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[Fic] Star Wars: Jedi Legacy

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This is a story that has been running through my head for the past week. Anyway this is the prologue. It takes place after Jedi Academy


I built this story on a poll that was on jk2 clan I was in a very long time ago. What would happen if Jaden Korr from JK3 faced Darth Revan from Kotor. Of course there were more votes for Revan.





Knights of the Old Republic III, JEDI LEGACY


After defeating the dreaded TAVION. Jaden Korr resisted the darkness of the force. However the evil still remained within him


KYLE KATARN Jaden's mentor convinced Jaden to come with him on one more mission for the JEDI ORDER. Jaden is currently traveling to the ice planet of HOTH


Little does Jaden know the events of the frozen wastand will change his entire life forever...




The Raven's claw pulled out of hyperspace in an instant. The two engines rumbled heavily as the ship began to fly towards a distant planet.


Kyle Katarn was currently flying. He was wearing a parka with leather lining. Jaden Korr was sleeping. He dozed off looking at the stars which he commonly did


It was two weeks since Jaden fought Ragnos in Korriban. His blond hair had darkened slightly since then. Jaden's clothing was heavily burned and frayed. He purchased a dark black jacket with matching pants and boots. Jaden didn't go on many missions in that time frame. He mainly took long walks in Yavin's forest.


The Raven's Claw began to pull into Hoth's gravity. The ship began to shake slightly. Jaden opened one eye and then shook his head. "Well finally." Jaden remembered the last time he went to Hoth. It was the first time he faced Alora. "So what are we doing here again?" Kyle shrugged. "Luke says that he sensed an unusual amount of dark side energy here. So we have to go to where he sensed it." Jaden groaned.


Jaden saw snow began to streak on the ship's windows. Jaden zipped his parka up and sighed. He took out Yun's light saber. Kyle told him that he used the light saber he took from a young dark jedi. It was a unique light saber. It had a simple shaft yet the place where the blade came out was like a circular cup. After Korriban Jaden felt his lightsaber begin to crack. He noticed he didn't focus the crystal enough. So Kyle gave him Yun's. Saying that it saved his life on more then one occasion.


(Yeah I know its quite bad. But it is just to give the setting)

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ACT 1: Timid Beginnings


Chapter 1: Entrance


The ship landed on the surface of Hoth. The cold gripped Jaden as he walked out on the surface. "So where did they sense it?" Kyle took out a scanner. It had a 3d map of hoth on it. "A few miles that way" he said pointing in one direction. Jaden looked around. The blizzard ravaging Hoth was getting worse by the second. He looked towards Kyle "How are we getting there?"


Jaden saw a taunton running in the distance. Why does this seem so familiar? he thought to himself. Jaden looked towards Kyle. "Okay. How about I scope the place out and you wait here." Kyle threw him the scanner and walked back to the Raven's claw. "Fine then."


Jaden began to walk towards the wild Taunton. It wasn't that far away from the Raven's Claw. He jumped on the wild animal and began to lead it in the direction Kyle pointed to.


The taunton ran in the direction. Much of Hoth looked exactly the same. It's easy to get lost here.


Suddenly Jaden felt it. It was like a punch in the face. He almost fell from the taunton. The darkside was very strong. He was getting closer to wherever the darkside was sensed.


Soon he saw something. It was a dark figure. When Jaden pulled the taunton closer he saw it was a small mountain. There was a cave in the side.

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Chapter 2: The cave


Jaden moved the Taunton closer to the cave. He tied it to a nearby stalagmite and looked inside the pitch black cave. It seemed to slope downwards into the earth. "Why would the dark side be in a cave on one of the most desolate places in the universe?" Jaden began to walk into the pitch black cave. However when he took one step he slipped and fell. The cave floor was steep and Jaden felt himself begin to slide into the pale blackness


Jaden slid for a few minutes. Soon he stopped. Jaden could not see his hand infront of his face. He took his lightsaber out of his jacket and ignited it.


From the depths of the hilt came a pure orange blade. Jaden didn't use his lightsaber much since Korriban. It felt good to use the limitless blade. The cave began to lite up quite quickly. He waved the blade around.


The cave looked pretty standard. Dark icicles hung from the ceiling and stalagmites on the bottom. Jaden took his comlink out of his jacket pocket. "Kyle I made it to the source of the darkside. But I don't see anything here." What Jaden heard next was static. The storm and the cave were both blocking the signal. Jaden began to walk. Suddenly he heard something. It felt like rumbling. Jaden looked bellow him and noticed he was walking on ice. The noise began to grow and Jaden noticed that the icey floor began to crack. He was walking on a bed of frozen water. "Why would water be in a cave?" The even more shocking prospect. If there was water in the cave why would it be so thin that it would crack?


Suddenly the ice cracked all the way. The ice shattered better then glass. Jaden fell into a dark pit. Jaden's senses were shot. All he could sense was the darkside

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Chapter 3: Ancient History


Jaden didn't know how long he was out. When he opened his eyes all he could see was darkness. Jaden slowly ignited his lightsaber once more.


He had fallen into a large pit. But there was a small entrance leading farther down. "What the?" The only things running through Jaden's mind were "Is this where the darkside aura is coming from? Why here on Hoth?" Jaden slowly began walking down the small tunnel


Jaden's lightsaber suddenly felt like his best friend. He kept it ready, holding it up. Kyle once told him that things could pop out of anywhere. Even before you could sense it. But Jaden didn't need the force to tell him that. It was almost common knowledge. The tunnel kept steeping downwards. He felt like he was going into the core of the planet


The tunnel finally opened to a large cavern. Jaden looked and saw two very ancient candle on a side. He quickly ignited the candle with his lightsaber. Soon the cavern lit up. Jaden was shocked at what he saw


There was a statue of a dark robed figure. He wore a dark hood with a mask. His robes looked metalic and he had a cape. Jaden never heard of a man like this before. He looked like a sith lord but there was something different about it. Jaden walked up to the statue. He could feel the dark side almost radiating out of the statue. He suddenly saw words etched on the surface.


"Darth Revan, The great sith lord. Marauder of True Sith and Force technology." Jaden felt questions race through his mind. "Darth Revan? I thought Sith died out for thousands of years. Why would there be a statue of a sith here? It must be more then 3000 years old." Jaden switched his light saber off. He quickly placed it in his jacket. Jaden began to walk back to the tunnel when he felt something. He sensed it. It felt far greater then the dark side aura coming from the statue. Rather it felt like it was coming from behind the statue. It felt just like the Staff of Ragnos felt. Tainted and full of the dark side of the force.


Jaden walked to where the statue met the wall. He placed his ear up to the wall and suddenly heard something. There was a room behind the statue. Jaden switched his light saber back on and rammed it straight into the wall. The wall began to melt under the intense heat of the saber. Soon he heard a large crumbling as he saw the wall begin to crack. Soon he saw the wall begin to break away.


The room behind the statue was quite bare. There was just a large oval device. There were words etched on it as well. But they were barely legible. Like someone tried to hide it away back behind the statue. "akan and s..." ...Warp" That was all he could make out. The rest of the device's words were scratched out or full of ice. There was a small knot on one side of the oval. Jaden reached for it. Suddenly the knot turned counter clockwise. The oval came to life. Jaden felt neither the light nor dark side emanating from the device. A blue vortex appeared in the middle of the oval. Jaden felt suddenly drawn to it. The vortex began to suck Jaden's arm in. Eventually Jaden felt as if the force was pushing him into the vortex. Eventually he was engulfed


Jaden felt as if time and space were being distorted. He felt dizzy and nauseous. He could not feel the ground beneath his feet. Jaden became unconscious just as a large white light hit him in the face.


(I think you will be generally surprised in the direction I am taking with this story. Plus I am requesting advanced critique here. Since I know that both my story and writing style aren't perfect.)

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Chapter 4: Time warp


Jaden awoke in a dark haze. His vision was dark and blurry. He tried to shake himself up but he just felt worse. He fell asleep again.


The second time he awoke he felt much better. He held his hand to his face. The blurring was gone. Jaden stood up and looked around. The familiar cold that once gripped him left. Jaden noticed his parka was folded neatly close to him. One thing was certain though. He would not need it.


Jaden was standing in the middle of a forest. The dense undergrowth looked as if it was there for years. "Did kyle find me and take me somewhere?" Jaden said. Suddenly he heard something. "Finally your awake."


Jaden turned around and saw a man. He had short white hair that was close to his scalp. He had a pleasant face. He was wearing black and orange light armor. "I was wondering when you would awake." Jaden shuddered for a second. "Who are you? The last thing I remember was.. Hoth.." The man looked quite surprised. "Hoth? What are you talking about. I found about to be eaten by a Goma. This is Dxun. Hoth is on the other side of the galaxy." Jaden shivered some more "Well whats your name?" The man still looked confused. "I am Trask Ulgo. I came here on a mission from the republic." Jaden never remembered anything about the republic operating on Dxun. As a matter of fact he didn't hear about Dxun at all. Suddenly Jaden heard rustling. He turned around and saw something coming out of the foliage behind him. Trask reached for a blaster at his hip. Jaden noticed it looked like an ancient model yet it gleamed as if it were brand new. "Mandalorians." Jaden was even more confused. A figure dressed in heavy blue armor came out of the foliage. He looked very intimidating. He heard a cocking of a blaster. "Put down your weapons." Jaden didn't even reach for his light saber. It was still in his parka.


5 more Mandalorians came out of the foliage. They walked towards them. "We've been tracking you down for hours." One said pointing to Trask. Then he turned to Jaden. "But you. This is quite odd. There is only one set of tracks coming from this area." Another Madalorian began to speak. "Lets take them to Mandalor. He has been talking about taking any republic operatives to him." The blue mandalorian shrugged. "Fine. Beats wasting ammo and letting some wild animals discover our camp." The blue mandalorian took Jaden by the arm. "Come on. Lets go."


Jaden walked with the blue Mandalorian. Jaden felt as if he was going insane. Like he was still in a dream. As if going through the looking glass. Jaden felt distant and hollow as he continued walking towards a large Mandalorian camp.

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Chapter 5: Interrogation


Jaden was thrust into a chair. He was sitting at a desk. There were three mandalorians in the room. "Mandalor will be here soon." Jaden took this time to continue wondering what was going on. Where he was and how he got there. He never heard of Mandalorians. They vaguely reminded him of Boba Fett.


Soon an armor clad figure entered the interrogation room. Jaden looked up and down on him. His armor was completely shiny. It was silver. His helmet had tubes coming into it. "Present yourself to Canderous Ordo. The Mandalor of clan Ordo." The mandalorian said smacking his head. Mandalor made a hand signal and sat down at a chair opposite Jaden.


He took Jaden's lightsaber off his belt. "So your a jedi." He pointed to the other Mandalorians. "Leave us." The 3 mandalorians walked out of the room. Mandalor quickly rotated the lightsaber around in his hands. "I have never seen a light saber this unique. "Did you make it?" Jaden shook his head. "My master Kyle gave it to me." Mandalor looked slightly confused. "How did you come to Dxun?" Jaden shrugged. "I don't know. The last thing I remember was a cave on Hoth. Then I fall unconscious and the next thing I know I wake up on Dxun with some armored blue guys ready to go trigger happy on me." Mandalor threw him the light saber. "I once worked with 2 other Jedi's. One was a woman named the Jedi Exile." He said getting up. "The other was Darth Revan."


Jaden suddenly remembered the cave. "Wait Darth Revan? Did he have a robe with a mask?" Mandalor nodded. "Yes. He didn't wear it when I met him. But after he destroyed the star forge he revealed he made a copy of his old sith master robes. Then he went to the unknown regions." Mandalor quickly lead him out of the interrigation room. "Where are we going?" Mandalor continued walking.


Eventually they made it to the battle circle. There were two mandalorians fighting in the arena. "Where is Bane?" Sudden Jaden heard something. 2 large footsteps. He spun around and saw a Mandalorian in dark red armor. It was clad with battle scratches and mandalorian crests. "Where is the next victim?" He said in a very booming voice. Mandalor placed his hand on Jaden's shoulder. "This jedi needs to prove himself. Show him how Mandalorians fight." Mandalor threw him Jaden's light saber. "What are you talking about?"


A mandalorian pushed him into the ring. Bane came on the opposite side. "This match is a free for all battle. There are absolutely no rules. Both the Jedi and Mandalorian are free to use any weapons available." Then he yelled out "Go." Bane came running at him. Jaden didn't know what to do. He felt the force begin to answer for him. Jaden ignited Yun's light saber. A pure orange blade came out of the hilt. Jaden rolled to the side and jumped on Bane's back.


The large Mandalorian didn't know where Jaden was. Jaden quickly impaled Bane with the blade. Bane fell to the ground in pain. Jaden got off the mandalorian and switched the light saber off. "The Jedi is the clear and honorable victor. Bane is dead." Mandalor came to Jaden. "Well that told me everything I needed to know about you." Jaden felt slightly shocked. "Wait what are you talking about?" Mandalor walked towards Bane's corpse. "Battle is a way of expression. By killing Bane that easily it told me much about you. I will let your republic friend go." Jaden clipped his light saber to his belt. A mandalorian walked over to Jaden. "Come on." He grumbled. Apparently unsatisfied that Jaden killed Bane. Jaden's heart was still racing. He didn't know how he did it all. It felt as if it came as instinct. As if the force was actually doing what Luke told him. It was deciding his actions

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Well I found several mistakes. The most important of these is the dilogue. You need to make a whole new paragraph when a new person starts to talk. Example:


[ Mandalor came to Jaden. "Well that told me everything I needed to know about you."


Jaden felt slightly shocked. "Wait what are you talking about?"


Mandalor walked towards Bane's corpse. "Battle is a way of expression." ]


Along those lines, and you don't have to double space. Just make a new paragraph each time a new person talks. Another few things that I picked up were that you spelled 'Mandalore' wrong. Other than that there were just some spelling errors, and a few periods missing. Other than that, keep on going. :)

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Well I found several mistakes. The most important of these is the dilogue. You need to make a whole new paragraph when a new person starts to talk. Example:


[ Mandalor came to Jaden. "Well that told me everything I needed to know about you."


Jaden felt slightly shocked. "Wait what are you talking about?"


Mandalor walked towards Bane's corpse. "Battle is a way of expression." ]


Along those lines, and you don't have to double space. Just make a new paragraph each time a new person talks. Another few things that I picked up were that you spelled 'Mandalore' wrong. Other than that there were just some spelling errors, and a few periods missing. Other than that, keep on going. :)


Well thanks. On other fanfics I write on other forums I do have criticism similar to this. Yeah I didn't really know how to spell Mandalore, its been a while since I went to Dxun in TSL

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Chapter 6: Release


The mandalorian led them to a prison area that was recently built. Along the way Jaden took a look at most of the architecture. Jaden never saw anything like it. He saw some ancient ruins before but this seemed even more ancient.


When they went inside Jaden could see Trask as the only person imprisioned. The mandalorian grunted as he opened the cage.


"Well its about time. I never caught your name" Trask said. He was quite glad


"Yeah... I'm Jaden. So you were part of the Republic?" Trask nodded. Jaden walked out of the prison. He noticed Mandalore running towards them.


"I can tell that you are still confused. I have a feeling that we will meet again." Jaden shrugged. Then he saw Trask beginning to walk out of the camp. Jaden ran towards him.


"well I need to go to my ship." Trask said assuredly. Jaden walked infront of him.


"Mind if I tag along?" Trask shook his head in a pleasing matter. "Allright."




Coruscant, Jedi Temple


The Jedi Exile sat at the heart of the council. She had recently been appointed the head of the Jedi Council. Due to her actions on Malachor. Visas also made it as well. She sat a few seats down.


The Exile was meditating currently. But something broke her concentration. She shook her head slightly. She felt a shiver in the force. It was nothing like she felt before. The force was emanating from somewhere. The Exile got up and walked out of the council room. The other master's did not notice


When the Exile made it to the library she sat at a computer console. She looked at a galaxy map and felt shiver coming from around Dxun. She met Mandalore on Dxun and battled there in the Madalorian wars. She took a comlink out of her robes.


"Atton. I want you to go to Dxun. I feel something happening over there."


"What again? Oh fine then" Atton grumbled through the comlink. The Exile wondered why she even made him a jedi some times, He killed many jedi before. The Exile got up and began to walk back to the council room.

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I was sick. Sorry for the lack of updates


Chapter 7: Onward


Trask slowly ignited his ships engines. Instantly his ship came to life. To Jaden's view it was an old thing. The ship was small and had rather deformed engines. However the ship rumbled like the Raven's claw did. The ship only had a cockpit and the engine lay directly behind it. Jaden sat in the co-pilot's seat hoping to find out more about where he was.


"So did you ever hear of Luke Skywalker?" Trask shook his head again. This was probably his 6 millionth question. He asked simple ones like did he know what the force was and what planet was in the center of the galaxy. But he didn't understand specific questions like where the Jedi Academy was and who Kyle Katarn killed. Jaden only had one question left


"Have you ever heard of the Disciples of Ragnos?" Jaden asked in a slow voice. Trask neither shook his head nor nodded. Jaden could sense that he was concentrating.


"Ragnos. That sound like some sith lord who died a thousand years ago." Something clicked for the first time. Jaden's mind never felt so clear. He remembered his first day at the academy.


"Marka Ragnos, A sith lord who died almost 5 thousand years ago..." 5 thousand years... This was about the same time that Jaden noticed Trask's ship break the atmosphere.


"So where are you going?" Trask shrugged. "Well since the ship I was stationed on blew up years ago I haven't been given a long term assignment. So I mainly go to Coruscant and see whats available." Coruscant was Jaden's home world. An endless city planet that was the galactic capital. Even if you weren't part of the republic and barely ever ventured into known space you knew of Coruscant. Jaden's birthplace also had the story of his first lightsaber. Soon Trask initiated the farmiliar process of hyperspeed. Jaden felt it strange but not impossible that Hyperspeed was more then 4 thousand years old.


While the ship went in Coruscant's direction Atton Rand went in the opposite direction to Dxun

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Ive been in a slight Nihilistic mood lately. But I will continue writing


Chapter 8: Coruscant sun


Jaden felt a head ache when the ship pulled out of hyperspace. The thought of being near his home planet several centuries before he was born felt very strange


"I am going to pull into the planet now." Trask said silently




The Jedi Exile looked up from her meditation. The source of the shivver felt to be coming closer. It seemed Atton didn't find it. She stood up once more and walked out of the council chambers


The Exile walked into the library once more. She went to a counsole and pulled up a galaxy map. She began to feel the force pulling in Coruscant's direction. The Exile pulled out a datapad. It showed traffic around Coruscant. She immediately recognized it around a ship


"Well lets communicate." She said softly. The Exile patched into the communicator


Trask looked at the various lights and dials. "we're receiving a transmission. Punching it in now." A woman's face appeared on the screen in the middle of the dash board. She had a thin face with her light blond hair rapped around in a bun on the back of her head.


"Republic officer. Please land near the Jedi Temple." Trask looked skeptical. Jaden sensed something about this woman. He felt the force was strongly eminating from the transmission.


"Fine then." He switched off the transmission. "Well then Jedi we are going to your home." Jaden nodded. He was anxious to see how ancient Jedi were like. He figured he might as well play along for the time being. At least it was better then walking on Yavin 4 for no reason




Darth Revan was meditating meanwhile. Several thousand light years away. He was meditating in the middle of the meditation area of his ship. He was fully dressed in his black sith robe. He created it on the Star Forge. Shortly after killing Malak more of Revan's memories began to manifest themselves. Before amnesia Revan wasn't that different from after Amnesia.


Revan suddenly shook his head. He felt something in the force. He stood up and walked out of the meditation chamber. He walked across the desks of his ship towards the bridge. The bridge was empty as usual. He walked over to a console and opened a galaxy map. The force he sensed originated somewhere around Coruscant.


"So there is a Jedi doing this?" A metalic voice came from his force mask. Before Amnesia Revan specifically placed a speech box inside it to mask his voice so no one could recognize him without the armor. His thoughts immediately turned to Bastila. But he felt as if this was something more. It wasn't his own thoughts clouding his force sense. Revan could sense the force beginning to pull in his direction.


"Looks like I'll meet someone new soon." Revan said as he turned off the galaxy map. He walked back to his meditation area slowly.




Jaden's ship entered the atmosphere slowly. Trask began to pull the ship into the direction of the Jedi Temple. Jaden heard about a Jedi Temple on Coruscant. It was apparently taken over in the Clone Wars and all the Jedi were killed. The ship silently landed near the temple


Jaden began to open the ship door. "I am going to scope things out a little. You going to stay here?" Trask shrugged. Jaden stepped onto the deck of the ship. The rough Coruscant air felt good to Jaden. It felt better then forests and deserts for one.

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Good job! I only didn't understand this statement:


[align=center]" Before amnesia Revan wasn't that different from after Amnesia."[/align]


...and the way you used it several times after that. I mean I understood what the meaning was, it IMO wasn't the best way of stating it. Great job so far, so keep going!

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Good job! I only didn't understand this statement:


[align=center]" Before amnesia Revan wasn't that different from after Amnesia."[/align]


...and the way you used it several times after that. I mean I understood what the meaning was, it IMO wasn't the best way of stating it. Great job so far, so keep going!


Well I couldn't find a good way to name Revan the dark lord of the sith in a compact way


Next chapter in a few hours

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cool... you're not goign to horrible mutilate the starwars timeline though are you? because Jadden just killed a mandalorian called bane... is this mandalorian related to darth bane? cause if he is then things are gettign a little crazy...


No. More like Bane as a name of great power and not related to the sith lord


Anyway here is a small chapter


Chapter 9: Welcome to the Jedi Temple


Jaden began to walk the large staircase that lead towards the large collums of the jedi temple. He could see many Jedi walking around the large collums. He could sense the force sensitivity of all of them.


Eventually he walked through the large twin doors. He was in a large inner sanctum. There was around a dozen jedi around the sanctum. Many of them were not full jedi and younglings. Jaden continued to walk. He kept his eyes forward off the mirror in his eyes. Jaden didn't even know where he was going. The force was guiding him forward


Eventually Jaden found himself in a elevator. He felt like he was walking into a trap. Not knowing where he was going. At least the lightsaber strapped to his belt told him where he was. Soon the elevator doors opened. Jaden felt himself walk into the council chamber. The jedi Exile looked up from her meditation. However she sensed something she never sensed before. She shivered slightly as she noticed a jedi in the middle of the council room. She recognized him from the republic ship.


"My name is Jaden Korr what's yours?"

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Hmm, interesting on how the Jedi Exile thinks that she knows him. Speculation: Maybe Jaden looks like Revan? Anyways good chapter, but there is one thing that I really don't understand:


[align=center]"Many of them were not full jedi and younglings."[/align]


I understand the "not fully Jedi" part, but not the other half. Keep on with the story though! :)

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Im slowing down my update times. Instead of every day every so often


Chapter 10: The Quest


Atton Rand slowly pulled into the atmosphere of Dxun. But he didn't sense anything abnormal here. He knew his old companion Mandalore stayed here to help his mandalorian clan.


"Well lets see what hes up to." Atton said as his ship slowly began to land




1 hour later


"So I left Trask's ship and went here." Jaden finished saying. Most of the jedi masters were meditating on the rest of his story.


"So your saying your from the future and the force pulled you in this direction?" The Jedi Exile asked. Jaden nodded slowly. "Well then. It looks like you will need to find your sith artifact."


"Your so sure its sith?"

"Yes. We have heard tale of many dark lords creating sith artifacts. Yours may be several thousand years old."


Suddenly Jaden turned around. A human padawan came running into the council chamber. "Masters. I consulted the Jedi Holocron on this sith artifact you told about." A device levitated in the middle of the room. The padawan placed a small orb in the middle of it. Instantly the device on hoth levitated in a hologram.


"It says here this device was discovered on Naboo many centuries ago. Believed to have been left there by a sith lord. It was broken up and bartered across the galaxy." Jaden finally sensed something.


"So Naboo would be a good place to go?" The Exile nodded slightly. "I sense something about this."


Jaden began to walk out of the chamber. The Exile suddenly shouted across the chamber. "Wait." Jaden turned around. "You Jaden Korr are to go to Naboo to investigate this sith artifact. When you find out about it you are to report back to us." Jaden nodded slightly. "We are going to permit you the use of the aircraft "Rowan Dark" Jaden continued to walk out of the chamber. Determined to look for whatever hanger it had.


Jaden eventually made it to the hanger. After walking around a while he finally found it. He took his comlink out and set it to Trask's frequency. "Hey Trask. If your not doing anything I have something that a republic officer like you might like." Jaden heard a pleasing sound on the other end. He switched the comlink off and ran towards the array of ships. There were only two ships docked at the academy. There was a small black ship and a large brown ship. Jaden ran towards the smaller ship noticing it was only big enough for two people.


Eventually Trask made it to the ship. Jaden lifted off the ship off the ground. Determined to make it to Naboo. Hoping that he could find out about this sith artifact

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Foreshadowing is a great way to move the plot forwards isn't it?


Chapter 11: Dark Plazas


The ship slowly pulled out of hyperspace. Jaden began to marvel at the forest planet infront of him. Jaden was never on Naboo. He had the choice to go there for study or go to the Jedi academy on Yavin 4. He rather liked Yavin 4 more.


Suddenly Jaden felt a wave of the force surge over him. He suddenly saw something in the blink of an eye. It was a dark female figure. She had dark red hair and black robes. Her dual red sabers glinted in the dark background. Jaden could see her charging towards him.. he heard "Helios" shouted in his ears. Suddenly Jaden blinked and Naboo came into view. Trask seemed to notice his flushed expression.


"Hey you okay." Jaden nodded slightly. He began to grasp the controls in front of him again. The ship moved quite smoothly in comparison to his last ship. He slowly pulled the ship into the atmosphere. Wondering what Helios meant. It wasnt a word he heard before.


"Naboo is going to be colonised by humans shortly. They are currently negotiating with the Gunguns. But they better hope we don't obliterate their planet off the face of the galaxy. They are currently excavating what looks like a sith ruin." Jaden landed the ship downwards. Towards what seemed to be a lake. Looks like i'm going to find more sith. Jaden thought to himself. But it wasn't like he was going to find another cult of Ragnos like last time


The ship landed close to the lake. Jaden walked out of the ship. He began to breath in the clear forest air. The planet was practically untouched. Trask walked out behind him. Unclipping a blaster at his side. Jaden looked in the distance and noticed a large structure. It was gold in color.


"Lets go check it out." Jaden said as he began to walk towards the sith structure. The sooner he could get home the better

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Chapter 12: Ruins


There was an old brick path that lead towards the large building. Trask seemed toned down now. Jaden could sense the dark side drawing ever so close by the second. It seemed that the structure was a few thousand years old. Jaden kept his hand near his waist until they made it to the structure


It was shaped like a small pyramid. It had one large opening in one side.


"We recently excavated this place. But the entire place is hollow. We believe the sith abandoned this place shortly after it was built." Jaden slowly disagreed. Something about the pyramid felt different. Like he had been there before. Jaden slowly walked into the small pyramid. It was indeed hollow


The entire place was empty. There was one wall opposite the entrance. There was writing on the wall. Jaden walked up to it. It looked like a primitive form of galactic basic. Yet it was gibberish. "Thats the one thing that puzzled us the most."


Jaden slowly felt the force pulling him somewhere. He moved his hand above the first letter. Instantly a voice rang in his head. "Helios will rule." Suddenly Jaden turned around. A large triangle-like object began to rise from the floor. It opened up revealing the triangle was hollow. Instantly a hologram appeared. It showed the sith artifact from before. But it was split into 5 parts. Then they began to shrink to small dots. The galaxy map appeared instantly. But it was not like the galaxy map Jaden was used to. It had less planets and star systems. The 5 pieces began to highlight towards 5 planets.


The first planet was Dromund Kaas. Jaden didn't instantly recognise this planet. But then he remembered Kyle speaking of a dark force temple being there. The second planet was Dxun. The third planet was Manaan. The fourth planet was Yavin 4, The final planet Jaden didn't recognize. It was unknown. Jaden turned around and saw Trask in awe of the map. He didn't even notice the planets.


Suddenly a loud "Click" sounded at the entrance of the pyramid. Jaden spun around and saw a droid holding a blaster rifle. It wasn't a droid he recognized. It looked like a cross between a protocol droid and a hunter killer. "Touching. My target has already done my entire job for me." Jaden ignited his lightsaber. He didn't kill a droid in a long while.

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Chapter 13: Sanity


The droid fired 2 blaster bolts towards Jaden. He slowly rotated his orange blade. The shots deflected and hit random parts of the pyramid.


"Oh a Jedi. Well this should be fun." The droid dropped his rifle. Jaden was puzzled. Most droids would just continue shooting at him. This was something different. The droid suddenly took out a vibroblade out of a compartment on his hip. Jaden never saw a droid use a sword before. They were usually cheaply made and used as a cheap way so people wouldn't have to make bodyguards. The droid lifted the blade towards himself in a guarding position


This droid looked vaguely similar to Jaden for some reason. He looked like a mercenary. He was completely gray. However his head was circular and part of it looked broken off. Revealing part of his camera like eye. Jaden rushed for the droid. Brandishing Yun's lightsaber. However the droid moved his vibroblade directly where Jaden was slashing. Then he pushed him away.


"Come now. You can't be serious." Jaden didn't even know they had droids in the distant past. Jaden continued slashing however the droid shortly turned a energy shield on. Even the droid's bluntly missed parrys were blocked. Jaden felt angry at the droid. He faced Reborn who went down faster. Reborn were usually just overestimating their chances and it took a simple slash to the knees to bring them down. But this droid was smart. It even hit Jaden once. A quite large slash to the chest. Jaden felt angry. He didn't usually feel angry.


Jaden poared all his anger into his light saber. His slashes suddenly became more precise. More powerful. Jaden delivered one final slash at the droid. He thrust the lightsaber downwards on his vibroblade so powerfully that it knocked out out of the droids hand. Jaden brought the light saber directly down on the droids right arm. Jaden stood there puffing and heaving. Trask walked up next to him.


"Whoa. Pretty intense" Trask said slowly. Jaden turned off his lightsaber. Jaden picked up the droid's blaster rifle. He slowly cocked the rifle and pointed it at the remains of the droid.


"Trask prep the ship for takeoff. This wont take long." Trask ran out of the pyramid. Jaden noticed one of the droid's blaster shots hit the hologram. It was flickering between the 5 planets and a model of the artifact. Jaden stood up but heared something behind him


"Looks like I got beaten by a Jedi." The droid was standing up. But it was barely holding itself up. Jaden realised he must have cut one of it's control receptors. The droid was shaking as it stood. Jaden walked towards it holding the blaster rifle.


"I'm pretty good with this. Do you feel lucky?" The droid still continued shaking. Jaden noticed the droid's head fell off its torso. Soon its body fell to the ground. "What the?" Jaden moved towards the droid's head. Jaden grasped the droid's head. Suddenly he heard his comlink.


"Jaden the ship is prepped. Time to go." Jaden took the head into his arm. Thinking it might come in handy. Jaden walked out of the pyramid holding the blaster rifle on his shoulder. Jaden walked all the way to the ship. He slowly made it into the cockpit. Jaden blasted the ship into space. Suddenly he heard the Exile's voice on the ship comlink


"Jaden. We found out more about that device you went to Naboo for. You have to get over here." Jaden looked around at Trask and he shrugged. Jaden punched in Coruscant's coordinants and initiated light speed.




Darth Revan stood upon the bridge of his ship. The shivver in the force went towards Coruscant. "HK-47. Set a course for Coruscant." HK-47 came out of the shadows. The old droid left the Exile shortly after Malachor and Revan found him.


"Confused Statement: Yes sir. But may I ask why?"


"Something tells me that I will find something there." HK-47 punched in the coordinants. Revan was the only person he would not call a meatbag. Soon Revan's ship jumped to hyperspace. Two ships one destination

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I got a ton of new ideas for the story


Chapter 14: One Common goal


Jaden left the droid's head in the ship. He quickly walked back into the jedi temple. This time Trask was following closely.


"Why do you need to talk to these guys." Jaden didn't respond. He wanted to find out what they knew.


Suddenly Jaden stopped. He felt a similar headache to the one on the ship before Naboo. He saw in the back of his mind a figure. It's head was shaped strangely. Jaden felt surprised but quickly snapped out of it and continued walking. He eventually made it to the elevator to the council chambers


Jaden walked in the middle of the council room. The only jedi there were the Exile, Visas Marr and strangely Bastila Shan. Bastila was the first to look up when Jaden crossed the room. Then the Exile noticed


"Ah Jaden. What did you find on Naboo?" Jaden stood in the middle of the room.


"I found a sith pyramid on Naboo. There I found a strange device which had a hologram of the sith artifact and highlighted 5 planets." Jaden quickly began to list them. Dromund Kaas, Dxun, Yavin 4, Manaan and a planet he didn't recognize. The Exile began to look up


"Bastila Shan has found more information in the archives." Bastila stood up. It had been 5 years since she last spoke to Revan. The familiar viewing device appeared and she placed a small orb in the middle of it. A hologram of the device appeared. "It is called the Daedalus. It was created approximately 30 000 years ago. The Daedalus was a Ratakan artifact created using the dark side of the force. However when the Infinite Empire began to fall the Daedalus was split into 5 parts and taken to separate parts of the galaxy. So that the Ratakan slaves would not use it to gain more power over them."


Jaden felt slightly shocked. "Okay so its split into 5 parts and we can find them on those 5 planets?" The Exile nodded


"However we have a larger problem. Atton has reported back a few hours ago saying a large ship has come to Dxun. He states that it flows with the dark side of the force. He hasn't reported back." The Exile sighed slightly. "That is why this council is lending our full support to you." Suddenly Visas Marr woke up from her meditation. The Exile paid no attention. "Go to the hangar. You are to be awarded my ship the Ebon Hawk." Jaden vaguely recalled the larger ship in the hangar. "I will also be accompanying you on this task Jaden. There is something about this task that I cannot ignore." The Exile stood up and walked towards the elevator. Jaden slowly followed. Trask looked confused


They eventually made it to the hangar. The Exile walked in front of the Ebon hawk. "This ship served me quite well the past few years. It was also flown by the dark lord Revan before he left to the unknown regions." Suddenly a small protocol droid came rolling out of the ship. "This is T3-M4. He was with the ship on both occasions." The droid suddenly started beeping in droidspeak. Jaden learned some droid language when he lived on Coruscant.


Suddenly Jaden spun around and saw Bastila Shan from before come to the Jedi Exile. "I have requested that Bastila come with us." Jaden shrugged slightly. Suddenly Jaden turned around to Trask and noticed he was carrying the droid's head from before.


"So you wanna come?" Trask nodded slightly


"Yeah I guess. I have nothing better to do." Jaden walked into the Ebon Hawk slowly. The ship was much larger then he expected. He slowly walked to the cockpit. Trask followed him and walked to the pilot's seat. The Exile slowly followed and sat in the co-pilot's seat. Jaden walked over to the galaxy map


"Allright. Lets go to Dxun then." The surreality from before had worn off now. Excitement followed. The ship started quickly. Jaden felt even more exited. The ship slowly pulled out of the hangar and into the sky. Jaden looked around as stars appeared.


Suddenly the ship rocked forward. Jaden looked around and saw another ship. It was a large straight ship. It had a powerful tractor beam on the Ebon Hawk. "Whats going on?" The Ebon hawk slowly drifted in space towards the dark unknown ship.

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Chapter 15: The ride


The Ebon Hawk slowly made its way towards the large ship. It was shortly engulfed by its darkness.


Jaden meanwhile continued to worry about what awaited them inside. Trask seemed reasonably calm. The Exile was meditating. Bastila seemed quite quiet. T3-M4 continued to roll around the ship. Jaden was the only one worried.


"okay i'm going aboard the ship." The Exile looked up from her meditation


"Jaden this ship has a reasonably light amount of force. It means that there is barely any life here." Jaden knew what it meant. There was probably only one person on the ship.


Once the large doors closed the Ebon Hawk landed in the small hangar. Jaden opened the ramp. He looked around. The entire hangar was empty. It was poorly lit and lead into a small door. Jaden walked towards the door. He felt something beyond it.


Behind the door was a large room. It sloped downwards in the middle. It looked like a large meditation room. "What the?" Jaden walked towards the middle. Suddenly he felt something. A large amount of the force was coming his way. Suddenly another door opposite the one to the hangar opened. A dark robed figure walked out of it. He wore a dark brown mask that disguised his entire identity. Jaden unclipped his lightsaber. The door behind the robed figure closed. Suddenly a bright blue blade appeared at his side. Jaden was surprised. He looked like a sith lord yet he wielded a Jedi Guardian's blade.


Jaden struck first. He charged for the robed figure. But suddenly he parried his slash and knocked his lightsaber out of his hands. Jaden used the force and summoned it back to his hand. Suddenly the robed figure walked towards him and slashed. Jaden parried it quickly and continued.


The fight continued. Jaden had to use both hands just to block his attacks yet the robed figure used his right hand to repel him with ease. Suddenly he stretched his hand out and Jaden flew back. Jaden remembered doing the same thing to Alora on Taspir III. Jaden quickly got up and charged the robed figure again. He slashed at the exact same time as the robed figure. They were both locked in a saber lock


Jaden continued to poar his strength into the saber lock. He was face to face with the robed figure. Suddenly the robed figure pulled out of the saber lock and slashed him once more. The force knocked Jaden off his feet. Jaden's saber flew several feet. The robed figure suddenly stretched his hand out and Jaden felt himself levitate. All attempts to get out of the force choke were blocked. The robed figure launched Jaden into a wall. Then he walked up to him pointing his lightsaber at him.


"Somehow I expected more." Suddenly he switched his lightsaber off. The robed figure reached for his mask. Jaden heard faint hissing as he pulled off his mask. The hood pulled off as well. Darth Revan stood in front of him. He wore a long mullet and had a straight face. "Who are you?"


"Jaden Korr" Jaden said getting up. "Your Darth Revan arent you?" Jaden recognized his robes from the cave.


"Yes. You were flying my ship. The Ebon Hawk." Suddenly the hangar door opened. Bastila Shan walked through it. Revan suddenly took his entire attention away from Jaden. "Bastila..." he whispered slightly. Jaden barely noticed Bastila on the Ebon Hawk. Revan ran towards Bastila. Jaden quickly summoned his lightsaber and clipped it to his belt. Jaden looked up and noticed Revan and Bastila engaged in a passionate kiss.


Jaden walked towards both of them. "Your going to have to fill me in on this one." He said slowly.


1 Hour later


The Ebon Hawk flew out of the ship's hangar. It flew in the direction of Dxun. Jaden Korr stood in the middle of the Ebon Hawk. Revan was there with Bastila. "So I left for the unknown regions. But I never found the true sith. So I decided to meditate on it for a while until I found you." Suddenly Trask walked towards them. Revan seemed to notice his old bunk mate. "Wait. Didn't Darth Bandon kill you?" Trask just seemed to recognise him.


"You were on the Endar Spire?" Trask then launched into a large story of how Darth Bandon disarmed him. However a large blast happened and he left towards his escape pod. Trask managed to escape aboard a sith ship.


HK-47 suddenly appeared. The Jedi Exile noticed. "Statement: Master I found the head of a disabled droid in the cargo hold." He was holding the head of the droid Jaden stopped. "Exclamation: I noticed you are with the Jedi Exile as well." The Exile nodded slightly.


Jaden walked towards the droid. "I disabled an assasin droid and removed its head."


HK-47 tossed the head towards Jaden. Jaden suddenly remembered some old droid parts in the cargo hold. Jaden walked up to Revan. "So are you coming with us?" Revan nodded


"Since I could not find the true sith I might as well. Plus I'm with Bastila again." Revan placed his arm around Bastila again. Jaden walked up to the Exile.


"I can see why you came along now." Jaden said slowly. The Exile nodded. Trask yawned slightly and returned to the cockpit. The Exile walked towards the right side quarters. Revan and Bastila walked towards the left side quarters. HK-47 walked into the hidden compartment hold. Jaden walked into the cargo hold. He noticed T3-M4 inside there doing a circuit of the hawk. Jaden noticed a Hydrospanner on the ground and picked it up. He set the droid's head down and walked over to one of the containers containing droid parts.

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