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Britney Spears BALD!

Hayden Kered

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That's right...BALD! I thought it was a joke, but it is true. I know this is at least a day old now, but what type of publicity stunt is she trying to pull now?




I know some kids shave their heads for rebelious reasons but this is rediculous. A famous celebrity who just got bad reviews over her "baby incidents", and divorice. Now she has come to this!?


I would think that some one like her in the position she is in would do some thing less dramatic.


What's your input?

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So, seriously, what's so "wrong" or "bad" about a shaved head? Many people shave their head or have pretty short hair and no one even cares, why now? It's not like the hair will not grow back and stuff. Also, this is definitely not something that make a person an idiot, a moron or - haha - causes "losing of respect" for that. Actually, this kind of attitude is rather idiotic or moronic and a pretty sad thing to recognise.


I mean, how many of want have other people telling you how to have your hair cut?

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There is nothing bad with having a shaved head. But when you do it just because you are having a bad day and then announce it to the world is another story.


This type of act I would call stupid or even idiotic, because in the USA celebrities are looked at as role models for a lot of young people. So what they do their fans do. It is the same thing as looking up to a brother or sister for guidence, and then they become alchoholics.


If you want people to respect you then you have to first respect yourself. Shaving her head was not done for fashion but was a lack of respect for herself.


But now hearing on the news that she is in rehab and was probably suffering from depresion would then explain her acts.

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