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why do you have to be one of the extremes?


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I view Jolee as "grey" in game mechanics only, meaning he can use either side's effects without a cost penalty. He hates the extremes of either side, but he himself urges lightside actions and turns against the player when the DS ending is chosen at the temple top confrontation. A true grey would have said "fine, your choice" and walked away.


Being 100% neutral (grey) is a slippery stance, because it often comes across as being more darksided than neutral: refusing to help a man being attacked, not interferring with local politics even if there is obvious corruption, allowing an infestation of kinrath to continue to flourish; a "grey" would walk by these things, while a lightsider would help and a darksider would make things worse...or ignore the situation. Ignoring it puts the grey's (non-)actions into the same result category as a darksider...it appears that the person condones this activity by doing nothing about it. Take a look at the Council's decision to stay out of the Mandalorian War: they were being neutral in that instance, but it is viewed as selfish and uncooperative (DS traits), and those that helped (LS) are hailed as heroes.

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Oh, yeah. Revan and Malak were real lightsiders. Up until the point they launched an invasion of the Republic with their traitor fleets. The Council was not following the Dark Side there, they weren't willing to get involved because they sensed something worse on the horizon. And they were right.

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Wouldn't it be more likely a Greysider would want a strict balance in the Universe? (i.e. Druid-like views...)


To be Grey is to accept a balance between extremes (light/dark) and to help maintain that balance. So, it would be perfectly normal for a Greysider to "switch" sides from time to time. No action is sometimes the best action, but when one extreme overwhelms the other, it's time to restore the natural balance...


That's generally how I prefer to play RPG's... as a Neutral party. I wouldn't take an unarmed opponent's life, but I would throw them a vibroblade before fighting. I would only steal from the rich, but only if it benefits the poor. I don't believe in cruelty, but I wouldn't think twice about gutting someone preying on the weak.

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More like, A greysider would want HIS BALANCE on the galaxy. Whatever it is it would be HIS view of balance. Jolee's balance tilts a bit to the light side, yes. But this may also due to Jolee sensing Revan being a former darksider and want to keep him from that extreme?

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Wouldn't it be more likely a Greysider would want a strict balance in the Universe? (i.e. Druid-like views...)


To be Grey is to accept a balance between extremes (light/dark) and to help maintain that balance. So, it would be perfectly normal for a Greysider to "switch" sides from time to time. No action is sometimes the best action, but when one extreme overwhelms the other, it's time to restore the natural balance...


That's generally how I prefer to play RPG's... as a Neutral party. I wouldn't take an unarmed opponent's life, but I would throw them a vibroblade before fighting. I would only steal from the rich, but only if it benefits the poor. I don't believe in cruelty, but I wouldn't think twice about gutting someone preying on the weak.


Either way you're still picking a side at any given point, and there is a difference between "balance" and "neutral".

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Many of the wisest Jedi in the Star Wars universe came to relise that restricting yourself to what is uniformly believed to be "light" or "dark" limits you in more than one way. If memory serves me correctly there was a Gray Jedi Master named Vergere who was a prominate figure during the war with the Yuuzhan Vong. Some of her actions during the war aided the Galactic Alliance while others aided the invading Yuuzhan Vong. Aiding the Alliance would traditionally be considered "light-sided" while helping the invaders would be considered "dark-sided". However, in the end, thanks to her actions, both sides of the conflict survived the war and eventually reached a peace agreement.


To discuss moral complications of this nature is tricky, let alone fitting it into a video game. In terms of Star Wars and the Jedi, however, Grey Jedi are usually good, even if they don't follw the Jedi code. They follow their own morals and values. So, again its tricky. If someone is good but ignores the Jedi code, are they still light-sided?

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