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When did Revan meet Malek?


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I'm talking about before he became Darth Malak. When he was a jedi his name was Malek according to my sources.



Since he's never called Malek anywhere in-game it sounds like a mis-spelling in the game resources to me, like there is a Bastilla template as well (and I don't think Bastila changed the spelling of her name some time during her life, or had an identical twin). :)


Either that, or the name changed some time during game development and they only bothered changing the text that's actually visible to the player. They can change the names of characters around quite a bit as the game takes form (like how Juhani was originally named Bastila, for example).


As for the topic, I'd assume they were both conscripted into the Jedi Order as young children, where they met and befriended each other.

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I am actually about to begin writing a book about Revan's life before KoTR and it will include him and Malak's meeting at young age etc...




I would like to hear about your ideas, if you don't mind the possibility of some of them ending up in a kotor mod. I completely understand if you don't want to share, though.


I also prefer to think that they were younglings on Dantooine. I think Bastila could have been there, too. Although,she was younger. And would have been more of a "tag-along". Jolee would be near his prime. He'd have that full head of hair he bragged about and could potentially have alot going on. (Tarentaks, his forbidden love with another jedi, war with !?exar kun!?,etc.) Maybe Vandar would teach the younglings like Yoda would 3 millenia later. The best characters in my mind would be the original ones I haven't thought of yet, but the Kotor universe has a pretty good backstory with plenty of room to get creative. I'd rather see the younger caste as cameo's and filler, with a good mixture of foreboding and sensible development leading up to the moment Revan makes a public overture to join in the fight against the Mandalorians. I'd like to see it through until Bastila leads her strike team onto Revan's flagship.


Bastila:"You cannot win Revan"(points defiantly)


Revan: .....(brandishes lightsaber)


Malak:"OMG NOOBS!"(fires cannons)




Whether I will actually get it published though is probably not going to happen. :p I wish though.


You'll never find out until you try. :)


P.S That is a dope logo you have.

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Well, we know Exile met Revan in their Jedi times, and Bastila is there, along with Malak. Which makes me wonder, did Bastila have a crash on Revan waaay back in her highschool days? Thah may also be the reason why Revan did not take down Bastila out right in their first encounter?


Revan/Malak would be bunkmates then?


Oh we know that Jolee is not mentioned in Exile's korriban flashback. Granted Exile maybe younger than Revan. But from the "pulling a bindo" reference Jolee probably go wookiee before Exile's exile.

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