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[RP] The Adventures of Shindalar

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Faye quickly tip-toed across the well cut lawn and out onto an empty road. There she found a friendly horse in a field and galloped from the city not to be seen by anyone she knew.


"I am going to save Shindalar" she said quietly to herself. "My daughter is dead, I have no other family, they are all dead, so I must leave now and save Shindalar." She wrote this down and threw it into the air. Faye had left Forcefields and the gang too.

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"We should probaly get going" one of the men said.


I can't allow them to take her away.


Gage readied his bow, and launched an arrow from behind one of the men. The arrow flew threw the air making a hissing noise and struck the knee of one of the men. He let out a load scream and feel to the ground clutching his leg.


Gage then let out another arrow, this one went threw the other man's shoulder. The man fell to his knees in pain, Gage launched another arrow and took out the guy's other shoulder.


He returned his bow to his back. Then saw a thick tree branch near by and picked it up. He jumped out from behind the bush, and knocked both men out with great force. Gage dropped the tree branch and went to check on Faye's daughter.

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"Yeh" sighed Torsh thinking hard. "We can't bring her back, seems Gage has left to find them" he said pointing in the direction that he had went. "We need to put our mind of things, do you want to explore the city or somehting, I mean we're only going to be here for, today tommorrow and the wedding, we'll need peace and quiet for the Honeymoon, so you coming?" He took Audrey's hand and squeezed it gently.

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"The Dark Forces don't have the power to over run ere, it's the largest city apart from the Kingdom but they say they will make a third attempt to run Forcefields over." Torsh laughed a little cruely. He was just happy that they couldn't do one thing. But the Dark Forces were provng there point everyday it was getting darker earlier and drastically after the honeymoon they would have to get going before Shindalar is covereed in darakness.

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Audrey looked down upset. "That's... terrible. The Dark Forces gotta be stopped somehow. I really hope they don't try and take over Forcefields. If they do... they'll come through us first!" She smiled, and looked at Torsh. "But we got friends, and each other. We'll all work together till the end!"

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Torsh smiled at the comment and then they walked round a corner. It was happy here in Forcefields, people having a few drinks, walking and chatting getting lifts from cartman who were hopefully not as dangerous as the one right back at the sart of his journey. Wow it wasn't that long ago.

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Gage bent down and examined Faye's daughter. He looked around her lips, at her fingers and back for any signs that she had drowned. There were none.


hm... thats interesting. Gage thought to himself.


What is interesting my friend, Elkor said


There is no signs that she drowned, they would have set in by now, Gage responded.


He easily picked her up placing her arms over his shoulders and rest her head against a shoulder. He looked as if he was carrying a sleeping child.


"I think we should have you checked out."


He walked back towards forcefields, upon re-entering the town he started to look for some type of medical facility.


"This wondering around is getting me no where" he muttered to himself angrily.

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Audrey began to think of all the adventures she and her friends had. But what really concerned her was becoming Queen. She turned to Torsh, while holding his hand.


"Torsh? Will we ever make it to the palace? If the Dark Forces grips everything... Shindalar's doomed. And... I'm afraid if I'll do something wrong while being Queen. I know I don't have royal blood... but I hope that I'll be a good Queen till I'm gone." Audrey glanced down timidly.

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"We will make it, we've been travvelling for a week and a half and we're a quarter of the way down Shindalar. The rest of the path from here is unknown, we'll just be trying to go down the continent in a straight line really. We don't know what will be there, but they'd expect us to use paths and roads, so we will go cross-country or should i say continent?" Torsh laughed at this.

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Gage was looking around frantically for any type of medical building. When he turned around he saw Torsh and Audrey, he quickly ran over to them still holding Faye's daughter.


"I'm sorry to intrude upon you too, but could you tell me where I can find some sort of medical building?"

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Audrey looked back at Gage and Faye's daughter worringly. Then she replied, "I hope that she's alive. I wish there was someway to save her. I wish... we had a healer."


She turned her head back ahead, and sighed. "I hate it when death comes all of a sudden. It's so... frightening." Audrey shivered a little. Not from the cool air, but the thought of death.

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Gage struggled to look at the map.


They could have helped me, he thought to himself.


He saw that there was a medical facility not to far from where he was. He ran with all he had, holding Faye's daughter in his arms.


Gage reached the building and bursted inside shouting


"Please, someone. I have a little girl who needs help."

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Audrey felt ashamed that they didn't help Gage much. She turned to Torsh.


"Maybe we should go help him. As King and Queen, we should always think about the people first, before us. That would show that we are a good King and Queen." She stopped, and looked back at where Gage had ran off to.


Then she glanced back at Torsh. "What do ya say we go help the little girl?" Audrey gave him a warm smile, and squeezed his hand.

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"No" said Torsh squeezing her more. "This is something for him to do, i dont know where Faye is but I think Faye would like to know that Gage went and done it by himself, and he vowed he would find her and get the ones who stole her and that's what he's doing."

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"Yes sir. How may we help you?" a female came over and asked calmly.


Gage responded with great urgency in his voice "Please, you have to help this little girl. She needs your help. Please"


The female came over and looked at Faye's daughter.


"Alright sir. Hand her to me. We'll take care of her. You just wait over there." she said and pointed to a near by chair.


Gage handed over the girl, and watched as they went into a different room. He then sat on the chair waiting impatiently.

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Audrey looked down, and nodded weakly. Deep in her mind, she really wanted to help that little girl. But if it was Gage's choice... well, it was his choice to help Faye's daughter.


"I'm gonna go build the tent." Audrey walked away. When she was done building the tent by the forest, she went inside, and laid on her sleeping bag.


The young woman began to wonder if being Queen was important... or helping other people was. She closed her eyes, thinking.

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Tyla's spirit appeared and knelt down beside Audrey. "Audrey? Is everything all right?" Audrey turned to her grandmother and sat up. As she did, she began to cry.


"Oh Grandma! I feel like... I'm doing something wrong! I mean, I love Torsh... but I really don't know if I'm fit to become Queen! Plus, I want to help Gage on saving Faye's daughter! But Torsh says no!"


Audrey continued to cry. The spirit of Tyla tried to comfort her. "Oh my child. He's just been... going through a lot. He lost his brother. And he doesn't want to lose you." Audrey looked at Tyla, and wiped the tears.


Then she nodded. "I... I understand. But really... I love Torsh. And I don't want to lose him either."

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Gage sat in the chair attentively, waiting on any news of Faye's daughter. Then the woman who greeted him before returned and said.


"She'll be fine, but she'll need her rest. We like to keep her here for further observation. Please go find an inn and rest for the night."


He didn't budge unwilling to let any one take the girl again he simple told the woman "I'll stay."

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"So" yawned Torsh to himself lying on his bed. "We are halfway there." He smiled. "Ah we'll make it, if only Nero and Ferc would be more happier like everyone else and where is that Riza girl?" He groaned.


"I'll find out tomorrow I suppose, the wedding eve ooo i'm excited." Maybe it will go better second time round."

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Tyla smiled at Audrey. "You know what? I'll talk with him. Is that all right?" At first, Audrey wasn't sure. But then, she trusted her grandmother. "Sure, Grandma. Go right ahead."


Her grandmother's spirit nodded, and disappeared. Finally, she appeared in front of Torsh in his room. "Hello, Torsh."

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"Hmm hi Audrey" he muttered getting up wiping his eyes from sleep. "Aaaaaaaaah!" Infront of him was an old ghost staring at him. He knew attacking it would be no ghost so immediatly he ran for it shouting.


"Audrey, stay away from the tent, I think it's following me!"

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