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Bug List for 6 Level Dark Forces Mod


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Please post your bugs here. I'll verify, consolidate and clean up and add to this original post.


Here's known bugs as of 1/7/08


*Dianoga makes no distinct "attack" sound when attacking player.[no known solution]


*"Concussion Rifle" appears at times in Weapon Inventory when Left Arrow is clicked. [no known solution]


*No lip sync in Sewers cutscene if EAX is enabled. [EAX should be disabled for this mod.]


*Light Saber appears in some levels if melee weapon is chosen. [under investigation]


*Dark Forces Logo movie plays in the middle of cutscenes. Correct movies do not play. Will be fixed in bug patch and correct movies will be included in extra pk3 file. FIXED IN PATCH 12/28/2007


*LOAD MISSION menu item non-functional [FIXED 1/6/08]


*Voice sounds from Jan during Talay briefing cuts-off prematurely from cinematic sound playing in the backgroud. FIXED 12/28/2007


*When Kyle meets Moff Reebus, sometimes you can see Kyle in the 3rd person and move around him. [salv will fix script]


*It is possible to get stuck on the Sewers level in the underground area that contains the two Interagator Droids and is next to the rightmost sewage tunnel. The switch to lower the elevator back down does not activate always. [FIXED IN PATCH 1/6/08]


*Console error "unable to locate any items named 'briefing introduction' 'briefing-mission'" appears at the loading of some levels. [FIXED 1/4/08]


*It is possible to fall off the canyon in Testbase, land in the water and not be able to get back out, leaving the mission unfinishable. [POSSIBLY FIXED IN 2/17/07 VERSION OF MAP]


*There are a number of missing textures in Testbase. [FIXED IN PATCH 1/6/08]


*There is no animation when throwing the Detonator [JA engine does not have one]


*Model orientation grid appears in Testbase when you take the Phrik container. [FIXED IN PATCH 1/4/08]


*Size of Concussion Rifle and Repeater Gun ground weapons are very small. [salv could possibly resize them larger]


*Objectives do not show for Testbase or Detention Levels [FIXED IN PATCH 1/6/08]

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One thing that is a quick fix for people to do is to DELETE the file "text.pk3"


That file should not be in the build and it is causing the movie problem. The only caveat is that since the movies are not included in this release, the correct scripts will function and fail to find the movies, which could either throw an error to the console, or crash the game completely. I haven't tried it to find out yet. You may try it or just wait . . .

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For some reason the Anoat switches keep re-setting themselves. So each time I get to a switch, it's like no other switches were thrown =O


And there is a bug in the 5th mission Gromas Mines ("The Blood Moon"). In the mines, dont know how to explain, but somewhere in shaft (where you go down by lift, to get the key from dead officer) there is a couple of crates by the right side of the wall, and in the end of this crates when you go around the right to the wall, there is a bug with missing textures (on those crates) or something... "strange" (the similar problem in mission 4 "Test Base", where in some places missing textures) ...

P.S. I know this isn't that big problem, but it still a bug i think...


And i found another problem in this area... where you go down by lift (the button on this platform) its normal, but when i push a button and lift goes up i jump down when lift start go up, and there is no way to call this platform from there! i mean, there is no way to go up! please, do something to this, make a button or something to call a lift from there... (in lower level where take a key from dead officer)


similar problem with the trolley car... when you travel on it, i wanted to jump off (from the enter way in the trolley) and i fall down but im still be alive)) and i can't get out! do something to this please... it realy disturbing


And please, do something to saves in game!!! im sick to complete missions for a "thousand" times when i'm killed... and there is a little bug with Kyle itself. When you play along (30 min or so, i dont realy know how this bug occur however) when i switch the hero to third person, there is a REAL bug)) he's all white or something... without any textures probably, i dont know, but it realy upset me...


I found another bugs in this demo... well, not actually a "bug" but a problem for sure! From missions 4 to 6 there is a many walls (mountains), that has so many of these walls a little "lifted" or something (even floating, in mission 6 "Detention Facillity", not far from a player start, i spoted a "wall" that has "floating" on air! and i see eh... "something" thru this wall) so i can see thru them!)) Please find what i mean, and fix it when you realise the final version... And there is another problem that REALY boder me... from the same missions, there is many of rocks laying on the floor, right? so, its realy ***** me off when i want to jump on it and i cant! well, i duno how to explain this, but it sucks! and these rocks is a little HUGE in some places and they very blurred and have the SAME models (and size too)... and those lights in Gromas that pissed me off too! the illumination effect is too bright! and looks BAD... its not real!! In real life, there ain't such effects (lol) i suggest you sould remove this "spot" lightings (sprites... *** in 2007(8) some developers is still using this old metod to make such effects like projectors, lightings; and sprites to make GRASS, leafs on the trees and e.t.) 'couse that would be seemed a LOT better and more real.


P.S. btw, when do you realise it?

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For some reason the Anoat switches keep re-setting themselves. So each time I get to a switch, it's like no other switches were thrown =O


Do you mean the switches in the center hub or the ones inside the different areas of the plant? The ones in the hub just open the 4 different access gates. The ones in the center are on a timer and you have to trigger them in a certain sequence to complete the mission.


And there is a bug in the 5th mission Gromas Mines ("The Blood Moon"). In the mines, dont know how to explain, but somewhere in shaft (where you go down by lift, to get the key from dead officer) there is a couple of crates by the right side of the wall, and in the end of this crates when you go around the right to the wall, there is a bug with missing textures (on those crates) or something... "strange" (the similar problem in mission 4 "Test Base", where in some places missing textures) ...

P.S. I know this isn't that big problem, but it still a bug i think...


Some textures that I thought were unused and removed from the download pack to save space actually turned out to be necessary, so you are just seeing some missing textures. All of that will be fixed in the final release.



And i found another problem in this area... where you go down by lift (the button on this platform) its normal, but when i push a button and lift goes up i jump down when lift start go up, and there is no way to call this platform from there! i mean, there is no way to go up! please, do something to this, make a button or something to call a lift from there... (in lower level where take a key from dead officer)


You mean in the Dark Trooper area? You can't take the same lift back out after you kill him, you have to find another exit . . .


similar problem with the trolley car... when you travel on it, i wanted to jump off (from the enter way in the trolley) and i fall down but im still be alive)) and i can't get out! do something to this please... it realy disturbing


Solution - don't jump out of the trolley.


And please, do something to saves in game!!! im sick to complete missions for a "thousand" times when i'm killed... and there is a little bug with Kyle itself. When you play along (30 min or so, i dont realy know how this bug occur however) when i switch the hero to third person, there is a REAL bug)) he's all white or something... without any textures probably, i dont know, but it realy upset me...


This is already on the buglist (no save/load games) - please read it before posting what we already know about. I've seen the ghost kyle bug before, but since you are not supposed to play this game in the 3rd person, it's not something we are going to fix.


I found another bugs in this demo... well, not actually a "bug" but a problem for sure! From missions 4 to 6 there is a many walls (mountains), that has so many of these walls a little "lifted" or something (even floating, in mission 6 "Detention Facillity", not far from a player start, i spoted a "wall" that has "floating" on air! and i see eh... "something" thru this wall) so i can see thru them!)) Please find what i mean, and fix it when you realise the final version...


Some of these leaks are getting fixed by Salv.


And there is another problem that REALY boder me... from the same missions, there is many of rocks laying on the floor, right? so, its realy pissed me off when i want to jump on it and i cant! well, i duno how to explain this, but it sucks! and these rocks is a little HUGE in some places and they very blurred and have the SAME models (and size too)...


some areas are not intended to be jumped upon, it's not a bug, it's by design.


and those lights in Gromas that ***** me off too! the illumination effect is too bright! and looks BAD... its not real!! In real life, there ain't such effects (lol) i suggest you sould remove this "spot" lightings (sprites... *** in 2007(8) some developers is still using this old metod to make such effects like projectors, lightings; and sprites to make GRASS, leafs on the trees and e.t.) 'couse that would be seemed a LOT better and more real.


err, the engine for this game was made in 1999 (quake 3) and that's the way it makes grass, leafs, etc. I'm sorry you don't like it, but that's the way the game engine works.


you sound like you are about to blow a gasket on this stuff man, relax it's just a game. We'll fix the real bugs and the rest you'll just have to deal with or choose not to play the mod. Either way, relax and watch your language.

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Most bugs will be gone with the final proper release, I would suggest to take what has been released as a beta of sorts. I have been playing the demo and making a patch, together with Dave's final clean up and packaging it should be a much smoother experience.

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  Darth_Linux said:
You mean in the Dark Trooper area? You can't take the same lift back out after you kill him, you have to find another exit . . .


no... not in that area. in SHAFTS where you kill the officer and must take a key from him to proceed to the next area! thats what i write about (sorry, but dont judge me too hard about how i write English, because im from russia and dont know english well...)

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  Salv said:
Most bugs will be gone with the final proper release, I would suggest to take what has been released as a beta of sorts. I have been playing the demo and making a patch, together with Dave's final clean up and packaging it should be a much smoother experience.


thats great! Salv, could you please remove this spot lightings in Gromas Mines? I dont want to see them... and im sure anyone else too. You must understand what this realy looks bad, i think without them it would be much better! and those spots blinds me! well that definitely sucks

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The map dtention, i dunno why but when i rescue the guy, and proceed back to the lift "NOTE: Noticed while taking screen this is the SECOND shaft", the game autosaves then the lift travels back down to the lowest level. "to a area thats not too big, looks unfinished, and has "one of the paths" blocked with box's "no biggie i thought" "ill go back up"

well, the switch to raise the "now on the aparent last floor down" cant go back to the top.




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I'm having the same problem at the end of dtention. We end up in the basement with no way out.


I'm playing on Mac Jedi Academy. Unfortunately the Universal Binary patch to Mac JA removed the ability to enter the +set fs_game modifier at startup, so I load the mod by placing the contents of the dfmod folder into ~/Library/Application Support/Jedi Academy/base . If there's another method I'd like to know what it is.


The Kyle model only had his proper textures the first time I played dtention, and now there are stormtrooper textures on the surface of the Kyle model.


Continuity error: Madine is an Imperial officer during the time of Dark Forces but the mission briefing uses an image of him from Return of the Jedi wearing a Rebel uniform. Ten years ago I photoshopped him into an Imperial uniform just in case anyone would ever need such an image: http://homepage.mac.com/anewmanagn/magic_al/alspics.html

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Yea, this bug is a pretty bad one. I believe its to do with the elevator script, the right tag change should make the elevator go to the proper floor. U shouldn't be down there! :) Its gonna be fixed with the final release.


Continuity error: Madine is an Imperial officer during the time of Dark Forces but the mission briefing uses an image of him from Return of the Jedi wearing a Rebel uniform. Ten years ago I photoshopped him into an Imperial uniform just in case anyone would ever need such an image: http://homepage.mac.com/anewmanagn/...al/alspics.html


Thats a good call, maybe we can use that image..

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It seems to work using the ingame loading mod option.

My problem is I can't get inside the test base. I arrive where there are on the right the soldiers and the elevator which makes you to a large area with an immense door with Imperial logos.

On the side on the left there is an opening in the rock wall with a small tunnel which guides to an elevator which makes you an open area below which there is the canyon.So now way to procede.What to do?

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I was afraid this error in detention center was going to happen. There should be a different script file that lowers the second lift to the exit level rather than the basement. I sent the right script in before the demo was compiled but it looks like the wrong script or the wrong text.pk3 was included with the release. Thankfully, that's not too hard to fix.

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The correct script was included, but the obsolete "text.pk3" file was included in the release which includes the wrong script.


The solution for this particular problem (for now until the patch is out) is to DELETE "text.pk3" from your dfmod directory.


That will also cause the game to throw some errors about missing videos, but hopefully it won't be a showstopper.

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  Darth_Linux said:
The correct script was included, but the obsolete "text.pk3" file was included in the release which includes the wrong script.


The solution for this particular problem (for now until the patch is out) is to DELETE "text.pk3" from your dfmod directory.


That will also cause the game to throw some errors about missing videos, but hopefully it won't be a showstopper.


Removing that file let me finish the level, although at the end I saw an orange bar instead of a cinematic and then I think an invisible ship picked us up and took us to see the closing credits.


Just after getting to the last checkpoint I took a right and got stuck behind some crates. I was able to jump behind crates but not back over them again so there was no way out other than blowing myself up so I could load the last checkpoint. I was looking for hidden pickups but I guess I won't go there again.


Madine already had a gun when I rescued him. Resourceful guy, ought to make him a general or something.

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whew! glad to read that the detention level elevator bug wasn't just me (I spent quite a long time in that basement, with the lightsaber (out of desperation more than anything else) trying to figure it out). So far though, I'm REALLY impressed with this mod, it very faithfully recreates the original game! My only issue with it (ah, you knew that was coming eh? :)) is that the AI seems to be....a bit..unaware of my presence. I realize this is an old game engine, and I think I've been spoiled by newer AI on more recent games, but was it the case in the original game (either DF or JKA) that you could sprint past 20 stormtroopers and take maybe 5 points of damage total? Their aim is accurate to the movies at least :) But there are many spots where I can stand right in front of them and they won't do anything for a few seconds at least. On the flip side, it means the lack of savegame ability isn't a problem since I don't die while in a level. :D All in all, though, great mod, great job guys, this one is especially special to me since the original DF was the very first FPS I ever played, so it's a real treat to play it again on a newer engine.

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  Ulikk Kel-Droma said:
no man... your wrong... this mod is realy sucks! if you dont fix those damned bugs and REMOVE ALREADY THIS ****ING SPOT LIGHTS in Ramses Hed!!!!!!!!

and make lesser those damned rocks in all levels! (they pissed me off!)

dude you need to chill out and take a breather. corrections take time and when an A**hole like you makes some BS comment like this people tend not to listen. So chill out and relax. And just cause you don't like the lights or the rocks doesn't mean they are going to take them out. Chances are they were there in the original game and hence that is why they are there now.



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Ulikk, if you think this mod really sucks why don't you take all the source files when they make them available to the public and do your own version. Or better yet start off with the same stuff they started with and do it yourself. Practice what you preach before criticizing others' work like that, these guys are making no money on this and doing it in their free time, and they've done a darn good job. (I studied art and 3D modeling in school, had a lot of buddies who liked making games, and it's a LOT of work, very overwhelming, and the fact that this mod has relatively few bugs is in itself a huge accomplishment.)

My AI question above was mainly out of curiosity, see if anyone else had felt the same way. maybe they just have it permanently set on something like the "easy" difficulty setting?

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oh yeah, and they didn't do the Ramses Hed level as part of this release (even though it's listed in the mission selection menu), so umm, which level has the bad spotlights? I noticed a couple of lighting snafus, but nothing that took away from the game experience (the worst one I saw was the underside of the last moving platform in the sewer part of the detention level being spotlit around the column it moves on, I'm assuming it's a texture issue--big flippin' deal LOL--if it means I can play some of the levels where I don't feel like I'm trying to see without my glasses, I can definitely live with it. and I know that at the moment I couldn't do a better job, so I can't criticize these guys at all).

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not sure if this would be considered a bug or not. but when i bring up the menu(tab key) at the bottom there is nothing that tells me which tab is which, when you move the cursor and then the highlight turns red. i've figured out which is which but are they supposed to be labeled? also at the end of level 2 are you supposed to fight alora? i made it to the landing bay and beat the few enimies that were there but i didn't see a "boss" so to speak. wasn't sure if there was one. i have only played the first two levels so far but i'll continue on tonight after work.

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speaking of tab-menu weirdness, the mission briefings, when viewed by hitting tab during a mission, the text of the briefings in levels 4-6 scrolls down out of the window and over all the menu buttons at the bottom of the screen. I don't know if levels 1-3 do the same thing...my screen res is set to 1280x1024.

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Finally got it up and running - it was Jedi Academy itself that couldn't cope too well with some background programmes.

First of all: great job! Magnificent levels.

Now the bugs and some other things:

Level 4 has a texture of a plain gray background with white cross lines on it.

When I crouched under the three small corridors (above the closed huge main entrance door) this texture was visible on one side, but not on the other.

Also, when I jumped into the water at some point, I kept 56% of my life, and had to keep swimming around without being able to even kill myself.

<<edit:not true, I could drown myself>>

The shield HUD was not centered - the green bows were off centre to the left.

In level 5 the HUD remained the same.

The dark trooper is designed very well, but lacks agressiveness.

I could slash down the first without any problem, because it went in a permanent defensive state after I opened fire on it.

The second, the one after the blast, was very agile but kept making turns around me (because of the range of the light saber?).

Without taking any damage I slashed down this one too.

Is it correct that the new weapon found in level 4 is not available in level 5?

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