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Meck Boba Fett Armor


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This isn't really a request for a mod but a request for info about a mod. I am trying to find all the files associated with the Boba Fett armor for the Meck Enter Jabba's Palace mod in order to use just the armor in-game. The only problem is I can't figure out what files deal with the armor. As I remember from the last time I played through the mod and getting the armor through KSE, there were two versions an armor and a mask. I also remember that one of the two reset to the default underware model whenever you entered a new area. So if someone could please tell me what files deal with getting the good version of Boba Fetts armor I would be very greatfull!

P.S. I can edit the 2da's and this is only for peronal use.

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well I did manage to figure it out one time, but then my computer was wiped so I cant say but heres the cheat


g_i_mask99 = fett armour equiped on head, replaces default underwear

g_a_clothes_99 = fett armour

g_w_blstrrl099 = EE3 blaster rifle


I would recomend contacting xavier to get the necesary files

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I tried that but it seems that xavier doesn't come around here anymore and his email address from the readme isn't up to date. Thanks for the help but i need alittle more. While those files tell me the uti to get the armor i still need the to figure out what are the corresponding models and textures used for the armor.

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Hey Darthdude99


I have a completely functional Canderous == BobaFett for K1 (using MECK's resources) personal mod I can send you... if you want it. I'll have to clean up the .uti's so it's not including my other tweaks.. but I can send you a PM once it's ready (be late evening or early morning).


Otherwise, once I get home I can post a list of the files I used if you're wanting to do it yourself. Either way, just let me know :)

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Thanks Chainz! I think I'll just take the file list if its no problem to you. By the way, do I need to edit the heads 2da at all?

Not a problem :)


Yeah, there's a heads.2da, appearance.2da & baseitems.2da edits if I remember correctly.. though I'll double-check once I get home to make sure those aren't for the other parts of MECK Jabba ;)






































That should be everything you'll need for the Boba Fett set (from MECK's Jabba Palace Mod)... hope that helps, and if you need anything else or have questions just let us know :D

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Chainz you're wicked hardcore! Quick question do i need both the helmet and the armor files in or will one or the other work? Cause I THINK that the helmet appearance would reset every time you entered a new model.


You could probably get away with just using the armor to be honest. Just use a disguise property to point to the armor's line in the appearance.2da (make sure that appearance has the proper heads.2da line number value for the default head column). :D


The only thing I can think of for resetting may be that the armor (or helmet) gives a feat that let's you equip the other item. eg. Say if your character doesn't have a heavy armor proficiency, but the helmet grants it, the character would disrobe on transitions since the game reads "natural" feats first, applies the proper equipment (hence the armor goes back to inventory).


As long as you make sure that the character using the armor can naturally wear it without aid of bonus feats, then it shouldn't be resetting (in theory... hehehe)... :)

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