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[Fic]Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic III Shadow Rising

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Although I have had several failed Fanfics, I have decided to give it one last shot. And this time it I will have a stab at my own KOTOR 3. Now I want this to be different from the others KOTOR3 Fan-fics so this isn’t going to a Revan and Exile meet up to fight the true sith scenario. To be honest, the two previous game heroes are likely to only get a small part in this however I am quite likely to include the true sith as the final enemies. We’ll see.


Star Wars

Knights of the Old Republic III

Shadow Rising



An end to peace has come.


The fractured Republic is defenceless as an armada of Sith capital ships

entered Republic space and destroyed important mining stations. Every ship

which has attempted to battle the Armada has either been destroyed or



To make matters worse, Republic scouts have located several large mobile

space stations which appear to be almost identical to the Star Forge which

was destroyed seven years ago.


After several hours the Sith Armada has seemed to split into five groups,

each group but one travelling with the mobile space station. On the planet

Wayland, a Republic Soldier rushes to safety as several Sith Capital ships

bombard the city below…



Jonas Conner sprinted across the muddy plains towards the Wayland’s capital city Kelowna. The firing from the three Interdictor-class Cruisers which were perched directly above the city. Instead dozens of Sith fighter squadrons which poured out the Cruisers and swooped down into the city. Jonas knew what he had to do; he was to locate Agent Vao and someone called the Caar child. The force only knows what the hell the Caar child is but he was to locate it and help it escape from this planet and take it to Coruscant. When he’d received those orders he had a full squad with him however after a firefight with a Sith fighter squadron, he was the only one left. Which made the chance of a successful mission every slim.


Jonas was a veteran soldier who had fought in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War, who was chosen by Carth Onasi for this mission and was supposed to a simple search and rescue but the Interdictor’s spotted the shuttle and opened fire. The shuttle was forced to crash land several miles south, a couple of soldiers died then. The survivors of the crash were killed during the firefight.

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Nice , Strange beginning but pretty cool , I think it would have been more appropriated to write more for the first part , but you’re the author and you do what ever you want with you’re fic , ha-ha I hope to see more....:) , and try to explain more of the past and the life of Jonas so people can know him better ;) …… Nice job

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