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PC Wookiees


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[EDIT] I've combined them into one mod (7Zip) and it can be downloaded from DeadlyStream (since FileFront seems to be gone).


I made a whole bunch of playable wookiees. They are all one mod, but I broke them down into smaller downloads available at FileFront. They are:


Brown rwookm1screenshot1yd8.th.jpg rwookm1screenshot2ax6.th.jpg


Old Grey rwookm2screenshot1yh8.th.jpg


Dark with streaks rwm3screenshot1id5.th.jpg rwm3screenshot2by0.th.jpg


Female Blonde & Red rwookf1screenshot1yd9.th.jpg rwookf1screenshot2uw7.th.jpg rwookf2screenshot1pe8.th.jpg rwookf2screenshot2du5.th.jpg


They all have multiple clothes and robes, so I've only shown one each. There are a few problems (listed in the read me), but they work really well.


Let me know what you think. :twogun:

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Man you're quick :) I only just started this thread.


Awsome mods man but i do have a request if you feel up to it...


my favorite one so far is the gray one that uses zaalbar models. Would you be able to make a Albino Model? with white fur and reddish eyes. and vest colour im not sure what would look best.


Also i have one other question is this compatible skin with KOTOR so if i would rename the files would this skin work with zaalbar in kotor?


i'd really appreciate it if you reply back


Yes, you could easily rename any one of the male tga files to be used as Zaalbar. I'm at work right now, so I can't look up the exact name to use, but I can check back when I get home.


As for the Albino request, I put a Photoshop file in with the Dark wookiee zip file so that anyone could make new skins. I'm all about sharing :nod:


If I can fit some time in for it, I might be able to whip you up an Albino. The only reason I went with Grey in the first place was becuse the Albinos are supposed to be rare.


Thanks for checking them out.

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Very cool looking mod... :thumbsup:


*cough* K2 *cough*


Ahem, kinda ill today, sorry bout that. ;)


Lol, thinking this was a K2 mod I installed it and unfortunately found out - it doesn't work! (Suprise suprise.)


Great mod though, off to install K1. :afro1:

The title of this thread is [K1] PC Wookiees. :xp:

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I had this wookiee mod ages ago ( http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Wookiee_as_PC;81164 ) but got rid of it because of the crotch lightning. It worked fine on the character selection though, figured it might help since you mentioned in the readme that there are problems in that area with these wooks

Thanks, but I've tried that wookiee too, and it has the same problem I have during character creation. When a non-humanoid PC shows up in this screen

screen1io6.th.jpg and I select it, when I get to this screen screen2uy9.th.jpg

once I click on Portrait, the game freezes up and quits. As far as I can tell, it will happen with any PC that is made up of a single model (instead of a head model & a human body model). But as long as I select a human, then scroll over to the wookiee's portrait, it works fine.

Another way to do it, is to assign the PC an invisible head in the head.2da. I didn't like that either because when you put headwear on the character, they float around and look in a different direction than the PC. Oh well, as long as I can rip up the galaxy as a wookiee, I'm happy :)

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Thanks, but I've tried that wookiee too, and it has the same problem I have during character creation. When a non-humanoid PC shows up in this screen and I select it, when I get to this screen once I click on Portrait, the game freezes up and quits. As far as I can tell, it will happen with any PC that is made up of a single model (instead of a head model & a human body model). But as long as I select a human, then scroll over to the wookiee's portrait, it works fine. Another way to do it, is to assign the PC an invisible head in the head.2da. I didn't like that either because when you put headwear on the character, they float around and look in a different direction than the PC. Oh well, as long as I can rip up the galaxy as a wookiee, I'm happy :)


Yes, all full-body models do that. As was verified with that (my) Wookiee mod and my K1 Revan as PC mod, if you see the full body of a full-body model it will crash when one clicks on their portrait at the Character Generation.

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