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say anything u want here


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damnit kid i ain't friggin spamming!


i'm just putting a place where every1 can say anything they want and just cos u r a 3-headed monkey doesen't mean that u can boss every1 about. ok?

and anyway every1 else seems 2 enjoy it


so don't spoil the fun for every1 else u prick biggrin.gif

and i don't really give a (beep) if i won't b a 3 headed (beep)ing monkey so stop ruining it for every1 else ok?


jesus! that wus the most longest whatever 1 of these i've ever made!


p.s i can't hear any JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!


p.p.s i DON'T blame evrything on my age and u cab't stop me from saying i'm 11




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Originally posted by the_monkey:

damnit kid i ain't friggin spamming!


i'm just putting a place where every1 can say anything they want and just cos u r a 3-headed monkey doesen't mean that u can boss every1 about. ok?

and anyway every1 else seems 2 enjoy it


so don't spoil the fun for every1 else u prick biggrin.gif

and i don't really give a (beep) if i won't b a 3 headed (beep)ing monkey so stop ruining it for every1 else ok?


jesus! that wus the most longest whatever 1 of these i've ever made!


p.s i can't hear any JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!


p.p.s i DON'T blame evrything on my age and u cab't stop me from saying i'm 11




Im bossing everyone around? Really? give me a list of names of ALL the people Ive bossed around, Im sure it would be prettyu short.


AND, if you stop doing stupid things, I will stop calling you on them


Also, if you didnt care about being a three-headed monkey, why did u post in the wish list forum that you were "running out of topics trying to become a three-headed monkey"




[This message has been edited by Kid (edited May 03, 2001).]

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For fun he would kick the body i seen him play with kids who prtend to dye . Dr.T," kick the corpse." its true altough he might not do every thing else you said natty




AHHHHHHH I grew 2 more heads am I going crazy? please dont answer that.

Why'd you tell me that now I need another coconut

visit my website at http://www.heraciossite.homestead.com/

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Yeah I know Heracio, I'm kinda playing on people's personalities a bit, but in a good way, like with the first one I wrote I took that idea from the fact that in the "if you could date anyone" topic Storken said he would date NiKo, so I turned it around, added NFGB and Frenchy, and whoohoo I gots my story biggrin.gif


And if anyone else has any ideas for stories involving forum members, then lemme know biggrin.gif





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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

Don't I know you play with their personalities!

I write like I think. Not Like I act.

So my minds a mess so I generally write pretty stupidly.


So you say stuff like brighty lovey.

ANd treat me like a kid. I'm not saying that in a bad way.

Just saying biggrin.gif




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Chill out Brief and Monkey. Have some ice-cold pepsi to cool your feelings. Have a banana with it - it'll help.


Now listen. Brief, you haven't been bossing around [ or not in my opinion anyway ], but it isn't your job to point out who's spamming and who's not. The secrets will point it out to Monkey if they think he's going too far. So Monkey could take that as 'bossing around'.


There is no reason to fight here smile.gif




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Originally posted by Natty:

Yeah I know Heracio, I'm kinda playing on people's personalities a bit, but in a good way, like with the first one I wrote I took that idea from the fact that in the "if you could date anyone" topic Storken said he would date NiKo, so I turned it around, added NFGB and Frenchy, and whoohoo I gots my story biggrin.gif


And if anyone else has any ideas for stories involving forum members, then lemme know biggrin.gif





I would like to m-e-e-t him





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Originally posted by MegaMonkey:

Now listen. Brief, you haven't been bossing around [ or not in my opinion anyway ], but it isn't your job to point out who's spamming and who's not. The secrets will point it out to Monkey if they think he's going too far. So Monkey could take that as 'bossing around'.


Huh? I don't think I've posted in this thread, until now...


I have not posted anything about someone spamming (or not spamming) in at least two months (I might have some time ago, but I don't recall ever doing so).


So what exactly are you talking about? Kindly clue me in, please, preferably with some quoted messages. Thanks.




"How do you not fall down more?"

  --Chandler, Friends

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Originally posted by brief:

Huh? I don't think I've posted in this thread, until now...


I have not posted anything about someone spamming (or not spamming) in at least two months (I might have some time ago, but I don't recall ever doing so).


So what exactly are you talking about? Kindly clue me in, please, preferably with some quoted messages. Thanks.



Im pretty sure Mega was talking about me, dont know why he said you, but I just get sick of people making up excuses when they do stupid stuff. If he would of just said I'll try and stop or somethin, I would've laid off, but he kept makin excuses. Oh, and Mega, by pointing out that he is spamming, I am keeping him from being said to by NFGB, murta etc.


Besides, he said you can say anything you want in the topic, im gettin chewed out for voicing my opinion? If he didnt want to hear it, he shouldnt have made the topic




[This message has been edited by Kid (edited May 04, 2001).]

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Whaaaaaaatever... wait no I didn't, I specifically said "If you could go out with anyone on the forum who would it be and why?" tongue.gif Well too bad, I'm turning things around to suit my creative writing purposes. You know all these ideas come to me AFTER I've finished school rolleyes.gif Typical mad.gif


Whats wrong with me calling you "Brighty"? Don't ya like it? I just think it sounds cute, and I'm all for cuteness, besides, Brighteyes is longer to type and I'm lazy, but if you don't want me to call ya Brighty, I'll call ya "Jerk" coz you are a jerk coz you don't like me calling you brighty frown.gif


Hehehehe JK bout the jerk part but you get the idea



And BTW, someone flooded my hotmail inbox again rolleyes.gif Some people are pathetic, but I'm not worried, I just see a name I don't recognize, I delete them all biggrin.gif





Check Out My New Homepage, And Sign The Guestbook, Otherwise I'll Be Upset!


[This message has been edited by Natty (edited May 04, 2001).]

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  • 11 months later...
Guest King Andrei
Originally posted by the_monkey

here is the box|-¬ biggrin.gif not much of a box but




say anything u want here........


i'll go first



done biggrin.gif



Uh, okay! Here I go:


BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I am a demonic carrot that is about to devour you!!!!(spam)

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*jumps in the box* ok i thought this would b the best place to put this, cause i wasnt sure where else...


I wanted to thank u guys for being so kind to me and newbes alike because when i went to another forum i just posted a bit, stayed on topic and the lot...


and what did i get? people telling me to shut it cause they didnt know me and there-fore my opinion didnt matter.


U guys welcomed me and im greatful for ur kindness


yeah i know, i know... this is soppy, but its true

:) thx all


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