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Will custom area creation ever be possible?

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I am starting a new thread to ask if anyone knows if anyone is any way near to creating custom modules for either Kotor 1 or Kotor 2. I wish to start modding myself once i get enough knowledge on Ktor modding so that i feel confident enought to create something worthwhile. Anyway, currently we have to use pre-existing modules to create 'new areas', but rather than just reskinning an existing area, it would be great if someone was close to creating an entirely new area. The possibilities would be endless - it could lead to things such as a Slehayron that never saw the light of day in the original Kotor or even something simple like area expansions. Does anyone have any thoughts or information regarding this matter?

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Well, we at the K1RP are working on this as we want to restore Sleheyron, we have been trying to make progress but so far, its impossible... :(


Keep at it, you never know you might find a breakthrough! One question however, is there even much that was cut out of Kotor 1; if there was i sure wasn't aware of this - anyway its good to have modding projects like this - it gives more variety to the modding community whom usually seem to focus on much larger, prestigous mods (TSLRP is a prime example!)

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Well we are trying our best. We have a programmer who is willing to have a go at creating a compiler for us. We have solved the ASCII stage.


You solved the ASCII stage? Well this is quite a feat in itself; hopefully that compiler will get up and running. I'll definately follow your K1RP project with interest - KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! :thumbsup:

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On the Slehayron Planet, will you have the Shuma the Hutt quests on it that were planned for the original Slehayron. I Think it would work; it has great potential that could lead to more smuggling missions etc. that could give a real boost to the game. I noticed on your website that you'll have the Iriaz restored aswell; more new creatures to slay!!


Just one question:

If you succeed in custom module creation, will you release the tools to the community with tutorials? It's just i feel it would be very beneficial to the community and could lead to much more prestigous mods such as Total Conversions with new planets such as Naboo or Mustafar.

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will you release the tools to the community with tutorials?

Well, it would be a bit cruel if we didn't, im sure everyone on Holowan would love to be able to make custom modules. We would proberly release it at the same time or soon after we have created Sleheyron. If we ever get to that stage anyway. Also, there is a small chance Bioware could prevent us from releasing it, very small chance but if we can create modules and planets. We could as you say, create Total Conversions. Using Bioware's aurora engine for literally our own games. Which is why I am slightly conserned. But as i said, its a pretty small chance.


I noticed on your website that you'll have the Iriaz restored aswell; more new creatures to slay!!

Actually, the Iriaz are passive creatures. We are only restoring content and as the Iriaz UTC file was set to "neutral" we just left it.

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Also, there is a small chance Bioware could prevent us from releasing it, very small chance but if we can create modules and planets. We could as you say, create Total Conversions. Using Bioware's aurora engine for literally our own games. Which is why I am slightly conserned. But as i said, its a pretty small chance.


Well Bioware would be fools if they did - if it wasn't for the modding community both Kotor 1 and Kotor 2 would have been dead long ago. It's good to hear that you'll release the tools if you manage to crack it, i'm sure the community will greatly appreciate it.


Regarding the Galaxy map, it could look something like tk102's concept:



From Thread:



However, isn't Sleheyron supposed to be quite volcanic? So the planet part in the picture would probably have to look a little more like mustafar; whilst not being that volcanic.

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Well, i doubt (at least hope not) that they wouldn't stop us. I think if they did it would be more likey that they would set restrictions. Then again. I think it is possible to create new areas in NWN, at least, i'm pretty sure that they have cracked tileset walkmeshes. Sadly, the NWN walkmeshes arn't compiled in the same way KotOR walkmeshes are.

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Sadly, the NWN walkmeshes arn't compiled in the same way KotOR walkmeshes are.


:lol: It seems Bioware had already tried to stop custom area creation before the modding community even began!


^ Sleheyron was/will be a highly industrialised planet ruled by Hutts and traders. I hope we can crack animations. K1RP isn't working on that but it would be good if we could have animated ships flying around and cargo freighters, etc.


Hey, if you can crack custom area modification, then i'm sure anything will possible for you; animations should be easier to crack and will make the planet seem more authentic & detailed. An idea; if you couldn't create custom anmations for say ships flying around in the sky, you could use the animation from pre-existing modules like Tatooine. I know it wouldn't be as detailed or exactly what you wanted, but hey! Some ships are better than no ships! - Good Luck! :thumbsup:

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Awesome GM , can't wait untill your team has finished the job .

I just love map-making .


Good change you solve this problem , is there a change youre programmer who now works on walkmeshes may also look into the MDLops program .


Cause were still ain't able to create custom heads ( I tried once , floatingheads :p ) or real new enemys with their own animation set .


Anyway keep it up , its an awesome job youre doing .

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can't wait untill your team has finished the job

eek! dont say that its SithRevan's team.. :lol:


is there a change youre programmer who now works on walkmeshes may also look into the MDLops program

I had asked him if he wanted a go but he didnt understand the source code. He said he would have to write it all out again and because he doesnt know the code its written in (PL) he doesn't know what to write if you see what i mean.

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Ah , damn , what language does he uses ?


For the moment I'm doing C++ at college and man I'm not good at it .

So I can see his trouble , still most programming languages are very look alike .

Most of them use the same words and all , but :lol: better him then me working on it .


Cause if the source code is without //comments and all it can be a really hard to read what it says or was ment to be doing .


Hell , some of my friends know C++ well , can't read their stuff either .

I'll keep my fingers crossed that one day I can get my self in the game :D

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