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valley of Reborn...


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i've just started to mod kotor 1 and 2 again, and hit a few snags along the way.

but anywho, this is my idea;


you are reven... you are the jedi exile... you would like to rule the galaxy,cos everyone does ;), and you ARE the dark lord of the sith.

what about turning koriban (i think k1) and thurning the area where the tombs are into the valley of the jedi (from various novel series)... there could be various obsticals to get past like finding its where-abouts then battleing various enemies that are there for some reason, like czerka!


in a recent 'mod' i made, which was really quite bad, featured a standard remove and add of a dark jedi as Reborn from the jedi knight series. i thought, hey, since you are the ultimate power in the galaxy, and you have substandard npc allies, why dont you get rid of them all are replace them with a more formidable ally, the Reborn!


this could be an alternate story mod or a small mod for the standard story, replacing two characters no one likes, with two Reborn.


just an idea, what do you guys think???

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Sounds interesting and different, if done correctly could be a good and popular idea. You should request the help of some of the veteran modders her at LF such as RedHawke, Stoffe & DarthInSidious, they all have their different strengths in modding and could help you along (if asked nicely of course ;) ).

I wish you luck on your idea, i think i'll keep a check on your progress.

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thanks for the support everyone. ;)

this only really started out as a small mod for anyone to attempt to do... but you guys, you make a simple modder like myself think anything is achievable, (and i have made smaller version of this idea).


i did make a very small cut down version of this mod where my Reborn joins you in your party, replacing zaalbar (K1) cos hes no jedi! adding his custom hideout as a planet and adding dialouge without reading any tutorials for much of what i did. which was a pretty big feat, or so i believe.

just a question though, do any of the more uber modders know, for instance when, in K1 on kashyyyk, when talking to the cheif, zaalbar's character gets blanked out from the character select screen, and therefore Reborn does too (in my small mod), is there a way to fix this? although this would not happen if i or anyone decides to expand the original story



[to anyone else reading this, when attempting to make any sort of mod, as everyone always says start small, but also, take a look at some of the more experanced modders mods, to take a look at how they did everything and how the finished product looks]



just before i go, where does the planetary information get stored, name and info on the planet?



thanks all.


Edit: not sure if this will double post, but if it is made, what would the majority of modders like to see this mod for? K1 and Revan, or K2 and the Exile.

there was another question, but i dont remember what it was...

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Actually, the Valley of the Jedi existed for thousands of years before Kyle Katarn discovered it in Dark Forces II. It was the site of a tremendous battle between Jedi and Sith forces.


It was constructed to house the tombs of the fallen (dead not dark) Jedi after the seventh battle of Ruusan, 3000 years after KOTOR, but it's not like this mod will be made canon, if it can be made it could be awesome anyway :)

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ok the zaalbar thing is from K1, but what would everyone like to see this for... this mod can be changed.

i assumed that the actual valley probably wouldnt have been around during the kotor years but thought the idea was good.

and Reborn type... well, not really too sure. i've kinda been looking around at the Reborn but if someone could explain the differance between the Jedi Outcast Reborn and Jedi Academy Reborn, well its been a while since ive played either... i guess outcast, with katarn...

re-skinning is the ticket, after i properly learn, or just go staight into it, cos it wont be great with the standard dark jedi skin, its the wrong look anyways.


not sure if it will get done in K1 or k2 unless i can be bothered to read the tuts and actually put the modules together myself for either... ah, 3 hours... great. but i gotta start somewheres... oh ow.. there are no maps for K1 or K2... nope, no koriban for either... looks like... "3 hours away!!!"


hell aye Lord_Fear?... good luck ;)

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Actually, the Valley of the Jedi existed for thousands of years before Kyle Katarn discovered it in Dark Forces II. It was the site of a tremendous battle between Jedi and Sith forces.
The battle you refer to occured on Ruusan about 1000 years before the films, whereas KOTOR is about 4000 years before. Just pointing that out. :)
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