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Darth Vader pc request


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KotorFiles accepts mods submitted only by the author or someone with the author's express permission. If you can get Avol to agree to either of those, then we'll be more than happy to put it up for you. :)


Hmmmm.... That doesn't explain the recently uploaded Lonna Vash mod that the uploader didn't have permission to upload. Well I'm assuming they didn't have permission as the author has been inactive for a long time.

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Hmmmm.... That doesn't explain the recently uploaded Lonna Vash mod that the uploader didn't have permission to upload. Well I'm assuming they didn't have permission as the author has been inactive for a long time.

Did you read Sikon's readme?


You can do anything to this mod. No, really, you can, I'm neither stingy nor jealous. "Anything" includes, but is not limited to, redistribution and further modification. However, you must include the names of previous contributors (including me, Sikon), source code for all scripts (except those extracted "as is" from the original game and not recompiled), and you may not add further restrictions to redistribution terms.


The mod is distributed "as is", without any explicit or implied warranty. (Yes, I hate that statement as too formal, but it has to be done.)

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YES, now I can be Darth Vader and Rule the ancient Galaxy as Father(with no son) and the Galaxy will kneel before me, the fools who stand in my way shall be crushed, MWAHAHAHAHA!!!


oops, did I say that out loud?


wait a minute, which KOTOR is this for, 1 or 2?


K2 :), I'll PM you the link


Edit: To any and all wanting this mod please do not post here, please use the Private Message (PM) System and send a PM requesting this mod to Master Zionosis. Thanks. -RH


Edit 2: Since it seems reading comprihension is really down in the world today this thread is closed because posters saw fit to post here and 'bump' this thread instead of PM MZ as instructed. -RH

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