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Celebrity and the Legal System


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Not just celebrities, the rich, the powerful, those who can afford lawyer who can beat the system even though they know they are guilty.

That's why I said, Money determine Justice in this society, Nancy. :)


We cast judgement over their guilt and innocence and we behave like vampires swooping in to suck the blood of a fallen icon, someone we had built up to be perfect then tear down when they're not.

Yes, that seem to be a constant phenomnon now, Nancy.

People stomp on the necks of icons, to make sure they are dead, when they have fallen out the spotlight.


Lots of people get off, on seeing celebrities failed hard.

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I feel the need to point out a difference between "prison" and "jail." Prison is where the gangbangers who will shank you are housed, and jails are usually smaller facilities filled with people serving small time or awaiting trial. Add the fact that she's a "celebrity" to the equation, and she probably has her own cell in protective custody.

To further clarify, people are placed in jail if they receive a sentence anywhere from 30 days to a year. This is where the people who are covicted of misdemeanors go like DUI's and the like.

Prison is reserved for those who receive a sentence of 1+ years. So like StarWarsPhreak said, it is where gang bangers go, that is if they get convcted of a felony like burglary, robbery, or murder. Prison of course has different levels of security based on the types of people that are being housed there. Good ole Martha Stewart got minimum security or the "country club" setting. Typical for white collar crime. Maximun security is where you get your lifers and death row.

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The United States of America was originally founded as a government of laws, and not of men. The idea that anyone should be exempt from punishment simply due to notoriety is something I find morally reprehensible. Likewise, I also think that these people should not be made examples of with overly harsh penalties; they are afforded EQUAL protection under the law. No more. No less. Period.


edited: for retarded two-in-the-morning typos =)

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Like the theme song of Baretta used to say......."don't do the crime if you can't do the time....don't do it! don't do it!"


I thought it particularly stupid of her to plan some big party to celebrate "getting one over on the system". :rolleyes:

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