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Re-rigging TSL Sabers for K1


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I'm trying to re-rig some TSL sabers to use in a K1 Mod I'm trying to make, but I'm having major problems doing it. Can anyone give me a step-by-step explanation of exactly what I need to do In order to successfully get the TSL sabers to work in K1?

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This might help. :)


I tried that. It didn't work. :( Can you tell me exactly what I need to do to make this mod Idea of mine work, DarthDingDong?


<Edit> Nevermind DarthDingDong, I figured out what I was doing wrong. It turns out that I wasn't choosing a replace target in the replacer! :doh: For helping me, I'll put your name in the readme when I release my mod! :) <Edit>


<Edit2> Alright, I did everything the tutorial said, but when I test the mod in-game, all I'm getting is a default hilt with a weird turquoise colored blade. :mad: Can anyone tell me the exact steps I need to take to convert A TSL hilt to use in K1? <Edit2>

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Wouldn't running models trough mdlops do just fine? I converted Mission's katana from WotOR to TSL that way, for personal use only.


I tried to do it that way, but there must be something else related to lightsabers that you need to do to make it work, because I've been trying to make it work for almost two days now, without success. :(


And before you ask, yes I did follow all of the instructions exactly the way they were written, and I'm absolutely 100% postive that I didn't mess up any of the steps.


Has anyone out there successfully used the MDLops method to convert Lighsaber hilts? If so, then will you tell me exactly what you did to make it work? Because I'm at my wits end here! :(

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I tried to do it that way, but there must be something else related to lightsabers that you need to do to make it work, because I've been trying to make it work for almost two days now, without success. :(


And before you ask, yes I did follow all of the instructions exactly the way they were written, and I'm absolutely 100% postive that I didn't mess up any of the steps.


Has anyone out there successfully used the MDLops method to convert Lighsaber hilts? If so, then will you tell me exactly what you did to make it work? Because I'm at my wits end here! :(


Which version of MDLOps are you using?


Download v.5.0


Anything above that dosn't work. :)

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Which version of MDLOps are you using?


Download v.5.0


Anything above that dosn't work. :)


I'm using version 5.0, but for some reason, I can't get it to convert properly. Oh, well. Thanks for your help, DarthDingDong, but it looks like I'm just not cut out ot be a modder - I don't have the patience for it. :(

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