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The Search for Revan

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"You watch way too many holovids, Zayne!" Dwain shot an on coming Kretch, baring fangs, in the head. "Besides, I ain't no Jedi!"


A Kretch leaped on Dwain and pinned him down.


"AAAARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" he screamed, when the Kretch open two of its jaws revealing sharp fangs. Dwain put the nozzle of the Blaster Pistol underneith the Kretches head, pulled the trigger and the head blew off. Green, ozzy blood spilled all over Dwain.


"Ugh... and the after taste!"

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"Stay strong guys" Natalie shouted, noticing Dwains slumped leadership and worry.


She fired a volley of shots at a few kretches, and then took out a stun grenade.


"Close your eyes!" She shouted as she rolled the *very* short fused grenade towards the kretches....

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Dwain did as Natalie instructed. He closed his eyes and he bang of the grenade was loud. The flash of the grenade stunned only a few of the Kretches, and suddenly Dwain noticed a few of them running to the temporary flash, as if they were attracted to it.


"Wait a minute... thats it!" Dwain shot the stunned Kretches, and pulled out a flash bang grenade.


"Everybody pull out a grenade. Something offensive, better than a Frag Grenade..."


He threw the Flash Grenade down the corridor. Blinding Light filled the area down the corridor, which attracted most of the Kretches. Dwain pulled out a Plasma Grenade and threw it at the group of Kretches.

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Zayne sweat-dropped, I wonder if they only went against us if they were attracted by the lightsabers or felt threatened, He thought.


"Oh well," Zayne sighed, quickly getting out a cryoban grenade and throwing it in conjuntion with Dwain's plasma grenade.


"Phew, almost threw the thermal detonator," He said, then noticing the cryoban grenade still in his hand and then looking forward to see the gray-toned grenade.


"Oh crap."

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Dwain stared at Zayne, as if he made the most idiotic mistake he's ever done.


"You stupid, son-of-a-b---"


The combination of a Plasma Grenade and a Thermal Detonator had caused a massive explosion which had knocked Dwain on his back. As soon as he got up, the Temple began to rumble. The rock ceiling collasped, and the wrecked stone caused dust in the air. The Kretches have been most liely eradiacted.


As the dust cleared (and to his relief) the corridor hadn't been fully sealed over by rubble. There was a gap big enough for the four of them to squeeze through.


"Lets continue, we're almost there..." Dwain crawled though the gap and pulled out an open hand to anyone coming through the hole.

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Natalie stood up, and took Dwains hand as she climbed through the hole.


"We cant offord anymore careless mistakes, Thermal Detnators have extremily bad effects on buildings and foundations, if we're not careful anymore might collaspe it, this temple is thousands of years old I guess, we must be careful."


She lectured, and then moved on.

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Zayne very lazily and hurt got up from the blast which was created quite an effect. They should use that more often on better situations. Zayne then suddenly slapped himself, For the next 5 minutes, slapping myself hard shall do well, he thought.


"Hey Nat," He said in the pause of a slap, "Tell me something," Another slap, "I don't know." He then jumped athletically, rock by rock and slapping himself until he needed help to climb.

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Dwain tried his best not laughing when Zayne slapped himself. They continued down the dark empty corridor. The blast must have scared the rest of the Kretches... or perhaps exterminated.


They came to a halt at a stone door. Dwain opened it, and it revealed a downward passage most likely leading into the catacombs.


"Lets move!"


He ran down the passage, and halted at yet another door. He opened it, and it revealed a rather strange room.


The floor had some kind of tiles laying on the floor; three x-axis and y-axis, forming a square. ((sound familiar anyone?))


"What the hell is this?" Dwain stood on one of the tiles, and a few of them lighted, forming some kind of pattern.


"Is this some kind of weird way of confusing us?" he scratched his head.

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"Oh please," Zayne said giving himself his last slap, "Just forget the tiles and walk over them," He told Dwain, going over the middle column of tiles and then touching the door...




"Okay," He said, then tapping on door, "That won't work so," He got out his blaster and shot at the door but the shot just simply disintegrated when touching the door.


"Alright, we have a puzzle. Never was good at those. Ugh."

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"What the?..." Zayne muttered, "Must be the place. So, anyway, we've got a 9-tiled square on the ground. My guess is we need to do some sort of pattern like Nat said to open the door or something. Now, pattern, pattern, pattern, pattern," He mumbled while going through the tiles, only then noticing some of them lighted.


"Did you all see what i saw?"

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(ZAYNE! Not Jason.)


"You're not the only on-" Zayne said before being cut off by the loud sound of a click from the door.


"Huh? Err... I think we did something...", he heard Dwain say.


Zayne noticed all the tiles going from orange to blue at the same time the click was heard. He went to the door and pushed it, leaving it open.


"Well, whatever we did, we got a way in."

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Zeldron was right. "The more we wait, the less time we have" was one of Dwain's philosophy... as with others revolving around women.


Dwain unclipped his Lightsabers, and walked to the door. He opened it...


Before his eyes was a large, dim lighted room. In the center was an ancient Rakatan Computer Terminal. But in front of the rusty machine was three cloaked figures. They turned around to face the intruders.


The center one pulled back his hood to reveal the face they had encountered on the Hospital Space Station. Reaper.


"I had not expected you to come this far..." he said in the cold voice.

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Zayne was cautious. He knew they were in the presence of evil. Whether it was the minion or the master, it didn't matter for this one alone was enough to kill them. And he himself had two other minions. Obviously, they all had Lightsabers. Zayne slowly grabbed onto his saber hilt and just let the encounter develop, slowly...

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"Perhaps now would be a good time to fight," William said as he emerged through the doorwary. "When I couldn't sense your presence anymore I followed you in... guess I was right to do so."


Turning to face Reaper William said, "So your the bothersome thing I sensed repeatedly. I hope you aren't annoying like the other Sith that I've faced, you know, going on and on about the dark side and the power."

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"Usually I won't give help unless you truely need it. You can take care of yourself and besides, you became stronger when you dealt with the problem on your own."


William began taking out his dual lightsabers and spoke to Reaper, "I don't like fighting, so lets try not to leap into battle like the Mandalorian would and resolve this with words, though I doubt it to be possible... and no offence Zeldron, but I don't like cocky people."

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William's words reminded Zeldron of a training session he had on Dxun when he was younger. He was battling all sorts of wild beasts and was killing them with relative ease. He was confident after killing a bunch of maalras and despite orders to return to base, he went in search of a zakkeg, a large beast that if killed would bring great honor to a Mandalorian. When he actually faced the zakkeg, his pride and arrogance got the better of him and he was overwhelmed. Luckily, his trainer had come in search of him and saved him from certain death, before scolding him: "Idiot!! What the hell were you doing out there? You almost got yourself killed!! Never get into something you can't handle! NEVER! And don't underestimate your adversary just because he doesn't look like much...that's gonna kill you!". Turning back to the present, Zeldron shook his head and thought:"I am still young...and have much to learn".


He then turned towards William and said:"Well, cocky or not, Sith aren't known to be very open to negotiations and these don't look any different."

((Sorry for the flashback...I felt I needed to add something to Zel's background :D))

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(Sorry for being away, and no worries JK24)


Natalie stepped out from the corner, and a smile broke across Reapers face.

"We meet again girl... if only your friends... knew what you truly were" He gloated.


Natalie looked at her party members... hoping they would just ignore it.


(Hint hint people :p)

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"Well then what are you, omnipotent or something? Or just simply arrogant since you seem to have Lightsabers or perhaps three, none of the above?" Zayne told William, losing his stance and looking at him dumbfounded when he was interrupted by something Reaper said, and although he didn't heard it very well since he was talking to William, it seemed to be directed to Natalie.


"You know," Zayne said, taking a step forward and grabbing his Lightsaber, throwing it in the air, "This is getting boring. Why don't we-" He continued as the Lightsaber then fell as he grabbed it and igniting it, a calm teal blade illuminating the room, "Take action?"

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