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stuck in year3 underwater


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Im at the underwater scene with the Lola in the background. I pressed enter to talk to the guy with the light a second time, but I think i missed him and now Manny keeps walking forward into Glottis and I cant turn or talk to Glottis or access my inventory or anything.


I tried a few debug keys that got me out of sticky situations before, but none of them do anything right now. PLease help!

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is this the only saved file you have, if not I suggest just starting from the last one you had before this scene.


just to clarify, Manny is stuck, continually walking into Glottis right? You can't turn him around or anything? have you tried every button that the main menu of the game mentions, even the "p" button? This isn't really technical help, but just advice for how you might knock Manny out of this cliqche (or however you spell it)

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yup, none of the keys have any effect at all besides f1, which brings me to the menu and pause, which pauses the game, neither of those buttons fix the problem


the last save file was from a long time ago, something like beginning of y2 so I really want to fix the problem

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