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Brink's appearence through the game


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There's something I noticed when I played the game. It looks like each time Brink uses the crystals, he becomes more "dark", I mean like the colours his coloured with are different. The first time, when we revive him, he's darker than he was before, but when Low cuts his hand, he becomes remarkably "black".




The characters don't notice, though, or at least they don't say anything about it, and in the cutscenes he looks normal again. I think it can be, somehow, related to the final scene, when he becomes very old, but I'm not sure (we don't know if his new age is because of the crystals themselves or the "resurrection"). Maybe it represents he's beginning to grow old by using the crystals (it's weird Low and Maggie don't say nothing about it, though) and that culminates in his final age at the end of the game.


By the way, there's another thing related to this. When they enter the new ship to go back to the Earth, Brink doesn't look old anymore (his hair is blonde again and all that). I guess that's a minor mistake of the game and Brink is not supposed to be young again, but who knows...



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Oh, I did noticed the evolving darkness of Brink, which I think is pretty cool and interesting. A nice subtle detail that helps to suggest the state in which he is into because of the crystals.


And I've also observed that the flying pig seems to have plans of his own... very suspicious character... :)

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The problem is that darkness is very variable. I think is some kind of technical problem of the game, but there are lots of scenes where Brink comes back tu his "normal colour", why? For example, when his hand is stuck in the rock... he's not dark in that scene.

Okay, we can think is a "matter of ilumination" :lol: but it's still a bit strange.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

i don't see the flying pig!


as for the zombie looking Brink, it was a cool effect, though the ending still left me confused as why he came back alive, but old.


Hell, I still don't understand how they came back to life. Airn't their original bodies still around?

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  • 6 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I liked the effect, it was kind of like how a Meth addict becomes gaunt, pale and prematurely aged. Very creepy.


As for bringing them back, who knows what is possible in another plane of existence where all time and place can be experienced at once? As for Brink being old, he DID fall off of a cliff. That, and I like to think, in his 2 deaths, and psychological degeneration as a result of the crystals, something was lost from his original self, and that should have SOME physical manifestation.

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  • 1 year later...
  FrustrationMan said:
They probably didn't have walkcycles for old Brink and figured no one would notice him young again. His old age has to do with the crystals, at least according to the novelisation, though it also says he'll still live along time. Strange.


That's what I thought, too, but Old Brink animation is in the resource files. You can see them here, a bit lower than halfway down the page.


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