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Kotor3 force new or updated powers


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  Prime said:
I guess it is basically a culmination of a pet peeve I have with the EU. Basically, in the films, the Force allows Jedi and Sith to enhance their physical abilities, affect the world around them, and give them limited telepathic powers. That's it. The EU has **** like people blowing things up with their mind, creating wormholes to destroy capital ships, electric judgment, etc. Now they've added time travel. It is just so over the top. The EU has taken Jedi and Sith and turned them into gods and superheroes, not the super soldiers/police they are portrayed as in the films. It makes those such as Anakin, Yoda, and Palpatine, who are supposed to be the best each order has, arguably for all time, and makes them into a bunch of wimps. Who needs a clone army when you can destroy entire fleets with your mind?


On top of that, you have all the other silliness and inconsistencies that come with the EU, like only 3 million clones, people live well into their 120's, and a starfighter that was nearly indestructible and could destroy an entire star system. Yuck.[/rant]


That's the short answer. :p:D

Best Anti-EU post ever! ;)

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  Prime said:
I'm begging you, NO!


Personally, I think they should reduce the number of powers, but give each more uses.

This is how I feel about it. I'd rather see only the powers that we see in the movies like the basic force push, lightning, mind control, stuff like that.
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  Prime said:
I guess it is basically a culmination of a pet peeve I have with the EU. Basically, in the films, the Force allows Jedi and Sith to enhance their physical abilities, affect the world around them, and give them limited telepathic powers. That's it. The EU has **** like people blowing things up with their mind, creating wormholes to destroy capital ships, electric judgment, etc. Now they've added time travel. It is just so over the top. The EU has taken Jedi and Sith and turned them into gods and superheroes, not the super soldiers/police they are portrayed as in the films. It makes those such as Anakin, Yoda, and Palpatine, who are supposed to be the best each order has, arguably for all time, and makes them into a bunch of wimps. Who needs a clone army when you can destroy entire fleets with your mind?


On top of that, you have all the other silliness and inconsistencies that come with the EU, like only 3 million clones, people live well into their 120's, and a starfighter that was nearly indestructible and could destroy an entire star system. Yuck.[/rant]


That's the short answer. :p:D


Lots of sillyness in the EU, sure.


But to cast it all in the "EU" pot and condemn it all seems rather too easy a thing to do. You generalize far too much IMHO.


Of course some stuff in the EU sucks, but, well, "look at the size of that thing..."


In short: Given the amount of material done in the EU, of course some of it is crap, especially since the EU is basically anything other than the movies.


Are you going to suggest to me that there isn't crap in the movies? Because if you are, then we'll just have to agree to disagree. I hated JarJar and the midi-chlorians. In the EU I at least get the option of claiming that it's "not quite canon", whereas in the movies I don't get to nix JarJar or the midi-chlorians because George says that's the way it is :(


No, I don't like time travel in Star Wars either, but it's as if you're taking the most extreme examples you can find and then using those to condemn all of the EU. That's not quite fair IMHO. The EU has crap nonsense, but there is plenty of good stuff there too... just like in the movies. Why don't you give any credit for the good stuff?

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  Jediphile said:
But to cast it all in the "EU" pot and condemn it all seems rather too easy a thing to do.
I didn't.


  Jediphile said:
You generalize far too much IMHO.
Actually, I didn't generalize at all. I took one pet peeve and gave examples of it. :)


  Jediphile said:
In short: Given the amount of material done in the EU, of course some of it is crap, especially since the EU is basically anything other than the movies.
So wouldn't it be nice to keep said crap out of KOTOR 3?


  Jediphile said:
Are you going to suggest to me that there isn't crap in the movies? Because if you are, then we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Never said such a thing.


  Jediphile said:
No, I don't like time travel in Star Wars either, but it's as if you're taking the most extreme examples you can find and then using those to condemn all of the EU.
No, I'm taking the most extreme examples that illustrate my point that the EU suffers from chronic one-upsmanship. Oftentimes (novels in particular) the authors attempt to make the story more gripping or epic by taking some concept from the films and making it bigger/stronger/larger/meaner. This annoys me (and many others) because it is not necessary for a good story, and often conficts with other canon. To me, many of the best stories have been smaller scale (e.g. only affected one planet or small group of people) such as in books like Cloak of Deception, Shatterpoint, and others. They didn't try and amp things up just for effect. I feel the inconsistencies that this mentality introduces does a disservice to the EU.


But nowhere did I say all the EU is crap. You are putting words in my mouth. Why are you so defensive?


  Jediphile said:
Why don't you give any credit for the good stuff?
Because that wasn't the point of my post. As you can see I commented that I didn't want flow walking in KOTOR. I was asked why. I responded as to why. What I like about the EU wasn't relevant.


But if it makes you feel better, there are many things about the EU I enjoy. I love what Darkhorse has been doing over the past few years. I loved Republic, and now I enjoy KOTOR and especially Legacy. In fact, I think Legacy is probably the best EU to come around in years. Many of the games that add to the EU (KOTOR series, JK series, X-Wing series) I love. Some of the novels I enjoy, typically prequel and New Republic eras. The vast majority of my peeves come from a subset of the novels, which is only one segment of the EU.

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