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Which server do you play on?

Guest DarthMaulUK

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I started playing when I was thirteen and now I am coming up on 21. I loved pre cu/nge and post nge. It was a revamp, and each version had its ups and downs.


I respected the crafting, and trading aspect. I had a total of 5 accounts at one time. I mostly rolled with 2 main accounts.


Harus Fion, Emeroa Chronz, Eithie Casadori, and my no name cook XD.


I rolled on Flurry and was one of the best starcraft engineers... Largest rebel guild at one time, -KAI- Kill All Imps


This game filled a void, and now it is a void once again. Nothing ever released to this date has ever compared to swg. In depth crafting is amazing, and the best thing about this game was that there was a learning curve. It wasn't noob friendly. So here is to all of you guys, who feel the same as me. I'll take a toast to you swg, and for the countless hours upon hours upon hours upon hours, weeks, days, months, of time i've spent with you.

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you don't have to anymore. the emulators are being developed as we speak. if you guys want this game to come back study Java or Python Programming. if you don't want to do that help me find people who can help code for this Game. Ladies and Gentleman we gotta a lot of work to do.

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