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[Poetry]Mezhdu Dvukh Ognei ("Between Two Fires")

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I stand between two fires, two sides of the Force,

Obligated to neither, and yet yearning to follow both.

Are the Jedi right? Is my true purpose to serve the suffering,

Or is Kreia right? Does strengthening others weaken me?


As I travel from planet to planet, I meet angry people

Struggling to recover from the ravages of civil war.

To them, Jedi and Sith are no different from one another,

Equally responsible for the pain that they have endured.


What is the best way to help them? To aid them how I can,

Or to leave them to their own battles, as I've been advised?


What's the rationale behind the code of the Jedi Order

That's seen so many Knights fall, and so few of them succeed?

Why is it we're forbidden to love, lest we yield to our passions,

Yet loving the galaxy, so abstract, so remote, is an admirable goal?


As I stand facing the Masters who sent me to exile,

I don't know the whole truth, but I know what I fear.

Kreia is waiting for me, resting her tired body in the courtyard.

Will the answers I find here lead me to life, or to death?


Ah! Kavar! And Vrook! Zez-Kai Ell! Don't do this to me!

Kreia's re-bonded me to the Force, and you'll strip it away?!

Yet I yield, as it must be done to preserve all life,

I never should have remained--mezhdu--dvukh ognei...

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The biggest question that needs answering to all who are attune to the Force. Whether to serve the Light or the Dark?


Great work. I liked the way how you put the thoughts of all Jedi across. I like reading Poetry and this is no exception.

Once again, great work and ... Will there be more poems from you in the future? I really liked this one and would like to read some more of your work.

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Nice poem! I'm not a huge fan of freeverse, but this is actually quite nice. I think it flows well and I really like the subject matter and the way you treat this difficult topic. I think the questions you ask in this work apply to all of life. Anyway, I greatly enjoyed reading this, thank you for sharing it with us!

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