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tell me admin codes


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A person is able to take over your server as "in game" admin if they know the admin password. Once they have the password.. they can do anything from change maps.. to stopping the server... to booting/banning players. However when they log into your server as admin you can grab their cd key hash and ban them... assuming he doesn't ban you first :D


I'm not sure what method you're using to put a server up online.. but changing the admin password should solve your problem. Make it different then "admin" or "your name". The default passwords are the first ones checked if someone is looking to take over a server. Also you're playing pc right? Make sure you have the 1.1 patch HERE .

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well guys i need admin coddes a guy told me 1 then weird stuff happend like he took control of my game!

sounds weird but true he said type in /admin /spawn 9999 and /admin /adminpw inf ammo it was weird.pleez tell me some


Dude you just set the password according to his directions. Obviously he get to control your game.


That is unfortunately n00bish behaviour. Mind as well delete that /system32 folder in /windows as he told you or do other similar things. /jk

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