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In Remembrance....


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frown.gif Without them it is just a gaping hole in the cityscape......it feels so empty without them...................





God save all the brave souls that died on the bombing of New York at 9/11/01 They died for no reason....I am not allowed to donate blood, so I am donating my prayers.

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AI came out here at the movies the other day, and there's a scene with NYC in it, and of course the WTC was there and everything and a few people started laughing, it was terrible.


I don't really agree with reshooting movies like SpiderMan just because there's a scene with the WTC in it, like everyone's saying "life goes on" but by taking the scene out or reshooting it, I dunno isn't that I can't think of the word, but do you know what I mean? I hope I don't sound insensitive but I just don't see what they hope to gain by removing the scene. I guess they're trying to protect the feelings of the people of NYC, but I guess, if they really want people to get on with their lives, then they'd leave it in there. I dunno... that's just me though




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