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Im back again!

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But this time Big Whoop was depressing. I realised that, when you live in another country for some time, you get homesick. well duh rolleyes.gif, so far no big deal. The problem is, it doesnt matter where you stay, if you go back or stay or go back to your country and then back, youll always be homesick because now u have 2 homes! At least thats what happening to me... frown.giffrown.gif

But at least im back to the forum! smile.gif





Well, u know. the trip wasnt really like its showing, i had to make it comic... u know... no one kicked me out... well, just this guy... i mean an army of undead koalas and some evil forces from hell!!!!!!... and this mushroom... well the mushrooms were the evil forces of hell... mushroom, singular... ok forget the koalas... WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE LOOKING AT ME????? KEEP READING THE FORUM, NEVERMIND THIS!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

*Says welcome back so that the next person can copy*







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now THATs a warm welcome!


BTW, i like your new sig, feral!




Well, u know. the trip wasnt really like its showing, i had to make it comic... u know... no one kicked me out... well, just this guy... i mean an army of undead koalas and some evil forces from hell!!!!!!... and this mushroom... well the mushrooms were the evil forces of hell... mushroom, singular... ok forget the koalas... WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE LOOKING AT ME????? KEEP READING THE FORUM, NEVERMIND THIS!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[This message has been edited by Al-back from the BigWhoop (edited September 09, 2001).]

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