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Searching 'Force Sensitive' or 'Jedi Mod'


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Maybe this would interest you?
It's like Padawan Mod, isn't it? It's not what i'm searching for.

Read this post: http://www.fanforum.com/3965383-post10.html

But thanks for the answer :cheers:


Edit: Please help me, why is no one answering, there must be someone having one of these mods, they have been downloaded over 3000 times if i can remember correctly.


Mod Edit: Jyne, I realise you are new but we do not allow double posting and thread 'bumping' here. I have combined your posts this time. Also please recognise that this is a forum, not IM, so answers can and will take time. Forum Rules -RH

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These mods are existing, but i can't find a location to download them. And yes, you can get force abilities, but won't be a real jedi until Dantooine.


There are other mods like 'Padawan mod' or the one posted by DarthDingDong here in this thread, but they transform you into a jedi just when the game starts, you won't get any benefits from your normal class.

For example the scout would get implants for free, but with these mods you won't.


That's why i want 'Force Sensitive Mod' or 'Jedi Mod', they just give you some jedi abilities, without transforming your whole character into one.

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These mods are existing, but i can't find a location to download them.

I looked at the post you linked to and see that it links to PCGameMods.com. Unfortunately many mods went away with the demise of that site. The post you linked to gave no real particulars of what mods the poster was actually speaking about (File names, authors, etc.) so there is little we can do here. Sorry.


Also (Just FYI stuff) mod link requests should go in the Mod Link Requests from PCGM and other Sites stuck thread above. Since this is about PCGM I will also link you to our PCGameMods FAQs thread.

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I found some links on archive.org for the Force Sensitive Mod:




Maybe helping you to find what i'm looking for :), but i posted in the PCGM-request thread too


Have you tried using the KSE?
Sorry for posting twice time, but i tried the Savegame Editor and i'm not satisfied.

I don't know which feats i have to activate and how much force points i should get for the start and some other things.

Some feats are exclusive for every jedi class and it woudln't be fair to just activate all.


Edit: Then please don't post twice (we call it double posting), I combined them for you this time. Please use the edit this post function to add content to your previous posts, thanks.


Also since you posted in the correct thread I will close this thread down as that is the purpose of that Mod Link Request thread. -RH

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