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Stuck in module

SD Nihil

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I know the kotor 2 restoration project companin by team exile mod has been taken down from kotorfiles because of what was claimed Balor did. But anyway, I'm stuck in a module. After Telos Academy Handmaiden joins you and just after Atton says she's not needed in your party the dialog ends. Kinda like in KOTR 1 when you escpae the Laviathon and you pick the wrong option when talking the HK after he realizes his past. It exits the dialog there too. intersting in the kotor 2 incident I find a ton of cylinders iwth items in them.


Now to get around this glith I thought get a warp armband or something. But it doesnt' work with this mod. So I know in the console your able to type warp and then a location name. I think if I can worp to a planet and reenter the ebon hawk everything will be normal. Or I could warp to the normal ebon hawk.


Is there a list of module names to type in? Or what are the module names for the hawk or something that can help.


Darth Balor has given to me conversations that prove he's not plagorizing Emperor Devon, but I don't wnat to get banned here too for giving them like at kotorfiles. So just pm me if you want answers. All I did was say my opinion. If I offended kotorfiles staff I'm sorry. The staff says the mods still up. Doesn't make sense: In the restored section the latest version isn't.


Hello RAJeff,


You have been banned from posting comments on knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com until 12-12-2007 00:00 for the following reason:


Your disrespect to the KotORFiles staff is unnacceptable. For the record, Emperor Devon neither removed your file nor is the one banning you. Please adjust your behavior for the future -- our rules are not optional for anyone.


I'm just a guy not affiliated with Team Exile. Acting on my own because this situation seemed wrong to me. Educate me someone becuase I'm obvously wrong about something. I think no one owns mods since kotor 2 is a copywrittne porduct and shouldn't be modified anyway, but it's allowed. And let's say Balor did use Devons items for his mod. Yes I would want recognition for my work, but if Devon doesn't want that or they can't work it out. In my opinon that doesn't help the goal of providing new experiences and content for the player. Wouldn't you want your wrok to be improved upon? That is of course if Balor stole Devons looading screens. But the conversations I have show he didn't use those screens of Devons.


Besides no one legally owns anything except lucasarts. I got banned for saying this. I don't get it. I was only trying to help. Maybe I din't think it through.


Team Exile if my telling of the info that makes Balor inocent has caused your team as you say trouble, let me publicly apologize. Direct the heat at me then please. And to Devon you did a great job on what work you've done. I never meant to offend you either. I was only trying to do what I felt was right.

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Nasty predicament you found yourself in RA Jeff. In EDs eyes, you were siding with Darth Balor of which i'm sure ED wouldn't have taken kindly to. Since Darth Balor was so rude to Shem and ED about the whole situation and kept on making excuses rather than act on Shem and EDs advice. Looks like you got caught in the crossfire. Believe me, staying out of arguments; even if your opinion is for the right reasons usually gets you into trouble. In future i'd personally advise to you to stay out of mod-member related disputes, atleast you yourself are not permantly banned from Filefront (i assume) so you haven't been severly punished for this cock up.


Darth Balor could have easily changed those screenshots, but chose not to even after he was advised to - Darth Balor thought that he was above the rules, and has paid for it. You on the other hand don't deserve the same fate IMO, so it's good you didn't completely side with DB. There's no question that DB has his own loading screens, just the dispute was caused by using EDs loading screens as screenshots. The fact that DB didn't know that these particular shots were from Team Bantha, to put it bluntly is a load of bull as what little information regarding M4-78 usually leads to Team Bantha anyway.

Add this to the author's past habits of plagiarizing and you can see way ED and Shem put such a strong attitude towards Darth Balor's attitude and laziness of using shortcuts in his work; i mean how long does it take to warp to his M4-78 modules from anywhere in the game to take some screenshots, the answer is not long at all, even in TSL. Shem & ED caught Darth Balor on a shed load of lies, and is now the reason he is banned, period.

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There is probably a bug in the dlg file 262atton.dlg. We'll look into it when we are able and this... thing gets sorted out. For now try loading a saved game from before entering the Telos Academy and choose different options when talking to Atton.


And about the "situation":

RA Jeff wrote:

I think no one owns mods since kotor 2 is a copywrittne porduct and shouldn't be modified anyway, but it's allowed. And let's say Balor did use Devons items for his mod. Yes I would want recognition for my work, but if Devon doesn't want that or they can't work it out. In my opinon that doesn't help the goal of providing new experiences and content for the player. Wouldn't you want your wrok to be improved upon? That is of course if Balor stole Devons looading screens. But the conversations I have show he didn't use those screens of Devons.

It is different with Lucasarts, Bioware and Obsidian, and us modders. The developers allow modding because the players still need to buy the game to use the mods. All we modders get for our effort is knowledge that people will enjoy the game more with our mods and some recognition. By plagiarising mods you steal that recognition from the modders while the developers won't really lose anything. That is why modding in general is allowed while using other people's work in your mods is not.


The Filefront staff are now aware about how those Team Bantha screenshots got in our mod. That is not the cause of this trouble however. Darth Balor and you later acted in the worst possible way when called on those screenshots. Balor should have just e-mailed our own loading screens to Devon with explanation and instruction to look at the loading screens in the tslpacthdata folder and all this crap would have been avoided.


We won't let the project die because of this though. I just hope Darth Balor learned a lesson from this. We'll just have to make the future development inside the team. Of course this means there won't be public betas for a while but the project is still go.

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Yeah. I'm banned untile the 12th of this month. Balor is banned until May. However, if kotorfile won't allow your mod anymore where will you put your mods? Since the fact that most mods are on kotorfiles(kinda a monopoly)?


And since we have swfan from the team here maybe you can explain this. The conversations I have this is what Balor sent me. And since you know I'm just in the middle and he made it public by sending it to me maybe you can explain it if he's lying. This is messages from Darth Balor to Shem and Forge. Here it is:


"Dear Shem and Inyri Forge,


I recently attempted to visit Kotorfiles to check the comments on Team Exile's K2RP, and I recieved this message:


Did you really think calling Devon a psycho was smart? All you had to do is ask permission to use the loading screens and the mod would have stayed up and you could have loaded your fix. We were being nice. But, you decided not to do it and go the other way. We know noow you have no intention of making this right, so you\'re now officially banned from the site until next May for plagiarism and flaming. You are not allowed to send in file submissions during this time. I would suggest you take the time to make this project right and do what you need to do if you ever want to host the K2RP with us. We don\'t care how good you are at modding, you still have to follow the rules.



"Did you really think calling Devon a psycho was smart? "


I did not call Devon a psycho, I said and to quote myself "Devon is being psycho". That is not flaming, and one flame like that is not grounds for a ban.


"All you had to do is ask permission to use the loading screens and the mod would have stayed up and you could have loaded your fix."


To quote the resposne I sent to devon in his intial email about "stealing" the loading screens:


"I haven't attempted to upload other peoples files. The loading screens are made by DSTONEY642000, the loading screens in the game are not like the

"screenshots" found on the download page. I didn't have any M4-78 screens so I just searched for them on google.


If you want to know about the loadingscreens ask DSTONEY642000, as I've only seen one actually from the mod. I havnt played through M4-78 yet, that's why.

I hope that's a logical and resonable answer to your acusations.


Darth Balor."



Also I would like to say that the M4-78 section of this mod was orginally a seperate mod run as a one person project, the LF user DSTONEY642000 who joined the team and donated his mod to us. If the loading screens are the same as team bantha's then it's his thing.


I really think you should reconsider, as I have really been trying to stick the the rules of every site I've been a member of."


I'm really upset he thought we copied his files.



Also again is there some list of modules so I can warp when the dialog ends out of the messed up ebon hawk and back into a normal ebon hawk to get around this glitch in the meantime?

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Sorry RA Jeff but this isn't the place for airing 'grievances' about being banned from filefront. We here at LucasForums are not connected to filefront.


If you really do have a stuck in module issue with a mod then please request assistance about that issue in the mod release thread in TUCE or via PM's.



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