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Reskin doesn't work... help?


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Split posts from this thread New Sith Armor Colors to prevent thread ressurection of that long dead thread.


Grabstein the last post in that New Sith Armor Colors thread was over 2 years ago, it is better to start a new topic about your issues instead of ressurecting a long dead thread, unless the thread is the exact same issue you are having. Make note of the dates of the last post and if it is years old it is a better bet to start a new thread and possibly post a link to the older thread. Thanks. ;) -RH


I'm having the same issue. (Refrence to the last post by Darth_ToMeR in that thread) I've tried reskinning the dancer's outfit (I don't like the red), but I can't get my .tga to work in the game. I've read the tuts, and done what's mentioned above, but it still won't work. Can anyone help?

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I'm having the same issue. I've tried reskinning the dancer's outfit (I don't like the red), but I can't get my .tga to work in the game. I've read the tuts, and done what's mentioned above, but it still won't work. Can anyone help?


{Snip} Split posts off of thread so problem solved. -RH


However in the condition of your problem you need to check the dimensions of the TGA file for your new dancer's outfit skin. Also make sure you have put your tga in your override folder. Also make sure you are using the right naming conventions misstyping the name of a tga file is a #1 reason a new skin isn't showing up.

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I named everything "outfit." .tga is in the override, as is the .uti and .txi. I'm not quite sure what you mean by dimensions, but if you are referring to the physical size, it is no different than the original. All I've changed is the colouring.


PS Sorry, I thought that I'd just try to save some space by digging up an old thread.

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You have to stick with the normal file naming conventions when making new skins for things like the dancers outfit...


If a file originally is PFBAM01.tga you will need to name your reskin PFBAM**.tga (** being a double digit combination like 99 for example.)


You then need to set the texture variation in the uti file to that number you used, the invantory icon tga files work similarly and follow the same conventions both tga files need to be set to the same number. ;)

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{Snip} Removed refrence to deleted off topic spam post. -RH

Anyways, I got an error...

Error msg: Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /PerlApp/Bioware/TPC.pm line 190.

And I've lost my save files, in game.



Edit: Okay, I've got the skin to work, and the missing save files have been found (iamdumb), but the skin is all grey scale, and "crackly." Any ideas? :D

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Yeah, I know. Waiting for tax return.


Edit: Heh, just realized that those were the specs from my wife's comp. My specs are up, now.


Edit 2: Alrighty. Now I've got just a bronzed skin popping up, in game. Am I saving the texture wrong, or something?


Edit 3: Mod, please close this thread. I have figured out my problem. I had not saved as a 32-bit .tga.

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