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Force powers, the next step to realism

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Force powers currently are not realistic like the movies. here are some changes i think will make things more realistic...


All force attacks to have 1.5 second delay before they are used, having a noticeable animation before are used (just like the movies). except for force absorption which can be used very quickly to counter those force powers and force grip which is to fast to counter. I'd like to make it so you need at least 1 free hand to use a force power, thus you cannot use some force powers if carrying a heavy weapon.


Force Absorption.

very expensive in skill points (has about 0.2 second animation allowing you to use it very quickly). Uses alot of force points to use but if your absorbing a force attack you gain force pionts instead, hold down the button to keep force absorb on (when its on theres a hand animation with blue light coming out into a spiral, like has been seen on yoda). While on absorbs any force attack directed at your front if its level is the same as force absorption or lower but if the directed force attack is higher level and you try to absorb it then it causes you to be flung back and hurt. When you successfully absorb you gain the force power used for the force attack and any negative effects are removed. may be used for push, pull and lightning. But you may only use force absorption before the attack is used against you, so if the force attack hits you before you may use absorption then you are stuck until the force attack is finished (mostly lightning). If you reach 100 force points from absorption then theres a chance that the absorbing attack may explode while you absorb it (this happened when Yoda was absorbing palpatines lightning). When an explode happens both you and your opponent are flung back, the chance is about 25% per second, but if force absorption is higher level then the force attack then theres no chance to explode.


Force Lightning.

moderately expensive in skill points. Does about 1 damage per second with one hand and 2 damage per second with 2 hands (so when using this, it is wise to unequip what ever weapon your holding so you may use both hands). This attack only works when the opponent doesn't have a lightsaber equipped, back is turned, does not have force absorption on at the time they are hit or if your running (this means even if your carrying a saber while running lightning will still get you, like what happened to anakin when he ran to count dooku). If you get hit by lightning while running you automatically get flung back. If an opponent is hit with the lightning then you may use lightning for aslong as you want and they will not be able to move (thus even though its hard to hit someone with lighting, if you do get hit then its devastating). depending on the lightning level depends on how much force power the attack uses, a master of lightning can use it with almost no force power usage at all (palpatine mastered this). As the person cannot move they will slowly die from the lighting until you choose to stop using lightning, run out of force power or you are injured while using it. All lightning attacks have the same range and radius, as the only difference in visual appearance of lightning is when using 1 hand or both. when you are hit with lightning you may not move, but if lighting stops then you are knocked back (thus its sometimes wise to use lightning as a knock back weapon rather than slowly killing someone).


Force Grip.

This allows to utilize force into the person body instead of toward the person so not even absorption can defend against this. Not only that but it constricts organs making it deadly to even heavily armored targets... but this is only for high level grips. Very powerful as it cannot be defended against (has a fast animation) but once force gripped even though you cannot move you can still force push, pull or shoot with a weapon thus ending the grip. Low level does no damage just for immobilizing. 2nd level allows for damaging and immobilizing. level 3 allows high damaging, immobilizing plus the ability to throw your opponent by moving your cursor (kind of like a force push and grip in one) which even though uses alot of force power this move allows you to throw someone of a ledge with out them being able to defend against the attack. (because force grip cannot be defended against but force push can.. but if you use force grip and push into one is very deadly) but as i said can only use this combo until force grip is level 3.


Force Push / Pull.

the animation speed is about a 1.5 seconds before you use the attack. now to counter the force push with another force push you must use is at least at the time the opponent does. When the at any time you use force push when the opponent is in their 1.5 second animation then you both are locked in a force push battle. Here who ever wins is the who chooses to end the lock which will be flung back or runs out of force power. Higher level force push uses less force power thus is most likely to win, when in battle its a good idea to be very vigilant to see the tell tail signs your opponent is about to use force push as it may turn the tide of the match. (this is the same with force pull), to make it so you can see the force attack coming theres alot of blue force light coming from your hand animation so its easy to see coming. force push you move back then move your hand forward, while force pull moves hand forward then backward.


Force Mind trick.

Force seeing counters mind trick, if you have higher level mind trick then the opponents seeing then their seeing wont work to see you. When you use it you become invisible to the person, you may have mind trick on aslong as you have the force power, meaning while its on you slowly loose force power. higher level mind trick not only makes you resistant to lower level seeing you also use less force power to keep it on (but you can only mind trick one person at a time). If you damage a person your mind tricking the mind trick turns off also. Its not a good idea to damage someone, turn mid trick on again and repeat... the reason this is, is because theres a 1.5 second animations before you use it like the rest of the force powers which leaves you open to attack (this prevents mind trick attack spamming). And just because your invisible doesn't mean you cant be hit or heard. you open to attack (this prevents mind trick attack spamming). And just because your invisible doesn't mean you cant be hit or heard.


Force Rage

I'd like to keep this in (though changed slightly), i think that anger can play a role in combat. The dark side makes you more powerful as anger being the prime driving force of the dark side. Activating it gains you temporary combat enhancements, attack speed and saber DP damage increased. And once you activate it you cannot turn it off, you rage in blood thirsty rampage that cant be stopped. You loose Force points rapidly so you have to kill the opponent quickly or you'll be left with critical force points (a dark side power).


Force Meditation

Use your meditation stance to gain force power back, so in this way the meditate stance doesn't do anything unless you get this power (this is a light side power) as dark side users have a hard time meditating, but dark side users can still learn light side force powers. (this also stops meditating spamming which happens alot now)


force speed, jump, seeing

they seem fine :)




in this way we can have 3 force powers light side and 3 to dark side. I don't like force heal as its never seen in the films. Force drain was never seen either, force protect was made up as well.

So far these are the only force powers I want changed as this adds to the movie realism. This does sound hard to do, but a man can dream. if you guys are seroius about movie realism then you can give this a shot. :D please?

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Absorb is good as is IMO, maybe a bit too powerful at 3rd level. Can't use force even on enemies' back.

Lightning works great, too.

Push/pull's strenght might be improved again. It just doesnt push people far enough ^^ I see no real reason to delay it.

Seeing couters mind trick - it's exactly how it should be. Make sure that lv1 seeing doesn't counter lv3 mt, but I believe it has been solved already.

About rage - why not, but not really necessary.

About meditation - didn't Vader meditate, too? In that his chamber thing.


In general I'd double the fp pool or cut fp usage by half, while keeping the rate of tiring in saber combat. IMO jumping takes too much fp too. Who's going to spam jumping now?

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dark side users cant meditate unless they learn meditate, (which most people do) because dark side users are full of hate and anger which makes it hard to meditate. (vader probably learnt to meditate but its quite hard considering the emotions of anger distracting you)


Force rage is important as the dark side pretty much gives you that advantage in combat, anger has to play a role in combat which makes it very important.


as for push and pull and lightning and absorb need huge improvements as ive stated (which you probably didn't bother to read) the way things are now are unrealistic and boring.


but i agree about force seeing countering mind trick .. thats a good idea

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-0mega-']I do' date=' when I do those leet strafe-jump jumps to places normally unaccessible unless combined by either jetpack or force speed.[/quote']

Uh, during battle? Who cares if anyone spam jump out of battle, you can regen fp using meditate in few seconds. And I dont even know what leet strafe-jumps are you talking about anyway hrhrhkherkheh umm.


as for push and pull and lightning and absorb need huge improvements as ive stated (which you probably didn't bother to read) the way things are now are unrealistic and boring.

Uh, I actually bothered to read it. I did not bother to answer it cause it's obviously, as Maxstate already stated, overdoing.

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Uh, during battle? Who cares if anyone spam jump out of battle, you can regen fp using meditate in few seconds. And I dont even know what leet strafe-jumps are you talking about anyway hrhrhkherkheh umm.



Uh, I actually bothered to read it. I did not bother to answer it cause it's obviously, as Maxstate already stated, overdoing.


Erm, yes, you can regen fp using meditate, BUT, in strafe-jumping you're not supposed to stop if you're doing leet jump tricks.


Strafe-jumping is a method to acquire INSANE speeds that only a god can equal!

Allowing you to jump from hell to heaven with ease!


Wait, better comparison.

If I were to strafe jump on america I bet I could reach Europe just by jumping.

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Ah ye your talking about q2 style jumping. I didn't know they are also badass in ja. Maybe you can put a cap on the speed or something? This trick doesnt seem to be a big enough reason to nerf jumping that much. How about 5 fp initial cost + halved cost to use force jump? ;P 10 is just too much.

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in CS you can bunnyhop, which still allows you to go at insane speeds. (Though you need to do the timing right).


Though I get what you mean, they did the same in Movie Battles (or something similar) that made you as slow as a snail if you jumped lol, not really THAT realistic, but w/e.


And i'm not giving it as a reason to NERF jump, but as a reason to buff it. lol

So people can continue to do those leet jumps across the map =D.


If you remember correctly you should know they don't impact close saber combat as you need multiple well placed jumps to build up ''momentum''.

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I don't like any of these ideas, most of them are just slightly altered versions of what we already have. Plus, movierealistic ideas are best placed at http://www.moviebattles.com/forums. There are far too many factors in OJP (like mishap and the different vulnerabilities to force powers) that usually rule out movierealism for balance.


how is the changes ive stated unbalanced??? it does not cause any unbalancing, only different sort of game play. ive stated changes that give realism... and ice oready stated that its quiet hard to do but im just sharing my ideas... even though im sure it wont happen the changes ives said make the game more realistic and i dont think that it will cause any unbalancing, if so then tweak soe things here and there..


i dont think its anything that hard to do...

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Duhuhm ill do it.


Force Absorption.

You wan't to have manual absorb. It's like manual dodge, and you don't like manual dodge (or maybe? I got confused) You just cant switch to absorb everytime you see a force attack coming. I didn't really get what did you mean about that imploding stuff. What the hell? So if someone attacked me with force when I was 100 fp strong and ready to battle I'd implode or sth? Don't get it.


Force Lightning.

You say: "This attack only works when the opponent doesn't have a lightsaber equipped, back is turned or does not have force absorption on at the time they are hit (good idea to use this if the opponent light saber is disarmed)."

So you say that facing the attacker with saber in hand makes you 100% lightning resistant? No thanks, I'd rather have lightning drain dp points, and rely more on dp/mp and pasive absorb, then on the saber. It makes more sense. You also say that lighting should knock back when it stops. Why then, why not leave it as it is?


Force Push / Pull. The delay won't change much. I'd only make push/pull annoying. Force push battle is also pointless as you can just absorb the attack. Why would anyone waste force and time to be locked in such a battle?


You didn't change mind trick too much.


Did I forget about anything?


Disclaimer - just my opinion here.

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Ive explained what implode is... don't you know how to read?? when palpatine used lightning on Yoda while he was absorbing, if you cant get anymore force points then theres a chance that the attack may implode... implode means you both will be sent flying back. (havent you seen the movie?)


manual absorb is a good thing... cause its not automatic... doesnt this mod remove the "plainess" of academy? the 1.5 second delay and a quick key to absorb will make it so thers a bit more "skill" involed.. you dont want someone with abosrb to automatically block your attack every time... yoda got hit by palpatine lightning even when facing him


Yes holding a saber makes you resistant to lightning... you dont watch star wars movies im guessing... plus you also can get hit by lightning if your running with a saber.. like what happened to anakin when he ran to count dooku. but this makes lightning very powerful as if you do get hit by it then your in big trouble even though its hard to get hit by it


what do you mean why would you want to stay locked in a force push battle? so you dont get flung back... if you think you can win the force push battle then go through it. If you dont think you can win then dont go through with it because you'll loose all your force power...in this way it adds choice to the battle. Its a risk to go through the force push battle, but you think you can win then go through it.

if you think you cant win then just let your self be flung back... sure youll get flung back which is a bad thing at least you wont have your force points on critical..


as for mind trick .. yes i didnt change much... why are you being such an ass hole! there just suggestions. its as if your angry with my suggestions?? WTF

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Nono man, don't make this personal. Do I still have right to dislike your ideas? Great.

What you explained is closer to an EXplosion, not implosion. But thats not the point.

Notice that to get an explosion you need energy. And the system you explained would work like that: a sith attacks a fresh jedi (full fp) with lightning. Both get knocked off after few seconds. Even if jedi had lower fp, he had absorbed the force so there's nothing left to explode. I DID watch the movies and I DID see Yoda flying away, but I DONT CARE. It was in the movie, but it doesn't mean that it'll work well ingame.

"manual absorb is a good thing" Opinion. I like absorb the way it is, besides that it's bit too powerful on 3rd level. Sry ;<

"what do you mean why would you want to stay locked in a force push battle? so you dont get flung back..." No, I won't cause I have absorb. No need for push battle IMO - much work, not very usable.

"Yes holding a saber makes you resistant to lightning" I hold saber like almost all the time. Would make lightning close to useless. I like the way it is - you can block it as long as you have dp/good mp. Saber probably already does lessen (its a word? ;=) the dp drain.


"why are you being such ans *******! there just suggestions. its as if your angry with my suggestions?? WTF"

Ohoh humm sorry sorry for having different vision of gameplay. Instead of making as much movie-like as technically possible, I'd make it as fun as possible. And please don't tell me that Anakin in movie x did blah so blah, because you can't get all the real world variables and different situations into the game. Some just don't fit.

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Ok then,,,, they are just my suggestions. I know that they probably wont be used


but by stating them it could atleast (hopefully) persuade someone to code it... as they are movie realistic and thats what i like...


i can say what ever i want to say... you can't do anything about it so dont complain thatmy suggestion is " AAA to hard and pointless to implement"" !! we know that.... JEEZzzzzzz

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"i can say what ever i want to say... you can't do anything about it so dont complain thatmy suggestion is " AAA to hard and pointless to implement"" !! we know that.... JEEZzzzzzz"

Now please, don't be silly. Sure as hell I won't make you stop posting. If you know (you said it!) that your suggestion is "AAA to hard and pointless to implement" then why are you suggesting it? And show me where I complained about anything.


EOT for me mate, you just don't accept any criticism.

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Im suggesting it because hopefully someone will like it and decide to code it... lol ive said that oready....


and i think its not pointless.,,, its actually movie realistic and good game implements.. that give choice to the games out come, and require a bit more skill. rather than being "automatic"

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and require a bit more skill. rather than being "automatic"


If you want REAL skill, ask them to add Manual blocking (Like in BM II), manual dodging, manual everything lol, with USB Saber support.


Oh, and a random stumble chance if you run over stairs or walk/run diagonally, you might slip with 40% chance (decreased by 0,1% for every skillpoint you have) and break your neck.


Oh, and also, buy special motion tracking software with special sensors to create a graph of your heartbeat, so they can transfer your actual finesse and fitness, into game.


Then it will become like a real RPG.

Work out more and you get Strength+, lol.

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