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Heart of the Legacy

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Name: Jake Ordo

Eyes: Brown/black

Hair:black very short


Species: Human


Weapon(s): lightsabers E11 blaster

Occupation: ex sith lords apprentice, bounty hunter

BIO: Jack Ordo was recruited by the sith when he very young. he was the top of his class, and learned almost all the dark side powers while as a student, and one of the sith lord was impressed and took him under his wing, and helped him learn more deadlier force powers but that wasn't enough for jack he wanted more. and more he eventually tried to learn a very deadly very powerful power called lightning crush . he almost mastered it, but more, and more times. he did it a hunger came that he could not control. so out of fear he stopped, and continued to be a good sith. but the hunger kept on coming, and coming there was nothing he could do except suppress his force until he needed. it so he can't hunger anymore for several years he did this and made it go away.


when he was on a mission he found a powerful battle armor that read "the Dark lord of the sith". but that all it said so he took it and wears it


two years later he was so strong in the force that his masters plotted against him to destroy him while they fighted him he did one thing they didn't except the lightning crush he killed every one with it and absord it but by doing it he almost severed all of his force powers after that fateful day as soon as it was over he went to work for a local hutt wearing only Darth Revan's robes and his wepons

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@ Lord of Destruction - Sure. By the way, great CS. :)


@ Kyvios - Well, see... I did start a new one, making the "Battle of the Dark Jedi" RP. I'm still waiting on Cyborg Ninja to post thought. And I don't know if Phantom Knight will still play in this. Might have to ask him soon. But thanks for reminding me. And yeah, it has been a year. So I'm not sure if we can still play this or not...

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Sorry about being late at joining. I would of posted earlier, but I was under the impression that we had to play a major character--I was wrong. -Facepalm-


Name: Kerlaya Terthorn

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde/Golden

Age: 27

Species: Human

Personality: Calm and focused, Kerlaya is alway's looking to do her duty and help other's. She is independent and has no trouble calming her emotion's.

Weapon(s): A small collection of lightsaber's; Main is yellow-bladed.

Occupation: Jedi Knight


BIO: A practioner of Soresu, Kerlaya is a profficient duelist and a skilled force-user. She was trained as a Jedi at a young age and amazed her peer's with unparelled skill with a blade and the force. Not only that, but her control of her emotion's enabled her to think clearly and focus, beyond that of a normal Jedi. She is adept at skill's such as piloting and engineering, but that does not limit her.


She is what many people view as a true Jedi, but that could very well be her downfall . . . or her salvation.

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Yay, I am joining:D Can I introduce a Species to the Star wars galaxy? I've got several ideas that I have written down.

Name: Sam'kil Oscheha ( I love using that name!!)

Eyes: Blue

Hair: moderate length blonde

Age: 20

Species: Naul

Personality: Talkative, but very kind.

Weapons: A gun made by himself , he calls it the Teklar Annihilator ( Desert Eagle look.) and a Cyan Lightsaber.

Occupation: Jedi Apprentice, Mercenary

Bio: Sam'kil was born into the Jedi, His father and mother being both Jedi. He Is most learned in the ways of Ataru. He is planning on becoming a Master sooner or later. He won't tell his parents or his master, but He's in love with someone. He's heard all about what love supposedly does to Jedi, but he doesn't really believe in that.

Edit: I'll send you the list and specs of the Species.

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I love your CS, Jedi_Man. And sure. As long as the species is Star Wars related. But you also need to show your Occupation and make your Bio a little longer. Could you edit it, please?


Also, like I said before everyone, don't post in the RP Thread yet. I have to talk with Phantom Knight. So... be patient and wait. Thank you.

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