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[RP] The Adventures of Shindalar

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"Ahhh!" screamed Nero at the kick Torsh gave him, it impacted his wounded shoulder. "You bastard, I try to help you, but you let your pride get the best of you, you don't deserve to be king" he said it with anger and hate. He then whistled, attracting the attention of the blood dwarves, "lets see if you like that"


He stood up to leave, but decided to take Riza with him. I have a few questions for this one he said to himself, and leaved

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"You never let me carry you, so I'm just doing what I feel is right oh and Blood Dwarves don't like high pitched sounds such as Whistling" laughed Torsh. The two dwarves closed in on Nero and Riza.


Torsh turned to Gage and as he heard his words hie dropped his ruby sword and started to cry.


"I am so sorry, I uh I didn't realise that's all you wanted, I am sometimes over protective of Audrey so if you want to kill anyone, kill me." Torsh knew that Gage wouldnt't do it and Torsh fell into Gage's arms with a manly hug.

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((OOC: Uhh..Daft, Gage has three arrows in him. You just put him in more pain.))


Gage clenched his teeth tightly and weakly said to Tarsh "It's alright my lord... I will serve you with my life."


Gage then picks up his sword and turns to face the dwarfs. "My Lord... you.. you must take the queen... and run... I still have some fight let in me." Gage said over his should towards Torsh and weakly smiled at him.


Though Gage's stance was sloppy and he had trouble keeping his sword still, he was will to die for Audrey and Torsh.

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(OOC: Sorry Gage))


"No you stupid man! Go and take cover from them! I have a better chance!"


Torsh swung forward forgetting about his past thoughts of telling people not to kill them, they had killed Reshki and could kill Gage.


Torsh took a might swing and one of the Dwarves fell to his blade. Three surrounded him. Though he did a backflip out of the circule they had made arround him and he cut one. The other two took either side of him attacked at the same time but he merley dodged and they killed each other instead.


Then he looked forward to those tow dwarves. The last dwarves who seemed frightended of his power.


"Your a boy, your a girl, go marry, have kids and keep the Dwarve Species alive" and he put away his sword.

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Gage stood there leaning on his sword watching Torsh fight the dwarfs. He was surprised that the ointment allowed him to do such moves. When Torsh was done fighting Gage weakly smiled at him again and said "I see... the ointment I... gave you is working."


Gage them stumbled backwards and fell to the ground.


Smiling Gage said "I'm... to weak... to remove the...arrows." after saying that he slightly laughed.

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"Noooooooooooooo!" Torsh came running forward and removed the arrows.


"I'm giving you all the medicines i've got! Nero help this man I don't care what you think of me but it's for him!" Torsh used teh herbal medicine Nero gave him a very long time ago and emptied the bottle and then using Jason's Mix of Herbs to close the wound.


"Dont die on me I've seen too many go!"

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Gage could feel all the medicine in him working. His wounds were starting to heal and his strength was returning. He slowly stood up and looked at every one and bowed saying "Thank you all very much."


Then he turned to Torsh "You never let me apologize about my actions before. I saw her highness in distress and only wanted to help. I never meant to cause you any harm." He then bowed at Torsh "My apologies Sire"


Do you feel better he heard Elkor say.


It all depends on if he forgives me, Gage responded.

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"Forgive you? There's no reason for you to say sorry, I think your actions were just out of the good of your heart and I was a bit horrible, so I AM sorry no need for you to aplogise all my friends, I never caught your name and no need to call ne Sire."

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"My name is Gage Terrix. and this..." he raised his arm in the air and whistled. Then down flew the hawk Elkor, and it landed on Gage's arm. "This is Elkor, my best friend and companion." he said while placing Elkor on his shoulder.


"I've had him watching you for some time. Sine I heard the two ladies over there mention the name Torsh. Which I assume is you."


Gage then sheaths his sword, then walks over and picks up his bow and arrows and returns them to his back.


"My lord, on my honor I swear I will protect you and the queen with my life. Do you accept?"

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"So I guess you want to join our little empire then?" Torsh smiled happily. "Your accepted, your one of us!" Torsh patted Gage on the back.


"It's good to have you, but I really want to leave the Dwarvelands, I've got a wedding a few days and I want you t be the best man!"

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Gage bowed his head at Torsh in acceptance of being the best man. He then looked over at Riza who seemed to be clutching on to him.


Maybe she likes you, he heard Elkor say.


Don't be foolish, no woman as ever shown interest in me. Gage responded


He heard Elkor laugh. Gage then returned his attention towards Riza saying "Excuse me Ma'am, but I never got your name. Do you think I could know what it is?"

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"Thats a very nice name Riza. And don't worry at some point in your life, your past will return." Gage smiled gently down at Riza. He noticed that she was blushing.


See she does like you my friend, Elkor said.


Maybe so, time will tell. Gage responded back.


Gage then looked at Torsh and said "My horse was killed, so I will stay in the rear of the group and guard from there. I'm a better archer then I am a swords man anyways. And Elkor can fly above and sense any danger before it happens. Is that alright with you Sire."

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(OOC:Relationships: Audrey@Torsh, Ferc@Natalia, Nero and Gage?))



"Look I'm not really in charge here and you don't have to call me sire. Do wgat makes you happy."

Torsh left them to let them to know each other. Night wad coming upon Shindalar was once again and Torsh was also once again making the tent. He was tired after killing Blood-Dwarves and needed rest. Today he had mustered different feelings, Hatred, Anger, Annoyance, Acceptance Happiness, Forgivness, Death and more..


There like Torsh always does fell into sleep.

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Natalia went back to the inn.


" Umm.Gage can I stay with you.You seem to be the only one who can stand me , plus I'm a little afraid of Nero right now." Riza hugged him." Please protect me. " she started to cry.She had been holding everything in and now she couldn't any longer.

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((OOC: Why not Gage and Riza?))


"You can stay with me Riza." He held her tightly and let her cry.


Gage was staring intently at the fire in front of him when Elkor chimed in There is a lake near by, might be a good idea to clean your wounds.


Gage nodded his head, Where is it?


A couple paces to your left, you can't miss it, Elkor responded.


Gage then said Thank you my friend, and sleep well.


He then looked towards Riza and said while smiling gently at her. "Why don't you come with me"


Gage the got up and started to walk to his left. Couple minuets later he reached the a beautiful lake. He stood beside it then removed his sword from his belt, and his bow and arrows and placed them by a rock. Then he removed his sleeveless shirt and his boots.


Gage stood in the water and proceeded to clean his shoulder and what he could reach of his back. While his leg just soaked in the lake's clear blue water. He was fascinated that the lake looked as a mirror for the night sky, it showed the reflexion perfectly.

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Rukia watched him tend to his shoulder.She blushed.


" Here I'm good with helping the wounded.In my travels,I helped out the wounded and sick." she tended to his arm gently.He smelled nice.


" You have been very nice to me.Natalia was nice but...you actually seem to care about whether people live or die.It's refreshing." she looked him in the eyes."You have really nice eyes. She blushed.

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Gage nodded his head and said "My grandparents taught me that each life, no matter how small and simple it may be, deserves the same chance at living it's life the best way it can. So I haven't killed anything, I've only wounded."


He liked the feel of her touch against his skin, he couldn't help but blush himself.


"If you'd like Rukia, you can stay by my side. And I'll protect you from those who'd harm you." He then turned to face her, and gently looked into her eyes and held her hands "If that is what you want"

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Riza smiled." I like that alot." she took her hand and wiped a stray hair from his eyes."I can protect you too. I know I'm weird.Crazy girl with no memories who can sometimes hear thoughts but I feel like the rest of you.More so to watch people kiss and wonder what that feels like.Not knowing if I had. Can I kiss you? Do you possibly understand this flutter in my chest when I look at you? Do you feel it to? I have felt it since I first saw you."

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((OOC: She probaly got her characters mixed up.))


Gage gently put his hand on the side of her face, then leaned down and kissed her. It was a feeling he never knew before, something he thought he could never feel. He's been alone since his grandparents death, and part of that loneliness when away when he met Elkor. But being with her, being with her made him feel whole, wanted, even loved. And he liked that feeling.

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