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A warm Embrace

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If you don't know who Sela and Sela Yah are, shame on you. Read 'Divided Bounty' before you go one word further!


What, you're still here? Scat!


Some people asked me to do some more of my favorite bounty hunters so I said they were going on vacation...


A warm embrace


Sela warmed the oil in her hands, then began kneading it into the flesh before her. Selah Yah lay there, dough to be formed beneath her twin’s hands.


“Why is it that I can massage you like this and you don’t make a noise?” She asked leaning down, her body blocking the sun of Kalliste, best known for the most beautiful beaches in the galaxy.


“Should I make as much noise as you do?” Selah Yah asked conversationally. She had her arms crossed, hands under her cheek. “I remember the first time I rubbed your back this way. You screamed and claimed I was trying to rip you in half.”


“Yeah. But that was a week after we escaped, and you didn’t know your own strength. You’ve gotten much better since then.”


“So I should moan and beg you not to stop-“


“Behave.” Sela slapped the other woman on the back.


“Define behave.”


“Act more like me.”


“Understood, will comply.”




Look at that.” Kiso said. Molah turned his head, looking at the two women. One lay on her stomach, bathing suit opened so her twin could rub suntan lotion into her back. “Didn’t Devek say he wanted a pair of twins for Jabba’s palace?” Kiso asked. “Ten thousand for the pair broken in right?”


Molah felt a chill. Sure they were twins. But… “I think we should let them slide past.”


Kiso looked at his hulking friend, then grinned. “One of those feeling of yours?” He asked disparagingly. “What, you think you’re one of the Jedi?” He snorted. “They’re meat to be taken.”




Sela walked around Sela Yah, looking her over critically. She stopped a meter and a half from the other woman, one hand on her hip, the other hand lifted and she tapped her cheek in contemplation. Sela Yah watched her for a second, then mirrored the position exactly. Sela grinned, and Selah Yah mirrored that as well. She turned the twin around, flicking the mirror on the master cabin of Subtlety to life. “Two bad girls.” She said commented. They were dressed in skintight synthleather shipsuits One in a deep crimson red, the other a sapphire blue. They wore bolero jackets, in the opposite colors, so Sela wore red with a blue jacket. And vice versa. Each wore a vibroblade on one hip, and a low slung blaster on the other.


“Are we?” Sela Yah asked. “Bad girls?”


Sela laughed throwing her arm around her twin. “We’re bounty hunters, love. We’re not only bad girls, we’re very bad girls”




Kiso tapped Molah. They had chosen the cantina because it was the closest one to the flat the women had rented. He snorted at the outfits. Bounty Hunter wannabes. Devek would enjoy breaking these two in. He waved to the bartender.


Sela shoved through the crowd, and the Sullustan bartender came toward them “Drink you want?”


“Corellian brown ale.” Sela shouted over the din. The bartender turned, his body hiding his hands as he dropped the tabs of drugs into the mugs before filling them with the rich ale. He turned, accepting her coins, and hurried away.


Sela grabbed the mug and began swallowing in one long draw. Sela Yah picked up hers, drinking it just as smoothly. She cocked her head, then set the mug down.


“That was great. Barkeep, another!’


“You won’t be awake long enough for another.” Sela Yah said. “I estimate three minutes before you are rendered unconscious.”


“What?” Sela turned, finding it hard to concentrate.


“Paxilan Hydrochloride.” Sela Yah replied. “About thirty milligrams. “Enough to knock you out, but not enough to kill you.” Sela Yah reached out, catching Sela as she began to crumple. She knew that someone was expecting to capture them both. But capture meant they didn’t mean to kill them yet. Sela Yah slung her sister over her back, and began to stagger toward the door. Then she collapsed on her face.


“See?” Kiso said, giggling. “Like Mentarian Lepus. All you have to do is club them right.” He motioned and four bravos moved from the crowd to carry the women away.




For Sela Yah, it was interesting. The drug would have affected her if she were human, and her advantage was the enemy did not know that. They carried the two women into a room where their clothes were stripped away, and slave collars were attached before they were dressed in slave girl clothing. Sela Yah allowed them to do it because this would make them appear to be targets, and the enemy was being lax.


She knew they would pick one of them as the first to abuse. She pretended to start to wake up. The men shrugged, picking her up. They carried her through the complex to a bedroom where they chained her down. If she had been human she might have considered how predictable her enemy was. First the collar, then the abuse.


The master of the citadel entered. A Devaronian. It surprised her not at all. The large humanoid pretended to putter around on his desk. So predictable; make the victim wait as if they weren’t important. The Devaronian finished what he was working on, then turned. He gave her a smile, more menacing because of his razor sharp teeth. “Now woman you will learn your place. To serve as you are told to.” He ripped off his clothes, diving to lie upon her. “Resist me, woman, try to resist me if you can!”


She smiled. If you wish.”




Sela woke up, holding her head and moaning. A pair of hands began massaging her neck muscles, and she mewled in pleasure as the hands took that pain away. “Sela Yah?” She whispered.


A pair of lips brushed her shoulder. “Who else would worry about your pain, my love?” A voice asked. Sela merely sighed, allowing the hands to remove the pain. She felt like a limp bowl of pasta as the hands moved from her shoulders to her back.




The constabulary sergeant stepped aside as the Investigator came to the door. The man walked in, looking at the bed. The Devaronian race was built like fireplugs, yet this one looked… thinner.


“Devek Coorahl.” He commented. “Any idea of what caused his injuries?”


“The ME wasn’t sure.” The sergeant admitted. “He said it looked like he was caught in a machine press. Four ribs on either side shattered into his heart and lungs, spine snapped. But if it had been in a press it would have cut him in half.”


The investigator leaned forward. “Almost like an old fashioned super battle droid crushed him.” He leaned back, rubbing his chin in thought. “How many others?”


“Seven, sir.” The sergeant said. “But their bodies just look like normal combat damage, not like that.”




Sela stared at the pile of things Sela Yah had collected before they left. “Do you know how much this is worth?”


“Not really.” Sela Yah replied. “I figured they owed us some compensation.”


“Try about fifty thousand! Enough for another six months of relaxation.”


“Why did you think of that?” Sela Yah said.


“Because we haven’t had a lot of fun yet. After this I need a vacation. Maybe meet some guy.” Sela sighed. “You know how it is, sometimes you just need to be hugged really tight.”


Sela Yah smiled. “I know what you mean. Somewhere else, then?”


“Yeah, I’ve had enough of beaches for a while.”

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