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[Fic]Something I made awhile back for an unfinished.....

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Sith vs Jedi episode 1

Oh and this meant to be comedy so dont ask questions.


(A long time ago in a Galaxy far away)


(Battlefront intro thingy)


Scene starts out with the Emperor and Vader plotting a plot to once again try to take over the universe.


Emperor:So where do we attack next?

Vader:Earth Because they have Mcdonalds and I never liked Mcdonalds.

Emperor:No I meant in this Galaxy Lord Vader.

(Grevious,yes hes alive,interupts)

Grevious:That fool Obiwan is plotting an attack on the Ice Planet.

Emperor:Isnt that where the whore house I mean one of our bases located?

Vader and Grevious:Whore House?!?!?!?!?

Emperor:Nvm that I think its time we ressurect Darth Maul

Dart Maul:Its a lil too late for that man.

Emperor, Vader, and Grevious:When did you do that?

Maul:Ill explain later but for now Im hungry.

Vader:Why dont we goto Burger King?

Emperor:Good Idea....for once..Plot a course for Burger King!

Sith vs Republic Episode 2

on the Ice Planet


Luke Skywalker:Master Yoda what is this place?

Yoda: A whorehouse me thinks.

Luke:Whats a whorehouse?

Yoda:Whorehouse sign says,but sure Im not of what it is.

Luke:Oh I didnt see that.Well lets have a look around the place.


-Rebel interupts-


Sir we have just spotted 2 Dark Jedi walkin this way.

Luke:What do they look like?

Rebel:One has a Red double Bladed lightsaber and the other is a robot.


-Obi Wan joins in-


Obiwan:So its Grevious and Maul, eh?

Rebel:I believe so Master Kenobi.

Luke:Let us handle this Master Yoda.

Yoda:Careful now you be.


-Obiwan and Luke leave the scene-


Princess Leia:Master Yoda Im ready to give you that pleasure now.

Yoda:Chambers in which we shall go.


Yoda:Good Pie you made Leia

Leia:I knew youd like my pleasure pie.




Darth Maul:Do you think they realize that leia is a whore?

Grevious:Nope wait it looks like we have visitors.


ObiWan:Grevious Maul nice to see you pansies again I thought I kicked both ur arses before.

Luke:Calm Down ObiWan.

ObiWan:Fine but Ill own there arses later.


Grevious and Maul:You puny fools your empty threats mean nothing.

Maul:Lets do this.

Grevious:Yes lets dance!


*discopad drops down*


meanwhile back at Yodas chambers


Leia:Did you know I want you?

Mace Windoo:Doesnt every white chick want me?

Leia:I spose lets goto the whorehouse bathrooms Master Windoo.


30 minutes later


Leia:That was..........


Leia:No it was AWSUM!!!

Windoo:Yea that was a kool movie.

Leia:I wasnt talkin bout the movie.

Windoo:What were you talkin bout?

Leia:Ill tell ya later when Im in the mood again.


End Scene

Episode 3 part 1

Vader:You know Ive just gotten word from Maul that He and Grevious just kicked the hell out of the Republic in a dance off then killed ObiWan


Sidious:They killed a Jedi?!?!?

Vader:No they killed him in Halo while Luke was in the bathroom.

Sidious:Oh I see.

Vader:So yea who are these bounty hunters ive been hearin about?

Sidious ah yes come in Jengo and Boba Fett.

Vader:I thought Jengo was dead?

Sidious:We ressurected him.

Vader:Oh I see.

Jengo:So whats this mission of yours?

Sidious:I need you two to kill Han Solo and Chewbacca dont kill em kill em, Just kill them in DDR

Boba:I suck at DDR what about Halo can I kill him in Halo?

Sidious:I spose now off to it.

Boba:Dad you never told me you played DDR.

Jengo:I played it before you were born.

Boba:Wait before I was born??

Jengo:Yea I challenged some punk ass pansy in a dance off and that pansy got served oh and that white on ur sheets well you see your mother and I.....

Boba:What the hell dad its my room why did you do it in my room?

Jengo:What are you talkin bout?

Boba:You and mom gettin it on.

Jengo:No we were paintin and got paint on it dumbo.

Boba:Oh I thought----*Lightsaber flys past em*

Mysterious voice:I know ur plot.Let me help.Im from the past.

Jengo:Who are you?

Anakin:It Is I Anakin Skywalker, Lukes father.

Boba:You mean your Vader?

Anakin: Yes.

Boba:Vader said you died in a car accident.

Anakin: If Im not Vader who am I?

Boba: He said you were his sex toy.


Boba: we were just messin with ya.

Jengo:We were?

Boba:Yes dad we were.


Boba:Follow us Anakin.




Han:Chewy What are doing?

Chewy:(Wookie tongue) Peein in the gas tank.

Han:Oh ok......WHAT!!!Get ur cock out of my tank Chewy!!!

Chewy:You dumbass its the new fuel for ships Wookie pee its free.

Han:Oh.Is that Boba Fett and Jengo Fett?

Chewy:I believe so.


Han:Im gonna throw a grenade at them a plasma grenade.*throws grenade*


Jengo:Oh hell!!! *dies*

Boba and Anakin high tail it out of there



theres no more I stopped after three if you want more ask me Ill make more.

EDIT:So I cant add a poll so you tell me shoul I continue or scrap it?

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Before it was way worse grammar wise so I did clean it up.There arent as many curse words in it.


Episode 4:Why me?


Sidious:Vader I want you to goto Hoth and Go Find Princess ;Leia and teach her a lesson.

Vader:Why me?

Sidious:Why?!?!?!??!You dare question me?!?!?!?!Well Im crippled and ur strong so you should go do it.

Vader:Fine!!!I will*runs and cries all the way to a ship*


Boba:I knew my father would die.Why did he have to ressurect himAnakin:You mean why did I have to?Well he would be a diversion for us.

Boba:Oh I see so it was the idiots plan?

Anakin:You know what?*Force shocks him*

Boba:Why you filthy Jedi!!!!*Shoots him with a rocket and flies away*

Anakin:This isnt over Boba!!!You will feel the wrath of the Sith!!!

*Planet:Hoth 1:42 PM*

Vader:Well So this is the whorehouse?

Greivous:Yes and also that filthy midget Yoda is in there.

Vader:Where the hell did you come from?

Greivous:That speeder over there.Me and Maul will watch guard.While you go find the "painted lady"

Vader:Very well.

*In the whorehouse*

Yoda and Windu:Thanks for the "pleasure" we must go now..

Leia the "painted lady":No Problem come again.Especially you Master Windu.

Vader:Ah so youre "the painted lady"

Leia:Why ye-----

Vader:Shut up, bitch!!!*slaps her in the face*

*Leia kicks him in his "Jibblets"*

*ending credits*

Vader: Oh why me?!??!


well whatya think?

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