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star wars chess?


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i think it would be really cool to make a star wars chess. here are some ideas:


set1: republic vs CIS


republic: clone=pawn

rook=clone commando

bishop= senate guard

queen: padme?

king: yoda?




battle droid= pawn


Crab Droid-rook

asjaa ventress= queen

general grivious= king


set two: space cis vs republic




pawn: arc-170

rook: jedi star fighter

bishop:lart gunship

queen: republic star cruiser

king jedi star cruiser




pawn:droid tri fighter

rook: tri starfighter

bishop: banking clan comas

queen: federal trade ship

king: the invisible hand


set 3: rebels vs epire


pawn: rebel solider

rook: wookie warrior

bishop: bothan

queen: princess leia

king: luke skywalkwer




pawn: stormtrooper

rook: death star trooper

bishop: royal impereal guard

queen: darth vader (i no hes a guy but hey... can you think of any women in the empire?)

king: the emporer


set4: space empire vs rebels




pawn: x wing

rook:corniellan corvette

bishop: nubleon b frigate

queen:mon calamari

king :millenuim falcon?




pawn:tie fighter

rook:landing craft

bishop: impereal star destroyer

queen: the exucutor (darth vaders ship)

king: death star


any1 else got any ideas?

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