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Darth Revan's Last Surviving Apprentice?

Darth Payne

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I just remembered something.


In the text at the very begining of the game Malak is mationed as the last surviving apprentice of Dart Revan.


Are we really sure of that? Just because they say so does not make it so.


Is it possible that one or more of Revan's previous apprentices actually survived?


Revan did, so i say to you...Why Not?

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JJ, this idea was for a mod.


Most likely a recruitment mod.


Those are somwhat outside canon.


Besides that, i believe that what you mentioned in your post is what they THINK.


NOT what they know.


All i am saying is that it is possible, the Sith AND the republic believed that Revan was dead when he was not.


Therefor it should also be possible for others to survive, preferably in a similar manor to Revan.


They could have been sent on a mission by Revan, betrayed by some of the sith that was sent with them and stranded on a planet.


Mustafar maybe?


Unknown to both, pirates and smugglers use the planet as a hidden base, the two could then use the base to get passage offworld.


Just in time for Taris.


Hey, what if Revan and party run into the two on Taris?


The two could be replacements for Juhani and Canderous.


After Dantooine Canderous coud decide to travel the galaxy to gather the clans, just in time for K2.

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But if they met up with the PC at Taris then... they wouldn't be able to replace Canderous... it would have to be AFTER Taris... preferably, well this is my opinion, on Dantooine... just outside of the Grove with Juhani... and you have to battle them as well, before they realize that the PC is Revan. Of course they don't give it away... for story line reasons... but ya know.

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Already tried that.


Failed miserably.


I have plenty of ideas, getting the skills might take me years.


Btw Shaggoth, like your work so far.


I am also hopfull on becoming the advisor on one of Darth DingDong's future mods.


That mod (if he's actually going to make it) is a Darth Belaya Mod. He seemed intrigued by the suggestion.

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