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Jedi Outcast & Vista... help


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I installed Jedi Outcast on my computer running Vista Ultimate, however I can not play it (I expected as much).


The problem is, "GLW_StartOpenGL() - could not load OpenGL subsystem"


According to the Wiki with all the compatible software, this game does play, however it does not say what I have to do first.


Can anyone please lend me a hand?



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What graphics card do you have? Thatsis, most of the time, the culprit.


If you have a new graphics card, that should be able to run the game very well, you may no be up to date with Direct X.


If nothing works, you could always use GlDirect.

Thats an OpenGL substitute, and works fine. Most of the time. :rolleyes:

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I have a Radeon X1600 using the standard Vista driver.


When I try to upgrade however, the new ATI Catalyst and Driver don't seem to actually install. It says 'installation complete', however when I go back into the Device Manager it is still the old driver.


Vista has been driving me crazy, so my patience is wearing thin...

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I recently bought a Vista (yesterday) and the game works great on mine. I have an Intel Graphics card. Intel never gave me problems in the past with my XP, except for games that require Pixel Shaders. What I can think of is getting either an "Intel Viiv" video card, or an "Nvidia" Card. Nvidia makes some 2d images (The loading bar) look a little sloppier, but it gets the job done. A problem with that game and vista, though, is that the in-game brightness doesn't work as perfectly ad it would in Windows XP. All you have to do to make the game brighter is:

1. Start the game.

2. Go to "Setup."

3. Click on "More Video"

4. On the brightness option, "Click right next to where the bar currently is. The screen should noticeably become brighter. This is how bright I suggest the game should be.


*Note: sometimes the .dll files don't work properly. Just switch your resolution to a different one and back until you can successfully change the brightness.*

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You could try updating your video card drivers, looks like alot of people have had this problem.


Check these threads out...from the looks of it you just need to update your drivers.







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There is always something that is 90% chance to work, but if you can get you're drivers updated thats better.




Follow the instructions and download the file there, and you're set. But as I said, it is better to get you're drivers updated.


And just an FYI, if you see the bottom part of the page on that site, it will say it is a 21 days trial. This, however, is not the case because they give you the pass for it...

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I have a Radeon X1600 using the standard Vista driver.


When I try to upgrade however, the new ATI Catalyst and Driver don't seem to actually install. It says 'installation complete', however when I go back into the Device Manager it is still the old driver.


Vista has been driving me crazy, so my patience is wearing thin...



Did you know that you have to unisntall your old drivers before installing new ones.

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  • 2 months later...

I've got vista as well with the exact same opengl message popping up. All these suggestions seem useful but none have solved the problem on my pc


my vid card is Radeon X1650 so I assume updating that is not the problem


Vista just sucks i guess...



I've never even played the game before so I'm wondering if this is all worth it

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  • 11 months later...
Whenever i try to install JK2 on my vista pc, it installs up to 2% then it gives me a error. "E:\Gamedata\Gamedata\base\assets1.pk3" cyclic redundancy check". Dont know what that is but it happens to me everytime. Its FRUSTRATING!!


Your CD likely has scratches / dirt on it. Try cleaning it - if that doesn't work, it's probably gone.

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