received the rest of the information we needed.”


“That’s good news Colonel, when do we want to leave?”


“From what we know it will need to be early tomorrow morning in order to prevent the worst from happening. Meet my men and me in the Queen’s private hangar at zero seven hundred hours.”


“We’ll be there Colonel, Athos out.”


I turned to Sia, and I could tell that her mind had already shifted from our banter about her wedding dress to tomorrow’s mission. It was always amazing to me how Sia could just switch her focus so quickly. It was almost as if she flipped a switch in her brain.


“We should get some sleep,” she said “Tomorrow is going to be a long day.”


I couldn’t agree with her more, but I didn’t necessarily want to sleep, not just yet anyway. I needed some time to center myself in the Force, and make sure that I was ready to lead Colonel Rieekan’s men. I knew they were going to depend on me to get them safely in and out of the prison, and the only way I wasn’t going to let them down was to be as in tune with the Force as I had ever been.


“I’ll be in a few minutes.”


Sia shrugged “Okay.”


She kissed me lightly, and headed for the bedroom. I went to the middle of the outer-room, and sat cross-legged on the floor. Closing my eyes I felt the currents of the Force flowing around me and through me. In my meditation, the Jedi Code came to me.


There is no emotion, there is peace

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge

There is no passion, there is serenity

There is no chaos, there is harmony

There is no death, there is the Force.


Somehow I found comfort in those words even though I knew I had broken the Code many times over since I had taken up my lightsaber again. Perhaps it was the feeling that the Force was present in all things that comforted me, I wasn’t sure, but as the peace filled me I knew that no matter what, the Force would be with me.


The following morning Sia and I walked into the hangar that Colonel Rieekan had specified and found the Colonel, his men, and Senator Organa already waiting for us. I glanced over at Sia and she was all business. She had donned light armor over her tunic and pants, and carried a blaster rifle as well two pairs of binders, and some stun grenades, all tools a bounty hunter might wear. I had opted to leave my robe behind and wore only the green tunic, pants, and my utility belt with my lightsaber clipped to it. As Sia and I walked up Colonel Rieekan began speaking:


“According to our contact the prisoners are in the cellblock that is on the second level of the prison. We will need to use a cargo elevator located at the end of the main corridor to get the entire assault team down there. Under no circumstances can any of the guards be permitted to trip the prison’s alarm system. If they do we will most certainly be inundated with Imperial troops. Our contact also passed along that this prison is understaffed simply because it is on Coruscant and is not considered to be a high security prison. Athos, anything to add?”


I stepped forward and made eye contact with the men “Sia will make initial contact with the guards in the hangar, and I will be close behind her. If anything goes wrong and the guards don’t buy her story we will have to eliminate them.”


Rieekan nodded “Your highness?”


“Nothing on the tactical side, I just want to thank you for what you and your men are about to attempt. The resistance is grateful, and I am grateful. May the Force be with you all.”


“Alright men, let’s load up.”


The assembled soldiers broke their ranks and began to filter onto the freighter. Senator Organa and Colonel Rieekan turned to where Sia and I were standing.


“Sia, the ship’s name is the Nightstalker, and your cover name is Kira Connor, a bounty hunter from Corellia,” Colonel Rieekan stated.


Sia nodded “Got it. I did some research, and it will take us ten hours to reach Coruscant from here.”


“Then we had better get going.” Colonel Rieekan replied.


He turned and headed for the ship, and Sia followed behind him, but Senator Organa stopped me.


“Athos, I wanted to let you know that I will have the palace chapel ready for you and Sia when you return.”


I smiled at the Senator “Thank you Your Highness, you have done more for Sia and I than either one of us would have ever dreamed of.”


“No, thank you Athos, not only from me, but from the people of the Galaxy.”


I bowed to the Senator before jogging to catch up with Sia and the colonel. As I came up behind her Sia turned to me.


“What did the senator want?”


I looked at her for a long moment before I replied. I knew that the senator’s preparation of the chapel would be for nothing if one or both of us didn’t come back from this trip. To be honest I was more worried about myself than I was Sia. She would be safe on the ship to a point, and I could possibly find myself face to face against my former Master.


“Ask me when we’re on our way home,” I replied. Sia looked at me with a confused look on her face, shrugged, and headed for the cockpit of the freighter.


Minutes later we lifted off the hangar deck and blasted out into the space above Alderaan. Colonel Rieekan and his men chatted idly about the day to day happenings on the planet and some talked about their wives and children. Sia’s voice came over the intercom:


“Hyperspace jump in five, four, three, two, one…jump!”


I felt the freighter’s hyperdrive kick in as the ship rocketed into hyperspace, and we began our journey to Coruscant. After we entered hyperspace I walked up to the cockpit to check on Sia.

“Hey Si, how are you?”


“I’m okay,” she replied “what about you?”


I wanted to tell her that I was confident our mission would succeed. I wanted to tell her that everything was going to be fine, and that I couldn’t wait for our wedding day, but I couldn’t do that. Perhaps I was fine outwardly, but inwardly I was as nervous as a rookie CorSec officer on his first bust.


“I’m doing well,” I said hoping she wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. I should have known better, Sia read me like a book.


“You’re lying,” she stated “What’s wrong?”


“I’ve never been responsible for the lives of this many people Si. Those men back there may be Colonel Rieekan’s men, but they’re depending on me to get them in and out of that prison safely.”


“You’ll be fine,” Sia replied “Quit acting like a rookie! You’re a Jedi Knight for galaxy’s sake. What happened to all that stuff you told me about protectors of the Galaxy?”


She was right. I was a Jedi Knight, with the Force as my ally. I had been trained by two of the most respected Masters of the Order. What would Si Leone say if she saw me now? What would Master Kenobi say if he was here? I already knew the answers to those questions, they would both tell me to focus on the Force, and let it guide me. I looked at Sia,


“You’re right Si, listen I’ll be in the back if you need me.”


“Okay, I’m going to catch some sleep and let the autopilot do the flying for now.”


I made my way back to the sleeping area of the freighter, and sat down on the cold steel deck. Closing my eyes I called on the Force again, found that peace I felt the night before, and all of my doubts faded away.


I didn’t come out of my meditation until Sia’s voice came over the intercom again.


“Ten minutes to Coruscant, everyone get ready back there!”


I stood up and moved toward the mid section of the ship where Colonel Rieekan and his men were performing a last minute check of their weapons and equipment. The ship’s hyperdrive throttled back and this was a pivotal moment of the mission. If the prison’s docking control didn’t buy our story we would have to abort the mission altogether and General Kerrigan and the other prisoners would be executed. My worry was alleviated when Sia announced


“We’re clear and I’m taking us in, it’s showtime!”


Colonel Rieekan and his men positioned themselves near the cargo hatch and stood on the other side from them as the ship pitched and then I felt the landing struts thud as they touched the deck of the prison’s landing bay. Sia cut the engines and came back to where we were standing.


“Okay, I’ll get them in here so you guys can take care of them.”


She lowered the ramp and walked down into the bay. I heard her exchange with the guards.


“So, who’s this prisoner you’ve got?” asked one


“Oh he’s a live one boys, I’m gonna need your help to get him off the ship.”


“Okay, sure, no problem.”


Sia strided back up the ramp just ahead of the two guards who quite surprised when they entered the ship.


“What the..”


“Drop your weapons,” Sia instructed.


The guards were more than happy to comply when they saw twelve blaster rifles pointed in their direction. As Sia used her binders to detain them as I interrogated them.


“How many guards inside?”


“You won’t get anything from us rebel scum.”


I focused on the stubborn guard with the Force.


“You will tell me what I want to know”


“I will tell you what you want to know”


“How many guards inside?”




“What is the code for the docking bay?”


“Six, two, three, alpha, seven.”


I turned to Sia, “You get that?”


“I hear him, you guys better get going.”


I nodded, “She’s right, I’ll take care of the cameras.”


I proceeded down the ramp, and located the security cameras. I had practiced this technique while I was with Master Kenobi, and summoned the currents of the Force to me. The burst of electric current that came from my fingers wasn’t nearly on the scope of the Force lightning rumored to have been used by the Sith, and was only enough to frazzle the bay’s camera system for a few moments.


I turned back toward the docking ramp:


“Let’s go Colonel.”


Colonel Rieekan led his men down the ramp and they followed me to the inner door which led to the main corridor of the prison. Using a security card taken from the guards Colonel Rieekan opened the door, and I entered first unclipping my lightsaber from my belt. The colonel and his men followed behind me into the empty corridor.


As we made our way toward the cargo lift I felt a strange ripple in the Force. I stopped the advance.


“What is it Athos?” Colonel Rieekan asked


I help up a hand to silence him momentarily and focused again on what I felt. I was certain I recognized it now. The last time I felt that presence was when I last saw Master Tirith, but this time his presence was dark, and clouded.


“Colonel, do you know where to go?”


“Of course…why?”


“There is a Dark Jedi here. If I don’t seek him out, our mission will fail.”


The colonel looked at me slightly confused, but nodded “Do what you have to do Athos. My men and I can handle the rest. Let’s go.”


The Colonel led his men off down the corridor and I found the nearest passenger lift. I guessed that if Tirith were here, he would be in the command center on the top level. I found the nearest lift and used it to get to the third level which was the uppermost level of the prison. I made my way down the corridor using the Force to gauge my distance to Master Tirith. I was surprised that I hadn’t been detected yet, and even as I had that thought an alarm began blaring, and I stopped in my tracks my hand on my lightsaber. After a few moments when no troops appeared I grabbed my comlink.

“Athos to Colonel Rieekan,”


“Rieekan here.”


As the colonel answered I heard blaster fire in the background, and was instantly worried.


“Is everything alright Colonel?”


“One of the bloody guards triggered a remote alarm!” he yelled over the shots.


“Do you need my help?”


“We’ll be fine, just do what you have to do, Rieekan out!”


Something told me the colonel was trying to make me feel better, but at the same time he was right. I needed to find Tirith before he could insert himself in the battle below. I continued to move down the corridor and as I came to an intersection I nearly collided with two men.


“Hey,” one said angrily “why don’t you watch..wait, who are you? You don’t belong here!”


They both started toward me, but I didn’t wait. I pushed out with the Force and the two men flew backward and landed in a heap on the deck. I checked them and made sure they would recover before I moved on, I had no desire to kill if I didn’t have to.


It didn’t take me long to reach the command center where Tirith’s presence was strongest. My trepidation built as I tried to come up with a plan. It was that rookie cop feeling again, and tried to remember Sia’s words as I decided what to do.


After a long moment I decided my best course of action was to just go. There was no way to plan for this, and so I used the Force to part the doors to the command center. That’s when I saw Tirith, his back was to me and he was barking orders to Imperial personnel moving around the command center. One of them spotted me, and raised his blaster,


“My Lord!” he exclaimed


I used the Force to rip the blaster from his grasp and slam it against the wall behind me. Then I lit my lightsaber as Tirith turned to face my direction. He was clad in all black robes and his eyes burned with hatred as he examined my lightsaber.


“So, the Jedi live yet, and would you be the cause for the attack on my prison?”


I nodded “I am, and I am surprised you don’t remember me Master Tirith.”


The expression on his face was one of both hatred and surprise if one could possibly combine those two expressions.


“Yes,” I continued “I know your true name Jorus Tirith.”


A wicked smile crossed his face and I almost shuddered at the evil behind it.


“I remember you now Athos Thorin, but you left the Jedi. Unable to get over the death of your friend as I recall.”


“Yes, but I found my way back to the true path, and it seems you have strayed Master Tirith.”


“No,” he growled “I have found my true home at Lord Vader’s side, and I will take pleasure in presenting him with your corpse!”


A lightsaber jumped to his hand, and ignited revealing a menacing red blade. Then he was on me and I found myself back on my heels trying to defend against his powerful attacks. He swung high toward my right shoulder, and I brought my blade up to block. Tirith reversed and came low at my left side, and when I blocked that he launched a vicious overhand strike which had enough power to it that it nearly knocked me off my feet.


My mind was racing as I battled him trying to remember everything Master Kenobi had taught me about defending against a superior swordsman. Tirith threw a one handed strike toward my legs and I jumped up and over his blade executing a back flip and landing on my feet in a defensive posture. My old master chuckled slightly.


“Very impressive, you have been well taught, but let us see if it’s well enough Jedi.”


He came at me again with a right high strike that I met with a block. Then he made a thrust at my chest which I barely parried. He spun striking low again, and when I blocked that he landed a Force guided kick to my chest which sent me sprawling and my lightsaber flying from my grasp.


I laid on the deck of the command center and Tirith began to close the distance between us. Damn that kick had hurt! I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to get up again, and where the hell was my lightsaber? I rolled to one side and spied it laying a couple feet away. My chest felt like I’d been run over by a speeder. I stretched out with the Force and tried to will my lightsaber to my hand, I could hear Tirith laughing sinisterly.


“Give up Athos, you never were half the swordsman of the other students. Now your weak skills will mean your death.”


I could sense his lightsaber coming down as mine finally jumped to my hand and I mustered the strength to roll to one side. His blade scorched the deck where I had been moments before and I climbed to my feet ready to take the fight to him.


I attacked slicing down at his head, and he recovered bringing his blade up to block my strike, and I retaliated with a quick side slice that he turned away. Then I went to the opposite side and he blocked that as well. In response I thrust as his chest but he parried and attacked me pushing me back as I blocked several rapid mid strikes.


This was taking too long; Colonel Rieekan and his men had to have reached the prisoners by now. I needed to end this fight and get back to the ship or I could put the entire mission in danger.


Tirith attacked me again, and began to examine his tactics looking as I defended myself looking for any opening I could use to defeat him. I tried to slow the battle and regenerate my energy by absorbing the blows with my lightsaber and using the designed defense techniques Master Kenobi had taught me. Tirith’s attacks were filled with anger and though he was strong he was also so consumed with defeating me that there was little method to his blows. I could also tell he was growing irritated and impatient by his inability to defeat me. It was time to end this.


I waited until Tirith launched a combination that ended with him attacking low at my legs. I leapt up again, but instead of sticking to defense and flipping back I somersaulted forward and over his head landing on my feet. As he turned to face me I thrust my lightsaber forward and impaled him in the chest. I drew my blade back and he fell to the deck.


I extinguished my lightsaber and began to walk out of the room when he called to me.




I turned and regarded him.


“I-I..am…sorry…I…was…never…” He trailed off as life left him.


“You are forgiven Master.” I said to his fallen body.

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 15: Escape


Leaving Master Tirith’s body where it lay, I made my way back down the passage. I pulled out my comm link as I reached the turbolift.


“Athos to Colonel Rieekan.”


“Rieekan here”


“What is your status Colonel?”


“We’re headed back toward the ship, but we could use your help Athos. We have company!”


“I’m on my way, out.”


I rode the lift back toward the docking level willing it to go faster so that I could assist the colonel and his men. I was also thinking about Master Tirith, I regretted having to kill him. I had hoped that I could turn him back; the resistance could have used the skills of a Jedi Master.


I shook away the thoughts as the lift stopped. I lit my lightsaber and stepped out just in time to see Colonel Rieekan’s men headed toward me with the prisoners in tow. The Colonel himself was bringing up the rear and firing back at the troops that were pursuing them.


“Sir! The Jedi!”


Rieekan stopped and looked at me.


“It’s about time you showed up!”


“I was….detained. Your men?”


“Two wounded, but not badly. There’s fifteen of them behind us, we stalled them by closing some blast doors but it won’t take them long to get them open.”


I nodded “You and your men get the prisoners to the ship, I will handle the guards.”


He gave me a look that told me he thought I was insane, but shrugged his shoulders.


“If you say so, let’s go men.”


They ran off just as the guards rounded the corner, and began to fire. I ran at them using my lightsaber guided by the Force to turn aside their blaster shots. I waded into their formation as I reached them swinging my lightsaber and immediately cutting down the first two men. I cut through them like a scythe until there were only a few left. Then, using the Force like the wave of an ocean, I pushed out and scattered them knocking them off their feet, and back against the bulkheads of the passageway.


With that I decided it was time to leave and I turned and ran back toward the hangar. I reached the ship in seconds and sprinted up the loading ramp and immediately headed for the cockpit where Sia was lighting off the main engines.

“It’s about damn time!” she exclaimed “Did we get them all?”




“Good, now get back to the gun turret, we’re not out of this yet.”


I didn’t have any intention of arguing with her. I headed back to the turret, and strapped myself in hoping the Empire didn’t send a capital ship after us. Our lone gun turret and side guns would be no match for the power of a Star Destroyer.


I felt the ship shudder as Sia lifted it off, and out of the landing bay. Sia was right on about this not being over. I began tracking the Imperial fighters as soon as we were clear of the prison.


“Fighters incoming!” Sia’s voice said in my ear.


“I see them Si!”


I began tracking the fighters on my scope, swung the turret around to face them, and began blazing away at them. I downed several but they swarmed around us like insects, peppering our shields with fire. Suddenly as we entered Coruscant orbit the fighters broke off. I could feel it when Sia shoved the throttle forward, and then the ship rocked hard, and if I hadn’t been strapped in I would have landed on the deck in a heap.


“Si, what was that?!”


“Star Destroyer! I’m almost clear of the space lanes, but it’s closing on us fast. I just need a little bit of time!”


I swung the turret around and a feeling of dread began to fill me as I saw the dagger shaped starship bearing down on us. In a futile gesture I began firing back at the gigantic vessel hoping that Sia could get us out of this. The ship rocked again as the Star Destroyer continued to fire at us. If we hung around too much longer they would either destroy us or we’d be caught in their tractor beam. The ship jolted several more times, and just as I thought we were done for Sia’s voice rang out.


“We’re clear! I’m jumping!!”


The ship entered hyperspace, and I uttered a sigh of relief. I left the turret and walked up through the common area where I was stopped by a man I could only assume was General Kerrigan. He was a tall man, with brown hair that had shades of grey in it, and a certain look in his eyes that told me he was both a leader and a fighter.


“You are Athos?”


“I am.”


“General Lorth Kerrigan. Colonel Rieekan tells me that I have you to thank for my rescue.”


“The Colonel and his men did the real work General.”

The general shook his head, “I know better Athos, and I thank you for what you’ve done.”


“I’m just glad we could get you out General. The galaxy needs men like you, now if you’ll excuse me I’d like to go see to our pilot.”


“Of course.”


I made my way up to the cockpit and sat in the copilot chair.


“I didn’t think we were going to make it,” she said.


“Thanks to you we did.”


“It was closer than I would have liked, a few more minutes and that Star Destroyer would have had us. So, now tell me what the Senator said to you before we left.”


I smiled; I wondered how long it would take Sia to ask me about that.


“He told me that he would have the palace chapel ready for the ceremony when we returned.”


Sia’s face broke into what could have been the biggest smile I had ever seen her produce.




When we returned to Alderaan we landed in the same hangar of the palace that we’d taken off from. The prisoners and Colonel Rieekan’s two wounded men were taken to the palace infirmary for treatment, and later that evening a ceremony was held to honor the Colonel, his men, and Sia. I explained to Senator Organa that I needed no public thanks for my part in the mission, and despite his protest I watched the ceremony from the back of the room.


The following day I found myself standing in the chapel of the Royal Palace of Alderaan with Senator Organa who was adorned in his dress uniform. General Kerrigan, the other rescued prisoners, and Captain Antilles were sitting in the front rows as was Queen Breha, and Princess Leia. We said nothing as a small band played music, and then suddenly they broke into an elegant melody and the back doors to the chapel opened and Elise walked down the aisle. The band increased their volume and at the top of the aisle Sia appeared on the arm of the newly promoted General Rieekan. She looked absolutely radiant in her gleaming white dress and my heart jumped as the colonel led her down toward me. As they reached the bottom he joined her hand to mine and we exchanged smiles as the general took his place next to General Kerrigan.


“Friends,” Senator Organa began “We gather today to see these two people joined together in the bond of marriage. Athos Thorin, and Sia Vasch, is it your desire to be joined in this bond?”


“It is,” we replied almost in unison.


“Athos, do you accept Sia as your wife, in good times and bad as long as you live?”


“I do.”


“Sia, do you accept Athos as your husband, in good times and bad, as long as you live?”


“I do.”


“Very well, you have both pronounced your love for each other in front of these witnesses, and in front of the ruling house of Alderaan. By the power endowed in me by the House of Organa as First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan I join you together and pronounce you husband and wife.”


I pulled Sia to me and embraced her in a kiss. Then, we turned to face the assembly and as we did I saw the back of a hooded cloak slip out the door, and I smiled to myself.

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Epilogue: 20 Years Later, Echo Base, Hoth


“Imperial troops have entered the base, Imperial troops have entered…”


The transmission from the command center was cut off, no doubt by those very same Imperial troops. I drew my cloak around me as I made my way through Echo Base following a dark cloud in the Force that could only be Darth Vader. I had to intercept Vader, and distract him long enough for Princess Leia and her companions to make their escape from the Sith Lord. The presence drew closer and I hid myself in a side passage. As the storm troopers accompanying Vader approached I lit my lightsaber and attacked. Even at my age I was still faster than the stormtroopers and cut them down easily until I was face to face with Vader himself.


“Welcome to Hoth Lord Vader.”


“So, the Rebels have a Jedi among them as I had heard. You should have remained hidden.”


Vader’s lightsaber jumped to his hand and he immediately attacked me. I could feel the power behind each swing as I struggled to defend myself. I backpedaled trying to hold my ground, but I soon realized that Vader was more than a match for me. I blocked a strike and as he knocked my lightsaber away it dawned on me that I had done just what Vader wanted me to do.


“All too easy,” Vader stated.

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